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Of Enemies and Engines

Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2021 @ 8:17am by Crewman Apprentice Talee Malena & Lieutenant Commander Ibausil

733 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

=/= Begin Log =/=

Ibausil ducked into the engineering area with an abundance of caution for the equipment that might be able to shock her. She carried her PADD for an inventory that she was supported to be doing. She spotted Talee immediately, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

Talee was still fuming after her first session, "...where does she get off," Talee muttered wishing that she had gone to the gym to work off this new stress. "Ye, no you are not interrupting anything," Talee said closing her eyes trying to keep her cool.

Ibausil nodded, her instincts telling her everything wasn't ok. She stepped to inspect the stores. "You seem to be upset about something."

What was it about people needing to know how everyone else was feeling at all times, "I am fine, did you need help with, whatever?" The crewmen said turning and waving her hand.

Ibausil nodded, "I'm doing a complete inventory. Making sure we have all of the supplies we need. If you are available to lend a hand to do something useful, I would appreciate it."

"...sure why not, I can help." Talee said giving the commander a nod.

Ibausil synced her checklist to Talee's PADD. She moved over to one rack and started scanning the codes on the outside of the containers. "I'm Ibausil by the way. There aren't many Kelpians in Starfleet, but I'm proud to be one."

"Talee Malena, crewmen, and there's not many of my kind in Starfleet either, too rule-orientated," Talee said speaking of her Boomer heritage.

Ibausil sounded slightly confused, "Free souls then, you look human though?" She asked, unclear on what Malena meant by her kind.

"My ancestors were Human, but they were the first Humans to do the long-term low warp flights on the trade routes, we became known as Boomers as they started having children, most Boomers spend their entire lives in space, on ships and stations," Talee explained.

Ibausil scanned some more inventory, "Ah, there isn't an equivalent to that for Kelpians, we are still trying to rebuild after the war with the Ba'ul, a species that shares our homeworld. What made you want to join Starfleet?"

Talee scanned a few crates as she listened, "how long were you at war with them?"

"A long time, the histories say that a long time ago my people hunted the Ba'ul to near extinction. Then the Ba'ul gained the upperhand and reduced the Kepians to a iron age state and culled us if we began to change into our predator form. One of us, Saru, escaped and manged to free us with help from the Federation. There was a short time of peace, but it is perhaps better to call it a time of preparation. We fought again and both species were on the edge of extinction when the USS Ranger arrived and helped two great leaders to bring true peace. That was only a few years before I was born." Ibausil explained.

Talee listened, it was odd how much they had in common, now they weren't, {well weren't we?} She thought, "....Boomer's mostly had pirates, mostly Nausicaans but then we had to deal with the Maquis claiming we were just slaves to the Federation," Talee said simply.

"Sounds like a lot to deal with, when I'm feeling overwhelmed or just want to relax, I have some Essnis tea. I used to drink it while looking out over the fjord on Kaminar. What memories do you treasure from your home?" Ibausil asked.

{None, well that wasn't true,} Talee thought, "...the hum of the engine," Talee said longingly, "....hum of a old-school engine I should say," she added.

Ibausil nodded, "I'm not an engineer, but every ship I've served on has it's own unique sound to it. Even ships of the same class. When I step onto a ship I've been on before, it's familiar hum welcomes me back. I would imagine that you know everything, and when something changes you know exactly what's wrong."

Talee smirked, "yeah something like that, but I do prefer trawlers or transports/freighters," Talee said, "...I like to hear the engine work, this one is just too smooth," Talee added sounding a bit softer.

Ibausil considered that for a moment, "I never really thought about that."

They worked in a silence until the task was completely finished and they went their separate ways.

=/= End Log =/=


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