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Commitment to the Cause

Posted on Fri Mar 1st, 2024 @ 4:09pm by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 08 | Maple Leaf Lounge

Lieutenant Percival Bálor had gone down the the deck eight crew lounge, The Maple Leaf looking to take his mind off things. Instead, he found his mind fixated one moment and wandering the next. Seated at the bar he was relaxed, uniform left behind his quarters and clearly not looking to be back on duty any time soon. He tapped the top of the bar signaling for the bar tender to get him another.

Replenishing with reinforcements, Percy moved picked up the glass and made a circular motion moving the ice around and glancing down into the glass. The yellow colored liquid with green mint leaves gave off a fresh aroma. He was sitting alone but would have certainly welcomed some companionship.

Anahera walked into The Maple Leaf and spotted Percy. Stopping at his stool she said. "Hi, Percy, poisoned any other crewmembers lately?"

"No, I've been a good hog goblin" Percy replied snorting and poking fun at his Tellarite heritage with the pun. "Though if I become bored I may try some out on Amanda." he added.

He looked over at Anahera. Percy patted the empty bar stool next to him. "Join me," he said with a squeal. "I could use some of that two centuries old wisdom."

Anahera took the offered seat. "What's the problem this time? Has the XO been flirting with her again?"

"He's an Efrosian," Percy quipped backed sternly. "Flirting is just in their nature. I swear he's practically having a tryst with the replicators" joked Percy thought at least the replicators functioned better than Amanda. "Who or what he flirts with isn't really my concern. I accepted that as part of him. What I'm looking for is some advice" stated Percy.

"I mean you've lived a long life" prefaced Percy. "Been married before from what I recall you saying once. Normally, I'd seek Haruna out because she at least was a friend until her whole situation, but she's also not exactly mature enough to converse with. Yiv means a lot to me, and I know it's way too early on to pounce on him with this. I want to be prepared though. I want to be ready."

"Yes, Robert and I had 32 loving years together." Anahera said, a smile crossing her lips as she remembered their time together. She frowned. "Until the Orion Zelphon clan, killed him, my son Constantine, and daughter- in-law, T'Vara in retaliation for us not paying their 'protection money'. You probably won't have heard of them, because I killed every last one of them." Her expression changing to happy, "So, you're thinking of proposing, what fun."

Percy had to remind himself Anahera had lived quite a long time compared to him. "I am thinking about the future. So, down the road...maybe. I just wanted someone to talk to about it. For obvious reasons, Amanda isn't an option."

"Of course. Have you and Yiv discussed your future together?" Anahera asked.

"Not in so many words, no" replied Percy. "He's a Efrosian and I'm just me. He has promising career ahead and I don't want to be an obstacle" explained Percy. "Do you think Yiv and I have a chance long term?

"Does he love you?" Anahera asked.

"What do you know about Efrosians?" Percy took another swig of his drink. "They aren't a monogamous society. The mother raises children, the men just spread their seeds around. Granted Yiv and I aren't exactly going to be producing any children" scoffed Percy.

"I love him" he said looking at Anahera. "I think he loves me too but I know we come from very different worlds."

"Different worlds can work, I was an alien mercenary and Robert was a human doctor." Anahera said with a smile. "If you want to know how Yiv feels about you, you have to ask him, that's the only way you'll know for sure."

"I'm scared. Scared either way what the answer would be to that, Commander. If he doesn't love me how I love him then I don't know what that means for us. If I he does then this is very real."

"Being scared is okay, but if you want to get anywhere, you have to acknowledge the fear, and go for it anyway. Otherwise you'll put yourself in knots over something that my not be as scary as you think." Anahera said. "Trust me, you don't want to live with regret."

Percy nodded. "I know you're right. I don't want to live with regret, and if I am going to propose to Yiv at some point then I'm going to need to find the right ring. I may need help with that."

"I'm happy to help you find the ring, if you like, I still have a few contacts, outside Starfleet." Anahera said with a smile.

"Do you have any contacts on Folnar III?" he asked with a very specific independent world in mind. Independent was one word for it, disputed and hostile were others. "There's a native planet, rare these days. It's referred to as the Folnarian jewel plant because of a resin it secretes. The resin hardens and becomes a jewel, very sought after and" he lowered his voice. "Maybe not exactly legal."

"I'll see what I can do." Anahera said. "I've never been there myself, but I remember hearing about the planet when I was working in a nearby star system."

Percy smiled. "If necessary I'll use my next bit of shore leave to head that way if I can arrange it, but I'd rather not go alone. I know the Syndicate practically uses it as an underground."

"I'll join you." Anahera said with smile. "The Syndicate and I have an understanding. They stay out of my business, and I don't kill their operatives."

Percy breathed a sigh of relief. "I have all the credentials and I'll have the paperwork in order to legally transport the plant. I just don't want to cause any trouble with the Syndicate or any other criminal factions."

"You'll be safe with me." Anahera assured him.

"Maybe you're there to protect them from me" teased Percy. "Thank you, Commander. I appreciate it."

"Maybe." Anahera said with a smile.

With that, Percy nodded and headed out. They had an arrangement and one day perhaps sooner rather than later he would be at her door.


Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Ontario


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