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Dinner with the Boss - A Casual Affair

Posted on Sat Feb 13th, 2021 @ 5:37am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Grace Vetur

1,527 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Vetur's Quarters


One of Grace's mentors suggested that a casual dinner with the captain would be a good way to start off what would hopefully become a solid working relationship. While they'd talked, briefly, and both spent time on the bridge, Grace felt the idea had merit. She would have a better idea of how to support him and how to fit in with his style of command if she knew him better.

To that end, she sent him an invitation to a casual dinner in her quarters. Fortunately, the computer already knew what he liked to eat, so it was only a matter of making the dessert, setting the table, and selecting the wine. As she did not generally cook with curry, she programmed it into the replicator. Salad and dessert would be made by hand.

She chose a pair of black silk pants and a silk blouse in midnight blue. Casual enough, she hoped, while still allowing her to move freely. Her hair, as suual, was left loose. She glanced in her mirror and then went into the living room to wait for her guest to arrive.

Elijah had handed over the Bridge to one of the Evening shift Officers and then after quickly getting changed he headed to dinner. Opting for something smart but casual with a cotton shirt and dress trousers. He pressed the chime and he waited patiently.

Grace turned to the door. "Come in," she said. She smiled when she saw the captain. "Thank you for coming."

"Not a problem Commander," He said as he made his way inside to take a look around. "Well i like your sense of decor better than the previous XO, no style or that feel of home to it."

"Thank you," she said, "I like to feel comfortable and this makes it more like home." She waved to the couch. "Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?"

He took a seat and then shrugged. "Tea for me please," He relaxed a little bit as he took in her decorations and commendations which were around the room.

She replicated tea for him and a lemonade for herself and brought them back to the couch. "As we will be working together, I thought it would be good to get to know each other."

He nodded. "That seems like a good idea, a friendly chit chat between Captain and XO would be beneficial." Elijah replied.

She handed him the tea and sat so she could face him. "So, tell me what made you want to be a captain."

"Well when I enrolled in the Academy all those years ago it was the Security and Tactical track." He replied taking a sip of his tea as he paused momentarily. "And as my experiences in the Dominion War and the years after it made me want to try something new."

"Sounds logical. From what I've seen so far, you do a good job with command." She put her elbow on the back of the couch and rested her head on her hand, considering him. "What interests do you have when you aren't commanding a ship?"

"I read classic crime fiction, also I'm a history buff as well." He said in response to her question. "What about you? By my research you were all set for a promising career in the Diplomatic section."

"I guess I like variety. I was a dancer in college. I still dance from time to time. I also play the viola and cello." She shrugged. "Music and dance are still hobbies. And while I'm not a full-time diplomat, the skill set applies to command as well."

"It's a noble cause to consider Commander." He responded with a nod to her. "Starfleet looks to a wide variety of people to assume command suties within a starship and experience always trumps all in my opinion."

She nodded. "I've seen commanders from just about every department. Im sure I'll see the rest of them before long. It definitely supports what you said." She nodded to the table. "Ready for dinner?"

“Absolutely.” He responded to the notion of dinner. “So what’s in the menu for this evening Number One?” He asked.

"Salad, Chicken Katsu Curry, and fried ice cream," she said.

“Impressive menu selection if I do say so.” He responded as he made his way over to the table. “I once met an Andorian Chef on Bajor who tried to open an ice cream shop and it’s fair to say the results were not the same.”

"No. I daresay it wasn't," she said, getting the two plates from the replicator and setting them next to the salad. "Even with a replicator, you don't have the exact same food you'd get it you bought it fresh on planet. While I enjoy being in Starfleet, I do miss the ice cream from home."

"When I was stationed on Earth inbetween my postings I once took a lady to a Thai place outside of Manchester, they ate with chopsticks of bamboo."

"Very nice. I hear authentic food with authentic utensils makes a difference. I wasn't on earth much after the Academy, but I did have several opportunities to eat in Italy."

"Oh really? I have been to a great many places in my time but never had a chance to go to Italy." He said as he picked up his fork and began to tuck in.

"Most of the cities have been rebuilt. They're quite lovely," she said. "Very old world."

Elijah nodded as he tucked into his meal for the evening. His previous XO had made him an old family recipe though unfortunately he had to replicate the ingredients. This was fresher and it was delicious. “How long did it take you to discover the recipe for this?”

"Not too long." She smiled. "Being a former diplomat helps. You have to know where to get the best food for events."

"I approve...." He responded with a polite response as he ate his dinner, very much enjoying the Katsu curry. Something that was a favourite of his but not what he had eaten in quite some time.

They both fell silent while they ate, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable.

When Grace finished her meal, she recycled her dishes and brought out a small wok ad set it on a side table to heat. "For dessert," she sait when she again took her seat.

"So I feel like you and I need to have a chat about our professional relationship yes?" He knew it would have to be something to be brought up eventually. "You've seen my record and my backstory i'm assuming?"

"I have," she said, giving him her full attention. "What do you want to talk about?"

"What are your honest thoughts, opinions and such?" He asked her bluntly and to the point of the matter at hand. "Your predecessor as good as an XO he was felt that he wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that a man like myself who shouldnt be a captain is a very good one."

"Because you assaulted an admiral or because you were punished for it?" she asked, equally bluntly.

"Both, i gave a valid and honest testimony at my hearing about what took place in the war, i know what i witnessed." He had spent years living with what happened and now he accepted it but some still judged.

"I have no reason to doubt your testimony," she said calmly. "And even if I did, you paid for your crime. You've been given a second chance. What happened should not be held against you."

"Very noble of you Commander." Elijah responded.

She raised an eyebrow at his choice of words."It's not being noble," she said. "It's a statement of fact. And since we're off-duty and this is a casual dinner, I'm Grace."

She put two balls of ice cream coated in a sweetened flour mixture in the wok for a few seconds, then put them in two bowls. She set one in front of each of them and took her seat.

"Alright then, my apologies Grace." Elijah said as he took a scoop of his ice cream. "So what do you think of our mission?" He asked.

"I like the idea of being in a little-known area. It has a lot of potential for exploration," she said before taking a bite of her own ice cream. "At the same time, we definitely need to learn more about this mineral. If it's all it claims to be, every faction will want to control it."

"I agree, we are afforded a unique chance to explore a new region of space but also discover and understand a new resource." Elijah replied.

She nodded. "It's an incredible opportunity." She took another bite of her ice cream and watched him. She wanted to learn more about the person she'd be working with for the next while.

The two Command Officers continued their dinner for the evening as the CO and XO started their capacity as the heads of the Ship. Only time would tell if they'd become friends or acquaintances.


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