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Sole Survivor

Posted on Sat Jan 4th, 2025 @ 9:11am by Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: Shuttle Kenora - Planet Priapus
Timeline: In Conjunction with Into Darkness

Aaron walked back to the shuttle as the rest of the team proceeded into the caves. He could not understand why this was needed and the very idea that this was their duty was insane. "Who the hell is Percy to dictate what is duty and procedure when this entire team has balked at procedure. None of them wore a proper uniform. It is absolutely insane." He said as he stepped into the empty shuttle and tossed his duty belt on the bench in the back of the shuttle. Aaron made his way into the cockpit and sat in one of the jump seats.

"Computer begin log..." The computer chimed its response to his request. "Mission Log day one, USS Ontario Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus reporting. I am most likely going to be the sole survivor of this expedition so please allow this to serve as a record of the sheer stupidity and utter insanity that has occurred here. You may wonder why I am saying such a thing. Well, the answer there is simple there is a rather large ion storm heading right this way and rather than wait the storm out in the relative safety of the shuttle. Our fearless leader Lieutenant Bálor has decided to lead the rest of the team into some caves in order to learn what may have happened to the team that was here. I protested this course of action, and even suggested that the investigation at least wait until the storm passed. There is an old saying which states that the only bad doctor is a dead one, so here I sit." Aaron paused to replicate a nice cup of coffee and sat back down. He sipped and relished in the flavor. Caffeine seemed to have the opposite effect on him, that is to say it calmed him down. Aaron also took the moment to reach into his pocket and retrieve a small pill, Vicodin to be exact. He swallowed the pill in a swift gulp and continued to record.

"I fully believe that Lieutenant Bálor has not only risked this mission, but has risked the lives of the entire team all because of his personal involvement in this matter. It seems that one of the missing archaeologists is a friend of his. This alone should give anyone pause before proceeding into dangerous situations. In fact, for the official record as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Ontario I am placing the Lieutenant on restricted duty at the end of this mission. That is if he survives of course. This restriction will remain in place until such time as he is cleared for duty by the Ship's Counselor. I have locked the shuttle's transporters on the team and I am tracking them using the shuttle's sensors. However, once the storm hits I doubt I will be able to maintain that. If something untoward happens between now and then I will transport the team dead or alive back to this shuttle. It is my plan that once the storm passes I will scan for the team, hopefully find them, transport them back here and return to the Ontario." Aaron paused in speaking but not in recording. He glanced at the screens and saw that the team entered the caves but all seemed well at the moment.

He returned to his log. "Everyone knows that a Doctor takes an oath which among other things states to first do no harm. However, no one, unless you have worked in the medical field knows the first three rules of medicine are first safety to your patient, second safety to yourself and third safety to the rest of the team. Percy has broken all three of these rules, and attempts to chide me for following them. I cannot fault the rest of the team as in Starfleet the tried and true excuse of only following orders holds true and valid. In short it is people like Percival Balor that make poor leaders. Poor leaders is something that Starfleet has absolutely no use for." The anger within Aaron roiled and it was for this reason that he held his tongue. He wanted this log, to be the absolute best and fullest report Starfleet had ever seen. Aaron Marcus was not one for paperwork and the such. However, he knew that was the best way to make sure something was done, and right now Aaron wanted to make sure that something was done about Percy.

"Well now, there is not much that I can do save for sit here and bail them all out should the need arise. Let this log serve as an official record. Computer end log and transmit to the Ontario when in range." The computer chimed the acknowledgement of the order. For his part Aaron used the on board replicator to create a violin. He took the violin from the replicator sat in the seat next to the pilot. "Computer display vital signs of away team." The shuttle using the sensors and the communications network began to display the pulse, blood oxygen levels, respiratory rate, and blood pressure of the away team on the screen in front of him.

"Now there is nothing left to do save to wait for the coming storm." Aaron Marcus shouldered the violin and began to play Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner.


Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marcus
Chief Medical Officer
USS Ontario


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