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Dinner Plans [Backpost Part VI

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:15pm by Lieutenant Zero

1,328 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


At first he seemed uneasy. After all, it was new to him, so he wasn't sure how to feel until finally he reciprocated. Zero slowly wrapped both arms around her, opposite hers, mirroring her positions, allowing himself to embrace her. He brought her in close, tightening his grip, but not too tight so as not to harm her in any way. Slowly, as if by instinct, he closed his eyes and rest his head on her shoulder. Zero took in the feeling. He took in the scent of her hair. He took in the reaction to his own hug until finally replying softly in her ear. "We have nothing to celebrate, nor do we have a need to comfort one another. Is it safe to say we hug because we value each others closeness?"

Dahlia smiled gently, her eyes closed as she gave a weak nod against him. "Yes," she said softly. "I think it is safe to say we hug for that reason. A hug can cheer someone up, help ease connection. And I do, you know..." she paused, just enjoying the moment. "I value your closeness." It was the truth. She had not known him long but she felt closer to him than anyone else on the ship. A kindred soul perhaps. She was surprised no one else had tried to make him part of the world, that people had not seen past the things that the Borg had left on him to see that he needed a guide in the world until he had learned the ropes. But it was also selfish for her part...she too needed a guide on this ship, someone she could talk to that wasn't her boss, or one of the Marines. Another person.


"I value your closeness as well." Zero replied, opening his eyes, his head remaining on her shoulder. He kept looking directly to the wall, his mind shifting through thoughts, as if processing information like he did when regenerating. His experiences at the Academy. His time onboard the Merlin. He seemed to go through his mind as if reviewing key moments. It wasn't till he came to the Ontario, until he met Dahlia, he didn't feel the need to engulf himself in work at every moment. He smiled. He felt. He hugged. Zero wasn't a drone. He was an individual. He was a person... with a soul. After his mind stopped reviewing, which for him was only a few seconds, he softly to Dahlia. "Are we to hug for a long time? This is my first hug and I am unfamiliar with the usual length of time."

"Ah, usually until someone starts feeling uncomfortable," Dahlia said before she chuckled and pulled back, her eyes gentle. "There's no rules, but there are social...niceties. If you are unsure, the other person will usually break it. There are quick hugs, long hugs...hugs when dancing. All sorts," she squeezed his shoulder gently. "Good thing about hugs is that if you need one, you can ask one. Or state you need one. I used to do it all the time when I was younger. Hugs are...for friends though." She didn't say family because...well, he didn't have any and hers were so far away they barely seemed real nowadays.

She said there were no rules, but the niceties seemed to sound like rules. He looked at her slightly, his blue mechanical eyes, locking with hers. For a moment he seemed confused before saying. "Can you direct me to a place in the ships database where I can find all these niceties so I can commit them to memory?"

She watched him before she shook her head, holding his eyes. "I wish I could," she said softly. "I don't think there is a straight text on it. Most of it is taught at childhood..." she stopped, thinking about it. "No, actually...I am going to see if I can find something." There were books on autism, where social rules weren't recognised, where the line was dimmed or gone. So maybe there was a set she could gather for him. "Give me some time to find you the information."

"I never had a childhood." Zero replied softly before continuing. "At least... not that I can remember. So, whatever information or experiences I was expected to assimilate, I never went through." He looked down for a moment before returning his gaze to her. "I am afraid the Borg don't have a need for those sort of things when it comes to drones. All they require is compliance and efficiency. That is all I know." He paused a for a moment before giving her a bit of a smile. "Thankfully, I now know how to hug." He opened his arms and stepped forward, embracing her as before tightly, as he added. "I am hugging you in celebration... and because I value you as well as your closeness."

She smiled and hugged him back, her eyes closing. "Thank you. And you are getting very good at hugging," she said softly, stroking the back of his neck for a moment, feeling the hair. It was almost unfair, he had amazing hair. "You are learning a lot. It won't give you back what you have lost, I know that. But I hope it will help you find a you that you like. Because you are so much more than what they made you."

What he lost. What did I lose? He thought. Is it possible to regain something you never knew? Zero pulled away from her, not because he was uncomfortable like she said was a reason to break an embrace, but because he was processing what she said. He looked into her eyes, the mechanics of his eyes shifting slightly before returning to their original state, before he asking. "I liked me when I was freed... and I like me now because of your help. How many more changes must I undergo until I am where everyone will be satisfied?"

She pulled back and met his yes, searching them for a moment. "No, I..." she stopped, frowning and took his hand, holding it firmly. "Zero, you don't have to change to satisfy others. Not me, not anyone. If you are happy, then that is all that matters. I'm sorry if I am making it sound as if I want you to change, it's not how I meant it. I...didn't want you to feel isolated from people."

Zero was taken slightly a back by her reaction. He offended her somehow. He didn't mean to. Perhaps this would break their connection. Their friendship. No more time with her. No more hugs. He wasn't sure how to respond. Zero felt his heart drop anticipating what else he would lose. "

"It wasn't my intention to offend you. I am just not sure what bases to form who I am." Zero said, with a slightly concerned look on his face, unsure of who to mend whatever he broke on accident. "The Borg has assimilated many species, many cultures, and there is no record of my own. At least, not where I was, so I have no idea what a non-Borg of my species is like. What if my race is against me being on this ship? What if they are against hugging? Worse... what if they are against you being my friend? I don't want that. If my species of origin is against any of those things then I don't want to be a part of them." He slipped his hand our of hers slowly as he looked down. "I don't know if you understand and... I am sorry if this means we are not friends anymore."

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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