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Are you sitting comfortably?

Posted on Sun Jul 18th, 2021 @ 5:32pm by Lieutenant JG Varik & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar

2,841 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Ontario - Sickbay

T'Rala entered Sickbay escorted by a security officer. She was paler than usual. When the Security guard spotted a Vulcan doctor, he led the Marine over to her.

"Good day, Doctor." He said. "This prisoner is ill."

"Doc, its just a little food poisoning, they gave me cows milk in my breakfast, I'm lactose intolerant. No one thought to check." T'Rala explained.

Varik nodded. While she may not have committed all the details of the entire ships company to memory, a half-Vulcan half-Orion certainly stuck in her mind as being largely unique in many ways, including medically. As such she knew exactly who T'Rala was straight away.

"Wait by the door," she commanded the security team. "Corporal," she motioned T'Rala to a bio bed a little further away from the guards so the pair could have some semblance of a private conversation, and acquired a Hypospray from a shelf on the way over. " I shall have to run some simulations to see it which of the normal treatments will be effective with your physiology," she told T'Rala loudly, but continued in a more subtle tone as the pair arrived at the bio bed. "But, if you would like this sickbay visit cut short you can simply tell me what has worked in the past."

Varik didn't know offhand what T'Rala was in the brig for, but she figured there was a good chance the Marine might like a little respite. There was always the chance that she was wrong however so she gave T'Rala a fast option as well.

The security officer reluctantly backed off, letting Varik lead T'Rala away.

"Thanks Doc, he wasn't exactly the best of companions. He kept telling me to 'shut up' every time I tried to make conversation." The Marine said. "As for treatment, I usually just have a dextro-saline drip to prevent me from dehydration." She replied.

Varik nodded. The drip would take some time to administer so the corporal was getting her respite. This was a small Justice in the Vulcan's mind in return for enduring the additional discomfort of food poisoning, something which definitely should not have been on the Brig's daily menu.

"I would surmise that is part of his role as jailer," Varik answered, referring to the security guard who was reluctant to be conversational with T'Rala. "The experience is not supposed to be pleasant," she observed rather bluntly. Of course she knew T'Rala was aware of this. "However, that is his role, not mine," she clarified, intending to indicate the Marine's status as prisoner would get T'Rala no ill-treatment from her if that was not already clear. She acquired a medical tricorder from a convenient spot nearby and gave T'Rala's digestive area a quick scan with the probe.

"Yeah, I know, but he doesn't need to relish that part so much, its not like I attacked him or anything." T'Rala replied.

Varik chose not to answer this directly, a way to do so and not be judgemental about the guard didn't occur to her. Instead she said "Dextro-saline is appropriate. The treatment will take some time to administer. Please sit or lie down, whichever you prefer." With that she turned to compile the items required.

"I'll sit up, if that's okay." T'Rala said. "So, Doc, what brought you to the Ontario?" She asked.

Varik looked over to the marine, her gaze settled on her patient for a few moments longer than might have been expected. She acquired the items she needed for the drip and made her way back over to where T'Rala was sitting.

"Are you sitting comfortably?" She asked, somewhat rhetorically. Naturally being a Vulcan this was done with a straight face, but there was an implication of double meaning in what she said, her choice of words indicating the start of a story as well as serving a practical purpose. It was one of her occasional little 'jokes'.

"In short, I requested a transfer from my previous ship and was sent here." The pair had plenty of time so Varik chose to elaborate as she setup the dextro-saline for T'Rala. "After completing my course at Starfleet Medical Academy I was assigned to to the Starship Hutton, then commanded by my mother, Captain T'Par, now Rear Admiral T'Par, commanding Starbase forty three. I do not believe that was by coincidence. While there has never been any question as to my ability as a doctor my outlook regarding the emotions of others is somewhat atypical for a Vulcan. While many of my species will point out the illogicality of other species and their emotional responses, I choose not to. In my view it serves no useful purpose, especially as a doctor. As a child I observed the importance of emotions to non-Vulcan species when the ship I was born and raised on was involved in rescue operations at the start of the Dominion War. That is before the children were evacuated and I went to live with my father on Vulcan. For this reason I believe my mother wanted to keep an eye on me during the start of my Starfleet career. When she was promoted I chose to take a different path. It seemed like a good opportunity." By this time the drip was ready, save actually attaching it to T'Rala's arm. Varik asked her to remove her uniform jacket so she could complete the process.

