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Connections (Pt. 3)

Posted on Sun Aug 22nd, 2021 @ 6:30am by Lieutenant Zero & 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker

1,516 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Lounge: The Maple Leaf
Timeline: [Backpost]


She smiled warmly at the words as well as the gesture of his gloved hand, the one he clearly wasn't comfortable with, resting on hers. She gave a slow shake of her head. "Sometimes, you have to take a chance. And maybe, if you'd like...we could do this again?" Maybe he needed a friend and ally as much as she did. Maybe it was that she could, despite his eyes, see something of how she felt inside in his face. A cold isolation whenever she was removed from those like her. "I would like that, you see," she added, so he knew she was doing this for herself as well. That it wasn't pity. It was a recognition.

The thought of seeing her again was a welcomed one. He didn't often have people coming to see him for just his company, and if they wanted to, the way he was often came off as if he wanted nothing to do with people. Zero knew other way than to move from one task to another. Borg had no desire about learning about individuals other than taking their knowledge and adding them to the Collective. "I would enjoy that as well." He replied softly, smiling a bit, before going back to his usual face. He could tell her interests we genuine, so was his, but he had no way of expressing it to her other than words. "I am pleased you would like to interact with me more and not just to issue me tasks. Continuing it would..." He paused for a moment as if trying to find the best work. "It would... please me?" Zero finally finished, looking at her as if unsure it was the proper word.


She nodded with something close to relief, taking a deeper breath. "Good," she said and chuckled softly. "And...I have people to issue tasks to. I am not looking for that in a friend," she added quickly, the smile becoming a gentle grin. "And this may be a stupid question...but apart from you have any hobbies? Anything you enjoy to do?" To most people, it may be a stupid question, but she wasn't sure what he had been exposed to that he enjoyed and would chose to do in his spare time.

Upon hearing her refer to him as a friend, Zero smiled, this time it seemed to stay a bit longer than usual before fading away into his usual expression. "I do not considered that a stupid question, Dahlia. You're attempting to learn more about me so inquiries like that are understandable." He replied before taking a moment to process. "I do not identify anything I do, not related to my duties, as hobbies. I sometimes read a suggested article, or novel, because someone thought it was relevant. I will go into a holodeck and run a landscape program to explore the location out of curiosity or to get a closer look at a particular animal life." He suddenly stopped, unsure of what else to mention, before finally adding. "However, I have been told my collection of weapons could be considered a hobby in that sense."

"Weapons?" Dahlia raised an eyebrow and smiled, nodding as she let out a breath. "I like weapons. And I like collections..." she paused for a moment and then smiled. "Do you eat...Terran food?" she nodded towards his glass, unable to identify what was in it. "One of my hobbies is cooking. I don't do it as much as I should to relax, but...if you eat, I can cook and we can do an evening of it. If you think you would enjoy it. If not...I have many other hobbies. One or two may be of interest to you."

Zero nodded his head, someone taken by surprise at her reaction to his collection, finding it a bit easier to smile. "It began as an attempt to disarm others who approached me with hostile intent. Because of my training in security I was able to overcome them, so I would take the weapon they attempted to attack me with for others safety. Often it would give me an opportunity to see the weapon up close and learn more about it. Some, possibly embarrassed by the outcome, made no attempt to take it back even when I insisted. Soon it turned into a collection and I found myself precuring others in my travels. I have them mounted on my wall by my alcove where I regenerate." He gave her a nod before reached for his glass as he held it to it. "This is a nutritional supplement that allows me to consume chemicals I require. You would probably find the taste of it unappealing, but I don't consume it for taste." He paused slightly before saying. "However, if you would like to introduce me to foods, I will not be opposed to the idea. It could be an experience we can share and, perhaps, you will introduce me into something I may enjoy. I don't require much food, but I am capable of consuming some should the need arise."

"Well, then I better cook you something so you can explore the tastes of Terran food..." Dahlia said lightly, surprised about the...note of excitement he had when talking about his collection. "I would love to see your weapons. I also rather enjoy the mental image of you besting them, taking their gun and going 'mine now'..." she winked, because she sincerely doubted he would actually say anything to them...or that they'd be conscious by the time the man was done with them. "My uncle has a collection of knives and swords. He hands them in his office to scare anyone who gets transferred to him. He does at time make up stories about them, but he always done the same thing...he takes out a ka-bar, saying it is the most precious thing he owns. And that it is Uncle Remy, Hoo-Rah, Christmas 2390. I gave him that. He has all these amazing...ancient weapons from all over the universe. And a standard issue Marine knife is what he treasures."

"It is not uncommon to find the smallest thing, given by someone close to you, is the most important thing one can own. As a former Borg, the only thing I have left from that life are the mechanical pieces that cannot be removed or it will result in my deactiva-" Zero stopped abruptly before correcting himself. "My death." He place his hand on the gloved hand and, after taking a moment, he removed it slowly. Along the top of his hand was several tubes of Borg tubules that seemed to protrude from his skin and move along his fingers. Each tube stopping just before the nail. It was a reminder to most, and a gruesome sight to some, that he would remain part Borg. That he was filled with scattered pieces of machine that made him feel less human. Sometimes even less alive. "I keep both my hands covered to avoid staring and discomfort. I have this ability, something that makes me unique, because of my former service as a Borg drone which allows me to touch a machine and interact with it without using its standard interface. I do not require touching a console to make it do what I require. I just touch it. It comes in handy with alien technology. Sometimes, I get a sense, that I am doing more than interacting with it. I am speaking to it directly."

Zero looked down at the PADD he had earlier and flipped it back over so the screen was facing up. He eased a fingertip on the side and the screen began to jump from file to file without him touching a single command button. In an attempt to make her smile, he closed his eyes, as the PADD's screen went black. It remained that way, for a bit, until suddenly the words 'Hello Dahlia' appeared on it. Once he opened his eyes, brandishing a bit of a smile, he turned the PADD around to show her.

Maybe others would have been disturbed by this but Dahlia's eyes widened with awe at it. She had always been fascinated by people who had abilities that she didn't. And yes, there was a long list of those, but speaking directly to a computer on touch? That was just amazing. "Wow..." she said and touched the PADD, smiling before she looked at him. "You just touched it and...did it. It's like...being a telepath with computers. How cool is that?" she shook her head with disbelief, her eyes going to his hand. It looked like a normal hand, except for the tubules. She watched how it went over his fingers, the way they entered and exited the skin. In a way, there was an elegance of it.

To be concluded...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine Executive Officer


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