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Commanders in Gold

Posted on Fri Apr 2nd, 2021 @ 11:26am by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Ibausil

551 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: USS Ontario - Armory
Timeline: MD01 1300hr

Ibausil entered the armory with a cautious ducking motion of her head. She held her datapad in her hand with the inventory checklists that she needed to complete. She spotted Anahera also in the Armory. She spoke softly, not wanting to spook the security officer. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No, I'm just examining these phaser- rifles as they are all at least a decade old, looks like the station supply chief, is trying to get ride of his surplus of 'pre-loved' phasers." Anahera said. "So, what brings you here, Commander?" She asked.

Ibausil considered that for a moment, "Inventory, so I'm counting the 'pre-loved' phasers, which I hope doesn't mean 'broken' so that I don't have to do more paperwork before we leave."

"If they are broken, we're unlikely to get replacements, the Station's Supply Chief, made it quite clear that the Ontario is at the bottom of the list." Anahera said. "It doesn't help that he's not a fan of El-Aurians, it seems an El-Aurian woman cheated him out of a lot of Andorian Ice Gems."

Ibausil nodded, "Such is life, especially on an older ship like this one. I haven't encountered any El-Aurians before. You look mostly human to me."

"My father was human, so that may account for it." Anahera replied.

Ibausil nodded, "That sounds like an interesting story."

"My mother is an exobiologist from El-Auria who came to Earth in the 22nd century to covertly study human interactions and eventually met my father. They got along well, dated a while, after which they married. I'm not sure if she actually cared for him, or if it was a way for her to enhance her research. I was their only child and shortly before my 15th birthday, she left us and my father drank himself to death." Anahera replied. The hatred for her mother showing in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear of the unhappy ending, have you seen your mother since then?" Ibausil asked as she took inventory.

"Yes, but it didn't go well." Anahera said. "She tried to make some excuses about loving me and my father, so much that, she could watch us grow old and die." She said. "I told her I didn't want to hear it, and that I wanted her to stay away from me forever."

Ibausil nodded, "I do not understand the way she thinks. When I was growing up on Kaminar, I had a pet that I loved dearly, Sprels. Eventually, Sprels died of old age. It is hard to see something you love die, but we stay with them and keep them because we love them."

"I think she was just afraid of being tied down." Anahera said. "And made up that excuse in an attempt to placate me."

Ibausil considered that for a moment as she worked through the inventory, "Is that because you see yourself in her?"

"Perhaps, but I wouldn't do what she did." Anahera replied.

"You would stay and keep your family together?" Ibausil asked.

"I would try my very best." Anahera replied.

Ibausil nodded approvingly, "That is a good answer." She said finishing her inventory.

"Thank you, it was nice talking with you, Commander." Anahera replied.

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security Chief
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Ibausil
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


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