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Captain, Meet Counselor

Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2021 @ 8:54am by Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Captain Elijah Michaels

1,581 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

Amanda Rose barely made it on board the Ontario from the Starbase. She was flustered, perhaps as much as when she transferred from the Moon Colony to the Avenger. This was the first change she had made in a few years. She knew that it had to happen. After all, she was not going to play second fiddle to Captain Striker and his XO Ariana anymore. If he was going to reject her at every turn, it was best to finally move on to something new. And Ontario was that.

As protocol demanded, she headed up to the Captain to report in. She knew that Captain Michaels was male and that made her nervous. She did not want to repeat history. If only she could have had the luck to transfer to a ship with a female Captain.... Unfortunately her main priority had been away from Avenger.

Elijah was on the Bridge overseeing the final aspects of the refit and resupply when he noticed the doors to the bridge open.

Amanda noticed the Captain turn towards her as she walked onto the bridge. Oh, God! He's handsome! This is bad! This is so very bad! You can't fall again, Amanda. Try and keep yourself professional. Another thought whispered into her ear. He could be different. You don't know. The other side answered, You're definitely not as good looking as most Starfleet officers, he could have his pick. Why you? It will be just like Striker. Amanda gulped hard and smiled. "Captain? Lieutenant Amanda Rose reporting to duty. I'm your Chief Counselor."

“Ahhh welcome aboard the Ontario.” Elijah offered her his hand. “I’m Captain Michaels, I’m sorry I haven’t had much chance to look up your file.”

"That's alright," Amanda told Elijah. "I'll be happy to tell you anything that you want." Involuntarily she blushed, praying that the Captain did not take that as implying some sordid innuendo.

A small chuckle escaped his lips. "Noted." Elijah then looked around. "So have you served on an Ambassador class before?"

"No," Amanda admitted. "Just a defiant class. It is hard to tell you whether this is my third or fourth posting. First I was a counselor on the Moon Colony and then I was on a Defiant Class starship, the Avenger." She looked downward at the mention of the Avenger. "After that I was supposed to be on Missouri. I was on it but quickly was transferred here."

"Well who knows with these things? Assignments chop and change all the time." Elijah nodded. "But Ontario has 750 souls onboard and given the long stints in space a counselor is always handy to have around."

"I'm a bit rare nowadays as a counselor, being human, not Betazoid that is," Amanda replied subconsciously. "However, I assure you that I will be more than up for the task, Captain. Will you have any specific requirements for me?"

Elijah shook his head. "Not at this moment in time, that may change depending on our assignment."

"I understand," Amanda replied, a twinge of disappointment leaking out of her voice. "So, would you like to know anything else?"

"You first." Elijah asked.

"Me first, what?" Amanda asked blinking, not sure what she should ask or whether she should get personal.

“To enter the Turbolift.” He said as the doors opened up and he motioned for her to take the first step.

Amanda turned to the turbolift and entered it, wondering what the Captain had in mind. "Thank you," she replied courteously.

"So I've been wanting to discuss something with you, Ontarios last counselor was a Betazoid and I'm well aware that you are not." Elijah commented. "I've got to ask you how you intend to do your job in that regard?"

Oh, no! Is he prejudiced against non-Betazoids in this position? "What do you mean?" Amanda asked open ended.

"Well I know every counselor has their own methodology and approach to therapy, so what is yours?" He asked.

"OhhHHH!" Amanda responded, laughing nervously. "Oh, well, I tend to prefer a holistic therapy that integrates a great deal of psychoanalytical, psychodynamic, and humanistic theories. Behavioral and cognitive therapies have their place but I tend to see those as more useful when people are in need of making changes and correcting dysfunctions. I firmly believe that if people are able to understand themselves that they can often make the changes they desire without the other formal models."

"That's a bold strategy to take, but I can understand the benefits of it especially out here on the Frontier." Elijah responded.

