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A little TLC

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 4:54am by Crewman Apprentice Talee Malena

437 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Shuttlebay

=/= Begin Log =/=

...running her hand along the hull feeling the bump, scrapes s from just being used, "All alright sweetie, let's get you fixed up," she whispered to the craft. {How could something this lovely just be forgotten?} Talee thought as she moved over to the materials that the chief security got, and truthfully Talee was shocked that she got it done.

"Impressive, I mean it," a chipper voice said, "...but as impressive as it is, you are not someone I recognize, and I or I should say the flight crew, and we do not like people don't know touching the birds," the chirpy young petty officer said, but her chirpiness was quickly turning into passive-aggressive bitchiness.

Which for Talee was much better than chirpy, "well think of me as the person that got the parts, and wanting to show this bird some love," Talee said simply.

The crewmen laughed, "that's a good one, I think I am warming up to you, but maybe next time let someone know what you are doing, yeah?"

" where is the fun in that?" Talee asked with a small scoff as she sensed something familiar about her, not that she knew her, but her attitude was well hers.

{Could she be a Boomer?} Talee thought, shaking her head as she snapped back to the present, "so, are we good here?" Talee asked looking between her and the shuttle, "I mean what needs repairing and attention is the hull and structure, which is my expertise,"

Now that narrowed it down, well not really seeing that the uniform was gold, letting the petty officer know what department she was in, "...okay but isn't your expertise more for the ship, not the auxiliary craft in it?"

"Does that matter, a ship is a ship, yeah?" Talee asked sounding annoyed and hating that she was hurtful to the ship and the auxiliary craft. Hell, she had more in common with those than she did with people.

"Okay, okay....calm your horses," the crewmen said shaking her head, " about some help, you know gotta make sure you treat the birds with some respect," she added smirking, "plus it'll give me a chance to see how you work," she just laughed as she started pulling up the work order.

Talee sighed as the attitude of the women shifted, "...sure why not, I'll get the equipment set up for cleaning the hull and prepping the hull if you could get the tools and supplies ready," Afer a few hours the work was done and the shuttle looked better, not perfect but it was fixed.

=/= End Log =/=


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