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By the will

Posted on Fri Mar 19th, 2021 @ 1:09am by Captain Elijah Michaels

571 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

The lift made the descent down to the next floor with a ping, then resumed and then stopped with an automated voice speaking the floor number. A young man maybe in his late twenties at most wearing a black and white uniform of sorts with silver trim exited.

Stepping forward into the room he walked forward, his steps were determined though had a hint of unease about them. He saw the desk and chair ahead of him and then stopped maybe a few feet away. Not a single word from his lips.

"I trust you double checked the contract with the corralator?" The voice at the desk asked him.

"I did Sir, all infractions and violations have been logged with Grievances and Breaches per the recommendation of the correlation matrix." The young man said as he remained firmly still and upright, like a soldier at attention.

"And the enforcement agents? Have they been briefed on the violations and recommended compensation?" The voice asked once more.

"Yes Sir they have, breach of contract is to be met with immediate and swift punishment as soon as we reach our destination." The young man said with a nod, he was holding a portable organiser with the information on it as he scrolled down with his finger.

"Excellent." He said once as he turned his chair around to face the young man. "And what of the other matter I brought to your desk?"

"That matter has been investigated per your request." He coughed to clear his throat. "It is called the USS Ontario representing a Democratic government called the United Federation of Planets, our information brokers classified them as explorers and a mix of various species and genders under one single political banner."

His superior sat at the desk and brought up a 3 dimensional holographic image of the Ontario as he studied it. His face fixated on the vessel. "And this is their most advanced ship?"

"No Sir our brokers have classified this as an older Exploration and Multipurpose Vessel, by modern standards she is at least sixty three years old."

"And yet this relic is situated at Crossroads Station asking about Cordanium? Clearly they do not have extensive knowledge of Dreadex or her sister zones." The older man said as he touched the image with his finger and turned it to face him. Ontario looking him directly in the eye. "Another invasive power enters our territory."

"Sir if I may ask why do you take such interest in this Ship? The Director has taken it to the Board for discussion does this not breach some form of ruling?" His Junior asked as he watched curiously.

"Because you see my young Junior Commerce Officer, the Romulans have long considered the Federation as a worthy adversary in both a political and economical backdrop. And with the destruction of the Star Empire it means that the Political climate of this Quadrant is changing, our correlation matrix determines that an entity such as this may stand in the way of progress and prosperity." His gaze then towards the young man. "That is and always has been the will of Halcion."

With a bow of his head, the young man repeated those words. "By the will of Halcion."

He would then about turn and leave the sanctuary of his superior, entering the elevator. A moment of contemplation on his face as he looked forward. "By the will of Halcion."


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