"I don't view the strategy as bold or anything else. It simply has worked most effectively for me assisting my patients. How one gets there, really does not matter, does it?"

“Absolutely as long as it gets results.” Elijah responded as the lift stopped on a busy deck. “Your office looks out into space.”

"That's lovely!" Amanda replied enthusiastically. "As long as I am able to screen the view when clients need it, that's what's important."

"Your predecessor wasn't overly struck on the view but those who went for counselling advice found it exceedingly theraputic." He responded to her. "You have a small staff but they are good at what they do."

"I'm looking forward to meeting them and working with them," Amanda replied honestly. "How long have you been the Captain here then?"

"18 months, 2 weeks, 4 days." Elijah responded to her politely. "Previously I commanded the Sovereign Class USS Victory during her cataloguing of the Gamma Quadrant."

Amanda laughed at Elijah's exact answer. "Are you sure that you're not part android or Vulcan with an answer like that? All you are missing is minutes and seconds."

“It’s the Criminologist in me Counselor. Methodology and the like never seems to leave you.” He chuckled.

"You should not let your career define who you are, Captain," Amanda playfully chided. "So, what was the USS Victory and the Gamma Quadrant like?"

"Victory was a fine Ship, served me well and was the place a got my fourth pip. The Gamma Quadrant is vast and ripe for exploration." He responded. "I'm guessing you've never been?"

"No. I spent a lot of time in the Delta Quadrant with the Defiant."

“Ah very nice. A place that I hope to visit one day.” Elijah replied. “What’s it like?”

Amanda laughed. "You might think that I am silly but for me, anywhere in space is much like another. There are beings. There are stars. There is darkness. As long as we all get along and can learn to understand one another, I'm happy."

"Very unbiased." Elijah responded as the two of them headed out of the lift and down the hallway towards her office. "Please make yourself at home, decorate how you like."

"I planned on it," Amanda told Elijah as she looked at the office that was now bereft of anything but the barest furnishings. "We will definitely have to give this a once over." She laughed lightly and said, "It will be fun." Turning back to the Captain, she asked, "Do you give everyone a personal tour of their working environment?"

"I reserve it for Counselors, Engineers and Diplomats," he said. "Besides which I feel like it should be me showing you round rather than anyone else, I usually do it for all my officers."

"So which is it?" Amanda asked curiously and seeking clarification. "You give all your officers the tour or just counselors, engineers, and diplomats?"

"The last one." Elijah responded politely.

"Ah!" Amanda announced. "I certainly understand why you would personally escort diplomats but may I ask why you give the same courtesy to counselors and engineers? Are you trying to make everyone else jealous?" she asked with a small giggle.

"Engineers make sure this ship keeps running in her twilight years, and counselors make sure we have a crew to keep it running." He replied. "Simple logic."

"I'm not certain that's completely accurate," Amanda replied with a skeptical smile. "So, what's next on the tour?"

“Well I’ve shown you your office. Gotten an insight into you as Ships Counselor so I’m not sure what else is next.” He shrugged. “Off the record.....What’s the real reason you were sent here??”

"Sent? I can't say. I did apply for a transfer from the Avenger. I..." she hesitated on what to say next but finally decided on, "had done all that I could there."

“Sorry to make any assumptions but based on your record you had a good thing on the Avenger.” Elijah said to her. “You were settled in nicely and then you transferred so I assumed it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.” Elijah shrugged.

"Nothing like that at all. Captain Striker was a strong Captain. A bit reckless, but strong. The ship was a good ship. But, I needed a change."

"Ah I see." Elijah replied politely to her. "A change is as good as anything so they say." He then glanced at the doorway. "Well Counselor i must cut this short I have a meeting with Deep Space 5 in an hour and I need to get them briefed."

"Not a problem, Captain. I'll let you get back to business. I've got a room to decorate anyways."

"I look forward to seeing the results of your labour." He smiled before exiting the room.

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario


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