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New Pig on the Block

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 9:29am by Chief Petty Officer Ferguson

107 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: USS Ontario Transporter Room 2

Ferguson materialized on the transporter pad, his carryall over his right shoulder.

"I hope you didn't leave any of my atoms at my last location, Crewman." The Engineer said gruffly to the transporter operator.

"No, sir, your pattern is stable." The transporter operator said.

"Don't call me, 'Sir', Crewman, I'm not an officer, I work for a living." Ferguson said. "I'm Chief Petty Officer Ferguson where are my quarters?"

"Deck 4, Room 12 Starboard, S... Chief." The transporter operator said. "Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Crewman." Ferguson said leaving the Transporter Room and heading for his new quarters.


Chief Petty Officer Ferguson
U.S.S. Ontario


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