T'Rala removed her jacket, on her right upper arm was an Orion slave brand and some crudely covered scars. Sure that the doctor noticed them, she said. "I spent a few years as a slave to a Orion warlord."

"I cannot imagine what that would be like," Varik commented as she attached the drip. While manually inserted needles weren't the norm anymore, for such a large amount of liquid an air jet like a hypospray wouldn't be sufficient. Fortunately there were scanning cuffs that found veins and inserted needles and were far less uncomfortable using minute amounts of anaesthetic so the patient hardly felt anything. As for the Orion slave experience the doctor wasn't sure whether to ask about this or not although she was curious so she gave a response that let T'Rala lead the way on that subject.

"I wasn't born a slave, my parents had an ore freighter which carried ore from mines on the outer planets to the refineries and processing plants on the homeworld. I travelled with them. My family traded with some of the Orion Warlords and thinks went well for several years, but the warlords fight amongst themselves and alliances come and go. When I was about 10, pirates from one of the opponent Warlords attacked our ship, my father tried to protect my mother and I, he was killed in the act. My mother and I then became slaves to the Warlord Zem H'arlad and we were branded with his mark. As I grew, I was taught to be a Hostess, a mixture of dancer, musician and assassin, similar to the Geisha of Earth." She told the other woman.

Varik listened attentively now that her work was done and the drip was doing its job. T'Rala described a life she couldn't really relate to, Orion Warlords and freighters... " I am curious how how you came to be a marine in Starfleet, given what you have just told me," she said, trying to be cordial and express the genuine interest she had in her patient but without overstepping.

"A rival warlord attacked H'arld's stronghold and my mother were able to escape in the chaos." T'Rala replied. "We then stole a shuttle and headed for Federation space. Luckily the Mother Goddess smiled on us, and we were able to reach Federation space, before our engines burnt out." T'Rala paused a moment. "We then sent out a mayday and awaited rescue. The Federation vessel, Adventurer eventually came to our aid. We were taken to Earth, where we requested asylum and placed under house arrest while our request was investigated. Part of which consisted of several interrogations. My mother's people are not exactly trusted by the Federation and the officials suspected us of treachery. I don't blame them. As for my joining the Corps, during our containment, I'd often talk with the Marines assigned to guard us, and I decided that, should we be granted asylum, that I would show my commitment to my new world, by helping to defend it as a Marine." T'Rala smiled. "Our request was granted and after some training and missions, I eventually found myself here aboard the Ontario."

"That is to be commended," Varik observed, genuinely. This answered the Vulcan's curiosity about which of T'Rala's parents was Vulcan and which Orion. "Do you enjoy being a Marine?" She asked next. It was one of her default bedside manner questions for new patients, but often served well to break the ice.

"Yes. In the Corps I'm judged on my abilities, not my ancestry." T'Rala said. "Some civilians and 'Fleeters, just see an Orion, when they look at me."

"I understand your position, to a lesser degree perhaps. During my time at Medical Academy I was a pair of ears, a robot, a logic machine and other labels. It is a brand or a category that in being assigned removes ones individuality," Varik confided. "I am fortunate that my species is relatively common in Starfleet and the Federation as a whole. I suspect you did not have that fellowship to fall back on." sorry upstairs

"Words weren't the worst part, it was males thinking they had the right to touch me because my mother's people are a very sensual and sexual people. Most were intoxicated, but that doesn't make it any less demeaning for me. In fact that's how I ended up in the Brig, a man grabbed me and I fought back." T'Rala explained. "I may have gone a bit far by pinning him to a table in the bar, by his ears and pant legs, using cutlery." She added with a half smile.

This answered Varik's other point of curiosity, which was how T'Rala ended up a prisoner in the first place.

"Perhaps," the Vulcan agreed, "but there is a difference between law and justice. In my view what you did was against the law but not necessarily unjust. If we are fortunate the man in question might think twice before doing the same to another female less capable of defending herself than you and I. While I would have not reacted in the same manner, it is a frustration I can understand having spent a certain amount of time at Starfleet Medical Academy being known more often as 'Hot Vulcan' than by my name."

"Sometimes they just don't take the hint, I guess." T'Rala said. "Those bullies were right about one thing, you are hot." She added with mischievous smile.

This compliment didn't seem to phase the doctor at all.

"I have yet to to gather any useful data as to whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage, given the surface irrelevancy to my line of work. Perhaps that is something I will be able to research at some point over the next hundred years. I wonder if it is an advantage as a marine, if perhaps potential foes are more likely to pull punches when their opponent is a female of obvious physical attractiveness?" She responded, very scientifically.

