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Misguided Counsellor

Posted on Fri Mar 26th, 2021 @ 9:33am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Edited on on Sun Apr 25th, 2021 @ 1:22am

728 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Timeline: before reaching the entry point

Amanda was walking quickly. She had just finished her shift and had intended on meeting up with Grace. Amanda simultaneously envied Grace, as well as envied her position. She was a sweet woman and Amanda liked her a lot but as far as Amanda was concerned, Grace had many of the attributes that she did not.

Just thinking about Grace's superiority caused Amanda's head to go down. In that moment, watching her feet rather than where she was going, her stride was interrupted by an abrupt thump. "Oh! Sorry!" she said as she ricocheted off the individual. She felt off balance and as she started to fall backwards, she caught herself looking upward into the face of the Captain.

"In a rush are we Counselor?" Elijah asked with a smirk of sorts as he reached down to help the Ships Counselor up off the deck.

Amanda blushed and straightened her locks with her hands after being helped up. "Not really. I was just lost in thought and was going to visit with your XO."

"Well I'd suggest you try and make it in one piece." He replied politely to her. "Can't have the Senior Staff in Sickbay so soon after we depart from Deep Space 5."

"No, no! Of course not," Amanda replied with a blush. "Um, might I ask where you were heading?"

Elijah smiled politely at her. "A little light reading." He said carrying a vintage book, a leather hard back no less with gold trim. "Figured I'd give it a bit of a read, it was recommended to me before we left Deep Space 5."

"What is it?" Amanda asked, genuinely interested. "It looks like that book has been lovingly cared for. How old is it?"

"It's a limited edition copy of an early 21st century crime fiction titled 'Grey Siren of Sarajevo.' Its been a hard to come by copy but luckily I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a girl that knows another girl who runs a book shop in Sarajevo." Elijah replied to her with a smile.

"That sounds rather complicated just to get to a book," Amanda replied laughing prettily. "So, what is the book about?"

"It's a Crime thriller based on a Detective who lost everything and then after a long spiral towards total collapse finds himself on a case looking into a mysterious group called the Grey Sirens, a guild of thieves based in Sarajevo." Elijah replied to her simply though he himself did also smile at her.

Amanda's analytical side took over. "If he had gone so far down to collapse, why did he take on this case?"

Elijah shrugged at her question. "I don't know exactly but I guess they took liberties with the creativity of such things." He then offered her the book to examine.

Amanda took the proffered book and started examining it like it was made of glass. "I wonder how this survived all of those years and all the wars.... Such a sad time."

"It's a mystery that maybe we can discuss.....Over lunch some time?" He asked her as part of the discussion and something else.

Is the Captain asking me out on a date? The Counselor nearly dropped the book in shock. She bent over, catching the book, giving the Captain a glance at her curvy back side. She rose immediately. With her face rapidly turning pink she said, "Um, lunch? Um, sure...."

"Excellent." He replied politely. "We can discuss literature or anything else on your mind." Elijah said nodding.

Amanda blinked several times, wondering what was happening here. "Um, sure...."

Elijah blushed a little. "Erm have i overstepped my bounds?" He asked sheepishly.

"No. I don't think so. At least, if you don't think so," Amanda replied turning her head and pulling her hair in front of her face shyly.

"Good." He replied smiling at her.

Amanda gave some final glances at the book and felt its texture one last time before offering it back to the Captain. "Well, um, Captain, I think you will be needing this...." She blushed again. "You can't read a book without, well, the book."

"Thank you Counselor." Elijah replied with a nod and a smirk. "Well I best leave you to get organised for the mission ahead."

"Um, yes. Thank you Captain." With that, she scurried off through the corridor.


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