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Dinner Plans [Backpost] Part I

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:14pm by Lieutenant Zero

821 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


Dahlia Acker carried with her a small basket of ingredients containing dried pasta, olives, tomatoes, garlic and dried herbs and spices from Earth. Rather than showing up at Zero's in her uniform she had opted for her favorite boots, a pair of jeans and a simple tee shirt. Her hair was free and she had even popped some mascara on. It wasn't because she was dolling herself up, after all she wasn't going out clubbing. But she wanted to relax and look alright. Same reason she had gotten the ingredients together in the basket...if she was going to introduce Zero to Terran food, she was going to go for a classic.

Talking to Zero had been a gamble. She was grateful she had done it...the connection she had with the man had been surprising. She hadn't fought the Borg but she had, like most Marines, always prepared to. But with that training had come her interest in the exceptions. People who had been disconnected from the Collective, who had gone on and started new lives. Same way that she had studied Cardassian tactics...and the diplomatic relations after. She was an officer and she had a moral responsibility to know as many facts as possible. Then what she shared and what she hid was her own moral burden, not her Marines'.

She rang the chime, biting her lip for a moment as she looked at the basket she held. It had been a gift, a wicker basket that she usually kept for fresh ingredients. It...seemed to make sense to her. To bring it to carry rather than grabbing a bag or replicating something.

Zero stood in his Borg alcove, eyes closed as the large machine hummed slightly. When the chime rang to signify a visitor, his eyes shot open, allowing his blue mechanical eyes to shift slightly to adjust. As he stepped off the alcove the green light above his head dimmed, signifying the connection was broken. Zero took a second to collect his thoughts before walking out of the bedroom and into the main room to answer the door.

As he reached the door, he reached his ungloved hand out to the side console to open it, as he looked forward to see who it was when the doors separated. When his eyes locked onto Dahlia, he immediately smiled, greeting her with it. Unfortunately, Zero wasn't much for casual clothes, so he was still in his uniform.

He took a moment to consider his actions before stepping aside and gesturing into his quarters. "It is... nice to see you, Dahlia. Welcome to my quarters." He said before looking her up and down. "I did not know you were coming here out of uniform. I do not have out of duty attire. I'm sorry." He looked away slightly before focusing back at her. "I will consider something for... for next time. If you would like to do this another."

She smiled warmly in response to his smile. It was good to see, his reaction at seeing her. It warmed her. Her eyes were gentle as she walked in, touching his arm as she passed, a gentle squeeze that for her felt like establishing a connection. In this moment, they were both here. "Zero, I didn't come here to inspect your wardrobe," she said playfully. "I switch to off duty clothes more because in the past I lived in my uniform. It is one of the luxuries of living on a ship."

The inside of his quarters seemed to be filled with the standard furniture that one would normally see in every quarters when an officer arrives. There was nothing personal. Nothing, in the main room anyway, that felt like Zero. The only room in his quarters that felt like Zero put work into was the bed room where his Borg alcove and weapon collection was kept. The doors were closed, but there was an ominous green glow could be seen. It could be seen through the divide and underneath the door.

She looked around, taking in the spartan standard Starfleet issue furniture before her eyes drifted to the bedroom and the green glow. She turned to face him properly and lifted the basket slightly. "I thought we could cook. And you did say you had quite the weapons collection..." she moved to the small area for the kitchen, glad that as he was a Chief there was a little more to be had. She would have to replicate pots and utensils and bowls. It was fine, because it wasn't like it would be wasted. She placed the basket down, but didn't do anything else. "How are you, Zero?" she asked, wanting to know how he was doing, how he was feeling. What he was feeling.

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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