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Checking In with the Doctor [Backpost]

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 12:19pm by Commander Grace Vetur

828 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Before Amanda and Haruna return and Grace disappears


Grace had avoided sickbay as much as possible. It wasn't that she didn't want to know how Elijah was doing. She did. It was more that she didn't want to talk to him. He didn't respect her wishes to give them time, and he clearly didn't respect her cultural traditions. This was why her people had a waiting period. But the last time they met for their daily update, he'd been grumpy and frustrated with her--a clear sign that he was growing tired of her "chilly" ways. She honestly felt relieved.

However, as acting captain, she needed to see how he was doing, and to report his progress, or lack thereof to Starfleet. She also saw a report that the new doctor had arrived and she needed to meet with him.

When she had a few minutes, she walked into sickbay to see if he was free.

Doctor Wakefield was leaning against an empty biobed, holding a PADD and clearly reading it. He was frowning, but it was the sort of frown that seemed to be a default setting to his face when he was focusing rather than anything. He clearly heard the doors opening and habit, the sort of habit you got in sickbay, made him glance up to see if it was a patient or not, before looking back at the PADD. And then he looked up again as his brain registered it was their acting Captain. He went out of the file he had been reading and locked the PADD, straightening. "Captain Vetur," he said, in greeting, his blue eyes going over her for a moment. It wasn't anything creepy, it was the doctor once-over, looking for any outward sign of injury or pain. When he didn't see any he met her eyes again and smiled. "How can I help?"

"Ma'am, please. Or Grace." She smiled back. "I came to meet you and see how Captain Michaels is doing."

"Of course, ma'am," he nodded as he unlocked the PADD to look it up. He didn't really need it to see the condition of Captain Michaels, but it gave a sense of him getting the information fresh. "He's stable, but there has been no improvement." He met her eyes for a moment, taking a deeper breath. "We are doing what we can for him."

"Of that I have no doubt. Thank you for the update. As soon as we retrieve our two missing people, we'll take him to the nearest starbase." She considered the doctor for a moment. "How are you settling in?"

"Well, thank you," Alec said with a small but firm nod. "Sickbay is in a good state. It is one of the brilliances of Starfleet, that there is a universal way of stocking things. Now I just have to learn if there are any quirks of the equipment."

"There are always quirks, but I believe they are minor. At least I've heard of nothing seriously wrong. But if you do find anything amiss, or anything you need, let me know."

"I will," Alec said, quickly too, his blue eyes slightly widening at the mention of it. "Everything seems adequate in order to provide good care to the crew. I am most likely annoying people more than anything by having them check everything again."

"Of course not. Adequate is fine to start, but sickbay needs to be better than that," Grace assured him. "I expect you to do a full inventory and let me know what you think you'll need going forward. I can't guarantee we'll get everything, but we can try. And," she added with a smile. "If we don't get it now, we can always try later."

"Thank you, ma'am," Alec said with a small smile, clearly physically relaxing at her words. It was always reassurance when the person in charge of the ship was willing to get what was needed, rather than relying on badly done repairs to get it workable.

"You're welcome." Grace paused for a moment. There was still a great deal to do and more conversations before they could take Elijah to a starbase. At least he was in good hands. "I'll come by when I can to see how the captain is doing. Please let me know if there is any change."

"I will. But I expect he'll be much the same for a while. He's going to need long-term care to get over this."

"Thank you again." It was the news she expected. She was sorry he was in this condition, and she was sorry their last meeting went so poorly, but she was glad he was in good hands. She paused and turned to the doctor. "Welcome aboard. I apologize that our first meeting was not under better circumstances, but I do look forward to working with you."

Then, with one last nod, she went back to the bridge.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Acting CO

Lieutenant Alex Wakefield
Chief Medical Officer


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