"It depends on the opponent, I'd say. Some just like to hurt others." T'Rala said. "Also attractiveness is relative." She added.

"Indeed, Varik replied a little stiffly. "Are you beginning to feel better?"

"Yes, thanks, Doc." T'Rala said. "And thank you for not judging me." She added with a smile. Varik nodded.

"It is my opinion that references to logic are made too often by a large proportion of my species," she observed, "however in this case I believe it is warranted. Judgement of others in my observation is almost universally illogical. The actions of others cannot justifiably be judged, as an onlooker, by way of being an onlooker only has no correct frame of reference or history by which to make any competent analysis. Besides I am a Doctor, not a Judge Advocate General."

She paused for a moment, evaluating her response.

"You're welcome" she added quickly.

"My father used to say 'Logic is an effective tool, but it can cause one to think rigidly.' "He also told me he envied my imagination and my ability to not be too confined by logic." T'Rala said. "I miss him."

"I am sorry for your loss," Varik replied in about as comforting a way as any Vulcan could. "As Vulcans we have a responsibility to others to keep our emotions in firm control. To feel them is indulgence but more often than not leads to a lack of control. When one has three times the physical strength of most other species to lose control can become extremely dangerous."

"Thank you." T'Rala said. "Its hardly a cake walk when you have two such disparate physiologies constantly competing for dominance of your psyche either." The Marine added.

"I can only imagine," Varik responded somewhat empathetically, although her response was also very factually true, not having experienced such a disconnect. "As a Xenobiologist I would be interested to hear about your experiences in that regard in quite fine detail, if you are at all willing to share that with me. It may also provide additional opportunities to be released from your cell if you are assisting me with research. The choice of course is entirely yours and and naturally I understand if you consider that subject to be private."

"Its fine ask away, Doc." T'Rala said. Varik nodded, seemingly pleased although her impassive facade was slightly difficult to read.

"I imagine there are various traits of both your parents that have asserted themselves to a certain degree. First, I am curious if your emotions require any particular study or conscious effort to control."

"My emotions were extreme during my teenage years, and my father taught me some relaxation techniques to help me control them and to help me realise when my emotion may lead to an incident." T'Rala replied.

"And do you possess increased strength?" Varik asked next. Her eyes were perhaps a little more bright than usual, it was clear the subject excited her, if such a thing was possible.

"Yes, I'm about twice as strong as a human woman of similar size and weight." T'Rala replied.

"I see." Varik quickly shot out another question. "Have you found your unique genetic makeup is more or less susceptible to common illnesses that can affect Vulcans or Orions?"

"I believe that like yourself, I'll be susceptible to Choriocytosis, due to my copper based blood, other than that I'm not sure." T'Rala answered. Varik nodded.

"If you have not noticed anything in particular that is certainly a good sign," she responded kindly. "Your medical history and previous scans have most of the basic information I find useful however there is no substitute for your own experience. Without wishing to be too inquisitive, and speaking in more general terms as it can be a somewhat personal subject, I am curious as to whether your Orion or Vulcan sides have achieved dominance when it comes to reproductive characteristics such as pheromones, cycles, et cetera. If that is not a subject you are comfortable speaking about of course I understand."

"My pheromones aren't as powerful as those of a full blooded Orion female, but a wear a sub-dermal inhibitor just to be on the safe side." T'Rala began. "My Pon Farr cycles are not exactly every seven years and I have so far been able to control it through use of intensive meditation." She explained.

"A true hybrid," Varik commented. Somewhere deep it was still a little jarring to hear someone speak of Pon Farr so openly but the doctor had largely desensitized herself after a few years in her profession. She busied herself with removing the drip.
"I appreciate your insights corporal, I am also conscious of invasive questioning. With your permission I shall study the scans and your medical file should I need anything further."

"Okay, Doc, it was nice to meet you." T'Rala said. "I only wish it was under better circumstances."

Varik nodded solemnly.

"And you, corporal. I hope your incarceration is free from further visits to sick Bay and is of short duration. There is always the possibility I shall need you here in person to further my research. Should that happen I shall send for you of course." In saying this Varik was hoping T'Rala would get the right message from reading between the lines, that was that she may get occasional further respites from her stay in the brig and that the doctor herself would be keeping an eye.

"Thanks, Doc." T'Rala said before returning to her Security escort.


Lieutenant JG Varik
Medical Officer
USS Ontario

Corporal T'Rala H'Zelar
USS Ontario


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