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Priapus: A First Look (Part I)

Posted on Mon Jun 10th, 2024 @ 10:45am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Robin Maxwell

1,454 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Standing By


When they were two hours from entering the system, Grace called her senior staff to a final briefing. She knew that the science and medical teams were set, but she wanted the others to know what the away team was doing, and she wanted to make sure everyone staying on the ship also had their assignments.

Even though she'd taken over when Elijah fell ill, this was her first assignment as captain, and she wanted to make sure everyone was prepared.

Several varieties and flavors of coffee and tea were on a side table for anyone interested. Grace herself selected a cup of blueberry hibiscus tea and waited for the others to arrive.

Anahera entered the room, she was already dressed in the jungle variant of her uniform. Pouring herself a cup of Raktajino. "Greetings, Captain." She said. "I know a new command can be exhilarating, but also a little scary. If ever you need to talk about it, I'm here. I'm told I'm a good listener, it must be my El-Aurian half."

Amanda entered the room on that note. There were not many El-Aurians in the universe but all of them seemed to want to act like counselors even if they were not. Giving Anahera the benefit of the doubt as the Chief of Security, Amanda wondered why the woman would be nervous or offering such services to the Captain. Perhaps they would have to discuss that at some point. In the meantime, Amanda pleasantly greeted the Captain and then Anahera.

The subtle scent of the blueberry hibiscus tea made Percy smile slightly as he walked in behind Amanda, hearing the small bit of what Anahera had said to Grace. Percy did not think much of it. Anahera was well over two hundred years old and a previous First Officer, she had command experience, something Percy was working to achieve himself.

He took a seat and of course would partake in a beverage, the hibiscus tea looked appealing. Percy poured a glass and settled in. There was a lot on his mind.

Anahera acknowledged Percy with a nod and a smile.

"Thank you, Commander Chernova. I will keep that in mind," Grace replied. She nodded a greeting to Amanda and Percy and took another sip of her tea while she waited for the others.

Since boarding this ship Aaron had spent more time in the Briefing Room than in Sick Bay. This was no different, he often wondered how anything got done on a starship with everyone in meetings constantly. Nevertheless, he entered holding a mug that said he would rather be asleep filled with coffee. As usual the tip of his cane caused the doors to open and he stepped through. "Well early bird catches the worm, but this is recockulous." He took a seat at random at the table. He hoped that he took someone's usual seat. Aaron sipped his coffee with no further words.

"Nice to see you're in a good mood, doctor," Grace said cheerfully. She knew it was probably a bad idea, but she couldn't help poking the bear.

"Well, I have had three cups of this sludge the replicator calls coffee. So that has something to do with my mood I guess. But, oh great and powerful, may I return to Sick Bay and do some actual work. I will give you the ruby slippers if I have to." Aaron kicked his feet up on the table and rubbed his leg. He wanted to take a dose of his pain meds, but he knew better than to do that in front of the Captain.

Maxwell entered quietly as the opening hatch would allow and took an open seat. He wore not the colors of Marines as his cover for the past few years had been; now he had gone to the Intel color of collar, it was not a change for him much yet he will have to get used to the feel of the new uniform.

Intel PADD on the table in front of him he was here to observe and report.

Percy spoke up giving a brief overview of the readiness of his away team and what they have uncovered so far. "That's where we currently stand on things" he finished.

When Percy had finished Aaron stood and seemed to muster some semblance of stoicism. He cleared his throat. "Now that Babe has finished there may not be any time left..." Aaron began by unveiling his new nickname for Percival. Babe was a reference to an old story about a pig, so Percy being half Tellarite it was appropriate or so Aaron thought. "However, I have nothing to report at this time." He raised his coffee mug in a mock toast, took a sip and sat.

Babe? Grace wondered. It was something she would have to look up later. "Thank you for your concise report, doctor." At least he was polite...for him.

She turned to Anahera. "I see that security is ready. Is there anything you would like to report? Who will be manning the bridge in your absence?"

"Petty Officer H'Zelar and myself will be the security for this mission, and as such we will be carrying type-3 phaser rifles, just in case. I have made sure all other away team members are up to date in their type-2 certification. As always I hope we won't have to use the weapons in combat, but it’s good to have them anyway." Anahera reported. "Chief Petty Officer Summerby will man tactical in my absence."

"Thank you." Now that the three leaders of the away team had given their reports, Grace looked at the others. "I want science to run continuous scans of the planet and system in case we're missing something important. Zero, check and see if you can find any logs or messages from the camp. I hope there will be something to let us know what the scientists were working on just before they went silent. Intel and engineering, be ready in case we need you. We still have no idea what we'll be facing."

Then she looked at each of her senior staff. She was outwardly calm, but she was as curious as the rest of them and would love to go down to the planet herself--but she trusted her team and knew that they were the best people for this assignment. "Are there any final suggestions or questions?"

There was a moment that Aaron was going to ask if he could simply send any one of the other doctors from Sick Bay on this assignment. He had so much better things to do than deal with this. He cocked his head and opened his mouth to speak. Then the idea that the lady in charge would simply find a reason for him to go, and/or make his life hell. So, no words came out and he resigned himself to simply making sure no one died on this ridiculous idea of a mission.

Amanda spoke up, "Captain, if I might suggest, I might be of more use on the planet assisting the Doctor than being up here. While I appreciate that the crew needs support, I have studied all the files of the scientists and perhaps that knowledge will be useful planetside."

Grace raised an eyebrow, aware that LuAnn was also on the team. She looked from Percy to Aaron. "She has a valid point, but the final decision is up to the two of you."

"I'm not opposed to having Counselor Rose with us, she could prove to be useful on Priapus," stated Percy who had opted for LuAnn due to her background in botany. Though Amanda didn't know anything worthwhile about plants, she had been studying personnel files in significant detail.

"If you don't object to having a fourth member of your Senior Staff off the ship, I am fine with having Counselor Rose."

"I think we can manage without our two counselors," Grace replied. It would be good for Amanda to feel that she was needed for this assignment--and she was well-versed on all the scientists. "Then if there's nothing else, you have two hours before we arrive."

"Sounds like just enough time for a nap." Aaron interjected. Then left without another word.

Anahera altered her tactical plan to account for Amanda's presence on the team.

"Looks like we're done here," Grace said with a hint of a smile. "See you all in two hours."


Commander Grace Vetur
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Maxwell Drake
Chief Intelligence Officer


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