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The winds of change

Posted on Tue Jul 13th, 2021 @ 4:03am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

829 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Ready Room, USS Ontario

Elijah sat behind his desk as he looked around his Ready Room, Ontario had such a storied legacy with her long life in active service. Elijah often thought about his predecessors who sat here before him and the choices they made, this one however was a no brainer.

"Yiv when you get a second will you join me in my Ready Room?" He asked over the comm.

Looking up from his work, Yiv wrinkled his nose at the summons. He frowned in his office as he considered the possibilities. In his experience, it was never good for him to be summoned to the principals office.

'On my way,' he replied in a neutral tone, wondering what he had done this time.

Thankfully it was a short walk from the Intelligence centre to the Captain's Ready Room. He pressed the chime, and waited for permission to enter.

“Yes come in.” Elijah said to the chime at his door. Watching to see who it was.

Trying not to sidle in, Yiv squared his shoulders, and walked in, ready for any dressing down that might be coming his way. 'Lieutenant Ra-Gruvloveii reporting as asked Captain,' he stated calmly as he stepped through the door.

"I just have one question for you." Elijah asked him with a raise of his eyebrow. "Why do you never take a promotion when its offered to you?"

'Sir?' Yiv asked, momentarily confused for the umpteenth time this week. He rallied, and fell silent as he thought. 'Truth be told, Captain, I enjoy my analysis work. I'm good at it, and it's valuable. The further up the chain I go, the less I do the work I enjoy. Department Head is a nice balance.'

The Efrosian eyed the Captain with beady eyes. 'Why do you ask?'

Elijah looked at him and then slid across a box to him. "Open it."

Reaching out hesitantly, the Efrosian took the bottle in two hands. He turned it over a few times whilst looking at if suspiciously. Glancing at the Captain, he finally opened it, looking at the contents.

'By the Great Skies!' He mumbled.

“I know what you will say but I don’t want to hear it.” Elijah said holding up his hand. “Lieutenant Commander had a nice ring to it.”

The Efrosian looked to the Captain, then the hollow pip in the box. 'I'm honoured. Honestly, after our last conversation, this is the last thing I imagined we'd be talking about,' he said, a little breathlessly. 'I'm not sure, though, what I've done to earn this, sir? Surely there are other, more deserving members of the crew?'

"I know Yiv but you're the right person." Elijah commented to him. "You've proven that."

'I. I see,' Yiv said softly as he carried on looking at the pip. 'And my department? I'm not being transferred out of it am I? The work is enjoyable, and, well, I'm not sure I'd do well elsewhere.'

"No you'll stay where you are but you'll also have a permanent station on the Bridge, seems fitting." Elijah replied to him.

'And my additional duties?' He asked, wanting to work out all the angles of this promotion.

"In the absence of myself or Commander Vetur there may be occasions where you will have to assume Command of the Ontario." Elijah responded to him. "Plus as the Chief of Intelligence you are in a role that means you can learn and develop."

'I see. So I can carry on my Intelligence work ...' Yiv trailed off as he considered the offer for a moment. He signed finally. 'Alright Captain, I'll accept.'

"Congratualtions.....Commander..." Elijah said smiling at him. Offering his hand to formalise the acceptance of the recent promotion.

Taking the hand, Yiv gave the Captain a firm handshake. 'Thank you, Sir ... for showing faith in me. I won't let you down.' The idle thought passed through his head that he was likely due a higher Intelligence clearance now. Might be useful.

“Alright so I expect you to be properly attired befitting your new position.” Elijah joked at him and then sat back. “Now go and celebrate and enjoy it.”

'Thank you sir - Officer's Lounge after the shift?' Yiv replied as he looked at the box once more. 'You're more than welcome.'

"I'll be there Commander." Elijah smiled politely to him.

'Thank you - am I dismissed, Sir?'

"Yes you are." Elijah nodded. "Take care Commander."

'Yes, Captain.' Yiv gave his Commanding Officer a crisp salute, turned on his heel and left the Ready Room. On his way across the bridge he regarded the box with equal parts elation and dread.

Elijah knew that it would be an adjustment for someone like Yiv. He had once been in a similar position but he understood it. He wanted him to take on the challenge. In a way he knew he could.


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