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Start her up

Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2021 @ 8:17am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Ibausil & Lieutenant Scott Kayne & Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Bardan Dunne M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Bridge, USS Ontario

Elijah stood in the Turbolift as it hummed its way up towards the Bridge of the Ontario, after seeing his superiors for final confirmation of orders he was itching to get back out into the unknown of space.

Finally the lifted halted and the doors opened up. He took a step onto the deck.

"Captain on the Bridge!" Called one of the Junior Officers stood by the doorway.

Anahera looked up from her station, acknowledged Elijah presence, but said nothing as it was not her place, the XO should speak first.

Ibausil turned towards the Captain to acknowledge that he had arrived.

Vetur stood and moved from the center chair to stand in from of her more familiar one.

Scott set his controls and turned around to nod at the captain, indicating his readiness.

“All right as you were everyone.” Elijah said as he made his way to the seat. “All set Number One?”

"Ready and awaiting your orders, sir," she said, taking her seat.

“Good.” His gaze then to Chernova. “How about you? Ready to see what the old girl can do?”

"Yeah, hopefully she'll work better than the replicator in my office." Anahera said. "But that was due to a burnt out power converter, I'm sure it will be fine." She added hitting her terminal, so that the display returned.

"Well only time will tell." He responded.

Slipping in quietly, Yiv took up what he hoped was an unobtrusive station at the rear of the Bridge. Departure was always exciting, and he enjoyed the buzz he picked up from it.

"Bridge to Sickbay all stocked up and ready to go down there Doctor?" Elijah asked.

"Sickbay here," Bardan said, while standing over an engineer with a deep gash across the palm of his right hand, working a dermal regenerator. "Fully stocked," he said as his gaze traveled for a moment to Dietsch who nodded in the affirmative, "and ready."

"Engineering are we all fuelled up and ready to go?" Elijah asked checking in with Engineering and the work they;ve been doing with the Ontario.

Haruna looked up at the large warp core, it was humming to itself nicely. "All good to go!" She replied cheerfully

"Excellent." Elijah said as he looked around the Bridge. "Commander Ibausil I trust that all final preparations have been signed off and filed away?"

Even though Ibausil already knows the answer, she double checks her screen. "Aye Sir, we are fully loaded and ready to go."

"Attention all hands this is the Captain, we are about to embark on a journey to a region no Starfleet vessel has visited in over 80 years." His gaze looking around at the faces of the Bridge Crew. "What lies out there for us, what we will discover and what we seek out are all a mystery, but it is a mystery we will explore together." Elijah then set himself down into his chair. "Start her up, prepare to take us out."

The Counselor walked onto the bridge just as she heard the ship-wide announcement. "Captain, I hope you do not mind my presence."

"Not at all Counselor." He smiled as he knew having her on the Bridge was a great benefit. His attention to Helm. "Mister Kane start her up and get us moving shall we?"

Scotty stated to move his hand across the controls, "Aye Captain, engaging engines, taking us out."

Yiv waved at the Counsellor across the relatively narrow confines of the Bridge and said quietly, 'I guess neither of us have a station on the Bridge - nice to see someone else just enjoying the view.'

"I've always enjoyed looking at the stars. Besides, Yiv, it is exciting to watch the initial launch," Amanda replied with a genuine smile.

'It is, absolutely. There's rarely a better feeling than launch. Maybe a well-written report, but those are rarer still,' he replied with a genuine smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"A well written report?" Amanada asked skeptically. "You have a very strange sense of enjoyment, Yiv."

'Probably,' replied Yiv, entirely unbothered by the scepticism, and carried on non-chalantly, 'but my whole line of work mostly involves compiling reports and assessments and sending them on for superiors to make more reports and assessments. So it's painful when you have to slog through a less-than-satisfactorily compiled field report. I can tell you, the Intelligence Weekly Digest is one of the best reports you'll ever see. If you have the authority to read it.'

"I'm assuming that it is all fact driven and there is very little humor," Amanda responded with a small giggle.

'Oh no,' Yiv shook his head in mock horror, 'no humour. Intelligence Officers take themselves far too seriously for that, Amanda.' He winked.

Amanda rolled her eyes at Amanda and hid her smile from Yiv.

He settled back, satisfied he'd amused her at least.

It was Grace's first trip as executive officer. She couldn't help the tingle of excitement at the new opportunities ahead, although her expression remain calm as she looked around at the others on the bridge and then back to her console.

Although Chernova complained about it, she was glad to be on an old workhorse like the Ontario. Later vessels had more complicated systems, which the pessimist in her knew, that meant more things to go wrong. She was also happy to be out in space again, she wasn't really cut out for Starbase life.

Having found himself a seat, Yiv let the excitement peak inside him. Though not an empath, he had felt the air around him on the Ontario begin to thrum with suppressed excitement and trepidation over the last few days. The crew as a whole were looking to this moment - a good launch, and the Ontario would likely have a good cruise. An old superstition, perhaps, but one that had endured.

Elijah took one final glance around the Bridge, the journey was about to begin for the majority of them. He gave a small smile before looking straight ahead. "Here we go again......"


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