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Dinner Plans [Backpost] Part VII

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:15pm by Lieutenant Zero

1,248 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


Zero was taken slightly a back by her reaction. He offended her somehow. He didn't mean to. Perhaps this would break their connection. Their friendship. No more time with her. No more hugs. He wasn't sure how to respond. Zero felt his heart drop anticipating what else he would lose. "

"It wasn't my intention to offend you. I am just not sure what bases to form who I am." Zero said, with a slightly concerned look on his face, unsure of who to mend whatever he broke on accident. "The Borg has assimilated many species, many cultures, and there is no record of my own. At least, not where I was, so I have no idea what a non-Borg of my species is like. What if my race is against me being on this ship? What if they are against hugging? Worse... what if they are against you being my friend? I don't want that. If my species of origin is against any of those things then I don't want to be a part of them." He slipped his hand our of hers slowly as he looked down. "I don't know if you understand and... I am sorry if this means we are not friends anymore."


She watched him, frowning before she stepped close. She hugged him, shaking her head...a hug to comfort and reassure. She should have mentioned that. "Of course we're still friends," she said quietly, pulling back to meet his eyes. "And you didn't offend me, I was worried that...I was forcing my own ideas on you," she added the last with a weak smile. "Maybe...species doesn't matter. Maybe it is your heart. Maybe who we are is far more than what species we happen to be born as?" she tilted her head, watching him. "Besides. Nothing could make me stop being your friend, Zero. Part of who I am is a Marine. And we're loyal to the point of recklessness."

Reckless?! Zero thought, a bit concerned, before asking. "I wouldn't want you to risk injury or worse for me, Dahlia." He said in a concerned tone. "You mean a lot to me and I do not want to lose you because of me." He looked away for a moment, saying aloud to himself, as he looked back up to her. "You are not pushing anything on me. It's your way and it's the only way you know how. So, I am not concerned over that." He raised his hand and touched the side of her face, almost on instinct, something he never done before with anyone. However, he had observed it done many times, for some reason he felt it was okay. "You don't treat me like an enemy or an oddity. You treat me like you would anyone else and I am thankful for you because of that. I...feel when I am with you. Sometimes I don't understand what I feel, but I know you will help me if I ask, so that I can understand why I happened and if its... okay. Whatever I am, no matter where I started before I was assimilated, I ended here... with you... to fill in the holes with things that make sense. Things that, even though they might not be mine, I can still make my own. The Doctors made me an individual. You make me... better. You make me want to be better."

She leant into the touch, watching him for a long moment before she smiled gently. "I..." she stopped, letting out a breath. "If you want it, then it is okay," she said and gave a weak nod, not pulling away from him. "If something makes sense to you, hold onto them. Emotions are confusing...not just for you, but for everyone. Remember that." She moved her hand to his, keeping it there. "Besides. You are not an enemy or an oddity. You're Zero. A friend." And she would do anything for a friend. She didn't tell him she would though. Because they he'd worry.

He gave her a smile, in return, before taking a step to her. His hand on her face didn't move, as did his eyes which were locked on hers, as he took a hold over her free hand with his other hand. "Dahlia..." Zero said softly before finally adding. "We began this evening with you intending to prepare food. Have we passed the allotted time for you to prepare food and to eat it?"

She chuckled warmly as she held his eyes, shaking her head lightly. She didn't know the time or really care. "We haven't passed that. I am going to teach you have to make an Italian pasta sauce called puttanesca. I brought all we needed for it. It's...simple food, but I think the best food is simple."

"Simple for you may not be simple for me." Zero replied with a smile before adding. "I will do my best to assimilate the knowledge." He gestured to the door before adding. "We will should proceed. I will meet you there shortly."

She nodded and gave his hand a light squeeze before she walked out of the room...leaving him while she started the prep, to get all they needed ready. She suspected he had a lot to process and needed the space to do so, safely.

Zero watched her leave, keeping his eyes on her until the doors to the bedroom closed behind her, leaving him alone to think. He looked over to his Borg alcove and thought about it, then about Dahlia and all they experienced together so far. He smiled at how she made him feel. However, one thought still lingered in his mind. Dahlia's statement of her loyalty to him may make her reckless. His concerned for her grew again. Losing her would mean losing someone he was close to. An important part of who he was becoming. A close friend that meant a great deal. He looked down for a moment before looking up, a slight smile on his face as a solution formed.

After a few minutes later, Zero walked out from his bedroom, hands behind his back as he approached the kitchen. He paused at the entrance, like before, observing her until finally speaking. "Dahlia?"

"Hey..." she looked at him, holding up an onion. "I was just about to start chopping this...interesting, this produce syn-Propanethial-S-oxide, so they will irritate most people's lachrymal glands. In short...I will start producing tears even if I am not upset."

"That seems to be an unnecessary step to create a food supplement." Zero replied, a bit confused by why it was necessary, but he trusted it was needed because Dahlia said it would. He stepped further into the kitchen, keeping his hands behind his back, before finally speaking. "You stated that your loyalty to me would lead to you being reckless, putting you in danger for my sake, which I will not allow. However, you are a Marine, so your training will no doubt give you an edge. So..." He said as he removed his hands from behind his back, holding a MACO phase-pistol in his hand, still in its black holster. "Allow me to give you something I know will take skill to master and never let you down."

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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