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A First Look (Part 3)

Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2021 @ 6:25am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii

901 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road


'That sounds like a decent plan - if we split up into pairs we can cover more ground,' replied Yiv with a nod at the XO. 'And a sensible division of groups. If we spot a suspicious location that seems to have a heavy presence we can always report it back and team up.'

"Exactly," Grace said. "Two hours," she reminded the others. "We'll decide what to do next when we regroup."

"Understood." Anahera said.

"Stuck with you, is hardly being stuck," Amanda replied with a pretty laugh. "Shall we go, Com, er, Grace?"


"Don't forget where we parked," Grace quipped as they left the shuttle. "If you're more than thirty minutes late, the ship will find you."

"Okay, Ede, let's go find a bar, always the best place to learn about a place and its people." Anahera said and started down one of the various corridors.

Yiv nodded and matched her pace. The corridors were wide, the better to allow access to the people thronging along the station's arteries. Most had their heads down, resolutely ignoring the people around them, others glanced in the Starfleet Officers' direction, faces twisted into scowls as they noticed them.

Pretending not to notice the expressions, Yiv leaned his head in towards his superior. 'Got a plan of action? Or are we just winging it for now?'

"A little from column A and a little from column B." Anahera replied jokingly.

'That works for me,' Yiv grinned back at the El-Aurian. 'You ever make it out this far in the past?'

"Not this actual sector, but I've been to a few of the adjacent sectors." Anahera said. "There's a cephalopod species in the Catullus sector, called the Gortah, that consume their conquered enemies. As such people tend to keep clear of them, but they have some of the best sensor tech." She added.

'They sound like a charming people,' Yiv quipped as he watched the crowds around them as they walked. There was still something ... oppressed wasn't the right word, but there was a general atmosphere of surliness. The Efrosian knew if he could pick up the body language of the people around him, then the El-Aurian Chernova would be equally aware of the situation they were in.

They are, just don't accept any dinner invite from them." Anahera joked. She'd noticed stares and looks of suspicion from the inhabitants of the station. There was fear there too. She wasn't an empath, her psionic powers were limited to a heightened for of intuition, but she'd felt this oppressive atmosphere often enough to recognise it. "Looks like they're not a fan of visitors around here."

'Yes,' replied Yiv quietly. 'They seem quite uneasy at our presence- perhaps they've not seen anyone like us before? We should be cautious in any bar - fear, suspicion and drink don't go down well.'

"Agreed." Anahera said as they approached the entrance of what could only be described as a dive bar. There were myriad species, drinking at tables and at the bar itself. A pair of Nausicaans are playing something akin to pool in one corner, while a group of squat, purple skinned, four armed humanoid Rellites play Push-Tah, a game similar to a cross between dominoes and Pokemon.

Raising an eyebrow as he cast a look over the bar's clientele, he was bother concerned and a little excited that the Commander had chosen such a seedy place. If there were stories to be told, they would be found here he decided. 'Want a drink?' he asked the El-Aurian

"Sure." Anahera said keeping an eye on the clientele.

Yiv approached the bar, trying not to appear too cautious. Behind the bar stood a slightly mangy looking Caitian. 'Two beers,' Yiv asked, sliding a credit chit across.

The Caitian, not meeting his eyes made a sound between a grunt and a cat coughing up a hairball, but took his money and served up two watery beers. Or what looked like beer anyway.

Yiv turned and went on the hunt for Anahera.

Anahera had made her way to the bar and was talking with a Gorn freighter captain. Her Gorn was a little rusty, so they were speaking a Klingon Creole instead. Ana had asked about the station and had learnt it was the trade centre for the surrounding systems. When she asked who owned it, he just changed the subject.

'Your beer, uh, Captain,' Yiv smiled pleasantly, almost stumbling over his words, 'hope it's to your liking - you finding anything worth our time?'

"Thanks." She said accepting the drink. "Just that is is the trade centre for the surrounding systems and that my 'friend' is reluctant to mention the governing entity in charge." Anahera replied taking a sip of her drink and instantly regretting it.

'Seems pretty standard from what we've encountered so far,' noted Yiv, seeing the Commander's expression as she sipped the beer, and opting not to touch his. 'Maybe we should move on if there's nothing to be seen here?'

"Yeah, let's check the docks, maybe the Dock workers will be more." Anahera said.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Engineer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario


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