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The Pirate King (Part IV)

Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:34am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Zero
Edited on on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:35am

1,190 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain


"You know perfectly well what it was as you beamed me off of the bridge," she replied coolly. Her growing anger was making it easier for her to keep her cool--as long as she didn't do anything foolish. She knew that, even now, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her if she made him angry. "You still haven't told me what you want from Admiral Hunter."


"Agree to relay it... and I'll tell you." Kilgore replied softly. He knew he was getting to her. Her anger and frustration were seeping through her cold expressions. The Ice Queen's exterior was beginning to show signs of cracking. "I told you, Grace. Max is the only person, I know of, who will be able to get what I want done. He is a resourceful man and he should be able to fulfill my request without any problems. After you've relayed my message and given me the response you and your ship are free to go." He paused for a moment before adding calmly. "I could always keep you here and threaten your crew with this task, but I don't think they would be able to get through to Max as well as you could. The connection we three share will be something Max won't be able to ignore and, returning you to your ship prior, is my good faith gesture to Starfleet Command. They know I could kill you. You know I could kill you, but the fact that I haven't will speak to them to a certain degree. Don't worry. Nothing I ask will get anyone innocent killed. I want someone and something found and returned to me. That's it. On that... you have my word. My promise."

"Oh, I'll relay it, but I will go no further." She didn't trust him and she didn't like him. "He MAY be able to get what you want, but there are no guarantees. Not even from him. You'll have to accept that." She'd be completely honest with Max Hunter. She didn't trust this pirate and had no doubt he'd break any promise he didn't care to keep.

Kilgore sat there quietly, staring at her calmly, before replying in a cold tone. "That's up to him. All I want from you is to relay the message. Max can decide whether he will do it or not, but I can't promise I will go quietly into the night if he disagrees. Consequences, Grace. People must be ready to deal with the consequences of their actions and decisions. Or have you forgotten our dearly departed, Mister Reinhart?" He raised his hand as the Ferengi, Mister Gibbs, came over to the table quickly carrying a PADD.

Gibbs placed the PADD down on the table and calmly handed it to Grace. "Captain Vetur, this is the com-channel in which you will be contacting our ship. Simply have your Operations Officer input this code in order to unlock it. as the Captain said your window of twenty four hours will begin the moment you are onboard your ship. If you do not reply within twenty four hours then-"

"I am sure that won't be an issue, Mister Gibbs. Grace and kindly agreed to relay out message. I trust her to keep her word, and so, I will keep mine." Kilgore interjected in his calm tone.

"Yes, Captain. Of course." Gibbs said before bowing his head and looking back to Grace. "Safe trip, Captain Vetur. It was a pleasure to meet you." He bowed his head to her and walked away again.

"I think he likes you." The Pirate Captain said with a smile before adding. "Now, to business. Yes?"

She wasn't going to like this. But then, she didn't like any of it. She definitely didn't like Kilgore. "Yes," she replied. "To business."

Kilgore placed his arms down on the table and leaned forward just before speaking to her softly. "Morgana Frey is a member of my crew who has gone missing and I want her returned to me. She means the world to me and I will do whatever it takes to see her found and returned in one piece." There was a slight pause in his words. There was obviously more to this Morgana than just being a member of his crew, but he didn't seem willing to reveal why this quickly. "On top of that... I want my old ship back. I know Max has it somewhere hidden. He wouldn't think of destroying it so I want it back. Once Morgana and my old ship are returned... I will leave this sector and take my business away from Federation space. The threat of Captain Thane 'Blackbeard' Kilgore will no longer be an issue to him and Starfleet. I will fade quietly into the gentle night and take my business somewhere the Federation has yet to touched."

She wondered who this Morgana was and what she'd done to betray Kilgore. It had to be something serious for him to want her this badly. If she knew where this woman was, she'd warn her and tell her to hide. She hoped Max would be able to do something. She didn't want the possible death of someone on her conscience. She could not believe it could be because he cared about her. "I'll relay the message." And add one of her own.

Kilgore looked deep into her eyes again before placing his hand on the PADD and sliding it over to himself. He picked it up and tapped on it, bringing up a file and sliding it back to her. "Make sure to send that to Max as well. It's an agreement with all the terms I have stated. That is a promise to Max, and Starfleet, that I will not attack any Federation or Starfleet ship if Morgana and my ship are delivered back to me. As an added bonus, Starfleet can have this ship. They can keep if for themselves, to study or dismantle, or they can return it to the Romulan Star Empire. Perhaps they'll give Starfleet a nice reward for its return. I am sure they've missed it."

Grace took the PADD. "I agree to try and contact Max Hunter. I can't guarantee he'll respond to my message in the allotted time. The rest will be up to the admiral." She could not and would not promise more. But she would ask Max who this woman was and why Kilgore wanted her back.

"That's all I ask." Kilgore replied as he stood up slowly. He looked down at Grace before giving her a smile and shouting slightly. "Mister Gibbs?!!

"Aye, Captain."

"Prepare Captain Vetur for her departer and let the crew know we will be decloaking." He continued to look at Grace. This time his smile slowly shifted to an eerie one before he turned away and began to walk off. "It's time we show the Ontario who they are dealing with."


Captain Thayne Kilgore
Pirate King

Mr. Gibbs
Captain's Aide

Commander Grace VEtur
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


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