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Meet the New Boss...

Posted on Mon Jul 12th, 2021 @ 5:32pm by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Chief Petty Officer Celeste Summerby

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario - Deck 9 - Security

Elijah proceeded down the hallway with Anahera Chernova in tow, the two of them in discussion relating to the Security and Tactical Department of the Ontario. A ship like this had a rather large Security department and per her recent refits there were a few changes made to the ships layout to match their needs in deep space.

"So what happened to my predecessor?" Anahera asked

"He transferred off the Ontario with the XO and the Helmsman to the USS Salazar." Elijah responded. "Apparently the vast majority of Officers used the Ontario as a stepping stone."

"I still have my suspicions about that." Anahera replied.

Elijah shrugged. "It is what it is Commander, speculation doesn't always help." He said to her.

"Okay, a mystery for another time, understood." She said. "So, what's the output of the forward phasers? Something around 4000 petrawatts? Am I close?" The former Mercenary asked.

He nodded. "Bang on the money, Ontario may be an Ambassador Class but this old girl's up to snuff on all her defensive and offensive systems." Elijah replied. "Her last refit 18 months ago put her up to spec with the fleet so we don't run into a firefight without having the systems to back us up."

"Impressive." Anahera said. "I hope they tested the upgraded EPS, before we left, otherwise with the increased load, it could collapse, the first time we fire the phasers." She said.

"They did, they also added in a secondary and emergency failsafe which allows us to distribute the power evenly in the event of a catastrophic emergency." Elijah replied.

Anahera made a note to speak with the CEO. "Well, let's hope we don't need it." She said.

The two of them finally made it to the security offices and headed on inside to start the tour.

"Morning, Captain." Celeste said. "And you must be Commander Chernova." The Security officer. "I've heard a lot about you."

“Lieutenant Summerby.” Elijah replied with a nod of courtesy.

"All good, I hope?" Anahera asked with a smile.

"Not exactly, to be frank." Celeste replied. "If I may speak freely, I don't trust you, Commander."

Elijah was a little surprised by her response to the question. “Lieutenant? What are you doing??”

"Sir, Commander Chernova is a criminal and can't be trusted." Celeste replied.

"If I may, I'm a reformed criminal and I have served Starfleet for nearly 9 years, Lieutenant. My criminal days are long passed." Anahera offered.

"Miss Summerby, I vouch for the Commander as well, if she were a liability or a threat she wouldn't be on the Ontario would she?" Elijah responded to her.

"Understood, sir, but that does mean I have to trust her." Celeste replied.

"Alright I shall note it in the Ships log for you Lieutenant, now shall we continue on with our tour yes?" He asked trying to resume the original reason they were here.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Celeste replied. "The Security Chief's office is over there. Where we are at the moment is an open plan Briefing room. The Brig is though the hatch in the Fore Bulkhead. The armory can be accessed though the Aft bulkhead and through a hatch in the corridor. There is also a secure route to it, though a hidden hatch in the Chief's Office." She explained.

"Now, if I may be as candid as you just were Lieutenant?" Anahera said not waiting for an answer. "You may not like me. I don't care." She added. "But as long as we both have these jobs, we will present a united front to the crew. Is that clear?"

Celeste began to object to Anahera's tone.

"The response you are looking for is 'Yes, sir.' And that is the only response, I'll accept. Is that clear?" Anahera said.

Celeste's face reddened, but eventually she said. "Yes, Sir."

"Excellent, now go and get some sleep, you look exhausted." Anahera said smiling briefly with her eyes. "Dismissed, Lieutenant."

Summerby looked at Captain Michaels and was about to say something when Anahera cut her off.

"Don't look at him, Lieutenant, you're dismissed."

"Yes, sir." Celeste replied chestfallen and left the room, heading for her quarters.

"Well it looks like you've got things all under control." Elijah responded smiling to Chernova. "I shall leave you to carry on Commander."

"Okay, thank you, sir." Anahera said.

With a final nod, Elijah left the new Security Chief to her work. He knew that there was a lot of work to be done.


Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security/Tactical Chief
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Celeste Summerby
(Acting) Assistant Security Chief
USS Ontario


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