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A time of commerce

Posted on Thu Mar 18th, 2021 @ 2:41am by Captain Elijah Michaels

371 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

In amongst the traffic flocking to and from Crossroads Station lay the Ontario. The Ambassador Class ship had taken up a standard 'parking' position away from the station as to not interfere with the comings and the goings.

The vast darkness of the space and stars was filled with the hum of engine operations and comms chatter. As a station like this was filled with so many fortune seekers and adventurers looking to find cordanium, it was bound to catch the attain of someone or somebody. Though nobody had foreseen or predicted the arrival of what was to come next.


"Commerce Zone Sigma has 3 separate violations of its payment plan, and as such we must enact immediate enforcement." A call came over the comm channel.

A green skinned reptilian figure was sat in an office examining the reems of data, highlighted by the red flags. He wore a black and white uniform highlighted by gold accents. "Standard enforcement level?"

"Level 3 enforcement use whatever force is necessary to ensure we are compensated accordingly."

The Alien nodded. "There have been reports that a Starhip has arrived at Crossroads bearing markings from a government we are not familiar with, they have been asking about deposits of cordanium and have sent a party to the Station."

There was a brief pause. "I will discuss it with the board of directors but for now your focus is to ensure payments in full, and remind them of their contractual obligations."

"Yes Director." He said one last time.

The line closed as he sat in silence with the image of the Statistics and data returning to the screen. It was all numbers and correlations but also a series of star charts followed by an ever rising scale of mathematical figures.

"Bridge, ensure an enforcenment team are ready for when we drop out of warp, beam them directly over to the Station once we arrive." He said with a press of the intercom.

"Yes Chief Commerce Officer, by the will of Halcion."

"By the will of Halcion." He said just before the line closed.His fingers scrolled over the images and sensor readings until it stopped upon an image of a Federation Starship, an older model. "USS Ontario....."


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