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The Pirate King (Part III)

Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:33am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Zero
Edited on on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 6:35am

1,150 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain


Her eyes widened for a moment before returning to their outward calm. She had recognized him. "How do you know my grandmother--and how do you know me?"


Kilgore placed his hands together and laid it on the table before leaning forward slightly. "Before I became what I am now I was once a Starfleet Captain in the Intelligence division. Back then my beard wasn't as big and my tone wasn't as fierce. Some would even say I was nicer then. The first time I met you I was with a good friend named Maximillian Hunter. He was a Commander at the time. Now, he's and Admiral and a thorn in my side." He leaned back against his chair again before narrowing his eyes and adding. "But I don't need to tell you something you've already figured out before I even spoke. Right, Grace?"

She was remembering, yes. But the confirmation was appreciated. She gave him one nod. "But that is not why we are here now. You are no longer a Starfleet officer and I am."

"Correct." Kilgore replied with a nod. "Starfleet Admiralty and I couldn't see eye to eye on a few things so I took matters into my own hands. Then, I continued to do so over and over again." He looked into her eyes and smirked slightly, placing his hands on the table again as he let out a soft sigh. "However, that is my problem and not yours. I took the liberty of dealing with your bounty for two reasons. One, because of our history. I don't see a need for you to have to deal with those... amateurs. They are on their own downward spiral and no need to drag you with them. If you'd like I will gladly separate them from this existence. I won't even charge you for it. Consider it a gift." He gave her a devious smile as he leaned back in his chair and tapped on the table.

That...was a lot to take in. The bounty was lifted? It was a huge relief to her not to have to wonder when someone would come to collect on that. But the rest... "I thank you for taking care of the bounty. It is a generous gift. But for the rest," she shook her head. "No, thank you. While I disagree with the HTA, there are people there who deserve to be given a chance." Even though he said he wouldn't charge her for it, she wondered what he might ask instead. She watched his eyes, his face, for any indication of what more he might want. "But that is not the only reason you brought me here."

He looked deep into her eyes, a cold expression on his face, as if he was looking deep into her soul or not amused by her words. Slowly, a smile formed, as he replied softly with a gentle nod. "Very perceptive. I do want something in return. Something, I know, will be taken seriously if you are the one who places it on the table. If you agree to these terms I will happily return you to your ship. However, there is a catch. I will give you twenty four hours to return with an answer. I will even provide you with an encoded com-channel I will be monitoring. If you do not reply with in twenty four hours, there will be consequences. If you attempt to locate my ship while using the com-channel... there will be consequences. I don't want to kill you, or your crew, Grace. I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting the HTA off your back if I wanted to see you harmed. I want what I want and, if I do not get it, my crew will expect action. I have already dealt with one attempted mutiny. I refuse to deal with a second." He sat there quietly for a moment before smirking a bit. "Good help is hard to find. Even good help who have bad intentions."

And there it was. The snake just showed his fangs. "I have no real authority. I'm the first officer of a starship. What could I possibly do in the space of 24 hours?"

"Why... contact another familiar face, of course." Kilgore replied calmly with a cold tone. "You remember Commander Maximillian Hunter don't you? Of course, you do. He was the other Starfleet Officer who was with me when we met. You probably saw more of him than you saw of me. I recall you admired his fondness for suits and how he love to wear them when not in uniform. He wrote a recommendation letter for you when you applied to the Academy."

She barely remembered him, but now that the pirate captain mentioned the suits, images of the Starfleet officer in a suit flooded her mind. She would contact him, but not to do whatever Kilgore wanted. Replacing one pirate with another in this sector was not something she could condone. Her eyes and facial expression kept their controlled calm. It was something she now appreciated about her upbringing. But she couldn't help the knot of tension forming in her chest. "And why would I contact him?"

"Because he is the only person, I believe, will be able to get me what I want." Kilgore replied firmly as he looked into her eyes. "And to be frank, Grace, it's in you and your ships best interest." He kept his eyes lock on her, staring deep into them, but not in a loving way. He was a man who had been through many things and was no longer driven by morality as he once was during his years as a Starfleet Captain. While it creeped out on occasions, recently it's reached a point where he found it easier to remove annoyances and threats without hesitation, which is how his reputation for being dangerous and chaotic was formed. "Take a minute and consider this small thought. Do you think this ship is the only ship that I control that's out here. I have allowed you to see me. I am still keeping the bulk of my fleet in hiding. A fleet your HTA would not survive. And on that note... neither would your new ship. What was it? The Ontario?"

"You know perfectly well what it was as you beamed me off of the bridge," she replied coolly. Her growing anger was making it easier for her to keep her cool--as long as she didn't do anything foolish. She knew that, even now, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her if she made him angry. "You still haven't told me what you want from Admiral Hunter."

(To be continued...)

Commander Grace Vetur
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario

Captain Thayne Kilgore
Pirate King


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