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A First Look (Part 4)

Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2021 @ 6:29am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Amanda Rose

1,250 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

[Team Two: Grace & Amanda - Part 1]

Grace turned to Amanda. "If they're going to a bar, perhaps we should look at the shopping area? We can learn a lot from what they buy and sell."

"I'd prefer to shop anyways," Amanda replied. "I was never much for the bar scene. You?"

Grace shook her head. "Not unless it was for a business meeting. I can learn more about the area by what types of businesses they have here and how they're doing." She smiled. "Besides, I may want to come back later. Replicated goods only go so far."

"I understand that. There's something about something made from scratch and not that of atoms randomly being assorted. Perhaps, the 'love' is missing," Amanda replied with an apologetic shrug. She smiled at a passerby who immediately averted her gaze. After walking a bit further, the same sequence of events occurred with someone else. "Have you been able to make eye contact with anyone, Grace?"

"No." She saw a woman weeding a small flower box, a child playing on the ground next to her mother. Grace smiled at the child.

As soon as the mother saw her, she picked up her child and went inside.

"If this is the business district," Grace said, "Why are they so hesitant to see new business?"

However, as they got further into the heart of the shopping district, the atmosphere lightened, bu people still refused to make eye contact.

Grace found a clothing shop with a nice selection of clothing in the window. She went in to have a better look. And, if she liked what she saw, to buy something. Maybe carrying a package would make others less suspicious.

The styles were fairly conservative, but still feminine enough to be flattering. The first officer found a dress in a rich blue that caught her eye. It had long sleeves and a skirt that would move well while dancing. The neckline was a bit lower than she preferred, but the material was soft and supple. She took it off the hook and turned it around. It hooked at neck and waist, but most of the back was open. She turned to Amanda and held it up. "A bit too much?" she asked.

"Maybe so." Insecurely, she told Grace, "I know that I could never get into that." She looked towards her rear and thighs. "I don't think it would be flattering for me. Now you, on the other hand. I bet you would look wonderful in it. We're here for some fun. Why not try it on?"

Grace grinned. "I think I will. On one condition." She looked around and found a dress she liked. She looked at Amanda, then back at the dress. It was black with a scoop neck. It had a high waist with long, straight sleeves and a full skirt. It would flatter the counselor's assets while minimizing the areas she didn't like--although Grace didn't think she had anything to worry about. She took a dress off the rack and handed it to Amanda. "You try this one."

Amanda gulped heavily but said, "Well, if you insist...." At least black is slimming.

"You'll look gorgeous," Grace assured her as the two women went to the dressing rooms.

She stripped down to her underwear and tried on the dress, grateful it had built-in support. When she was properly zipped and hooked in, she looked in the mirror. Yes. The dress would do very well. She hoped she'd have a chance to wear it dancing at some point. She stepped out to have a look in the longer mirror, and to see how Amanda looked.

Amanda looked around the dressing room to see if there were any cameras in there before doing anything. She was no expert and unless something was obvious, she would not be able to spot it. Having found nothing, she quickly undressed and then put on the dress. Amanda was grateful for the black attire, as it slimmed her. She also was grateful for the flared out skirt portion that hid her larger than desired rear. In the small mirror in the dressing room, Amanda looked at herself with the scoop neck and blushed. It focused attention on her neck and chest. Stepping out, she walked out to an area with a larger mirror to take a look at it and saw Grace. Amanda was still blushing.

"You look beautiful," the first officer said, stepping back so Amanda could see herself in the mirror. "Have a look for yourself."

"Not half as pretty as you," Amanda told Grace before looking in the mirror. Amanda looked at her reflection and she had to admit that it was quite flattering. She turned around to view it from all sides. "Though, I have to say, this does seem to fit well. You have a good eye, Grace."

"It comes from being a diplomat. Appearance at official functions matters." She smiled. "It also helps that I was a dancer and helped pick out my own costumes."

"What aren't you good at?" Amanda asked Grace with a short laugh.

>>tag Grace

Grace went back into her dressing cubicle and changed into her street clothes. She carefully hung the dress back on its hangar and went in search of other clothes. Might as well, she told herself. She found two more dresses, a skirt, and two blouses, then a pair of low heels that would go with all of them. She added another skirt and two tops for Amanda because she knew they would suit the counselor, then purchased the lot. Normally, she would have sent her purchases to the ship, but today she packed them all into a decorative bag and waited for Amanda.

Amanda had spent several more minutes reviewing the dress Grace picked out for her. Reluctantly, she pulled it off and changed into her street clothes. She found Grace and laughed as she placed her dress up for purchase. "Well, I see you did some more damage in my absence."

Grace gave her a self-deprecating smile. "I'm afraid so. I love fabrics that are not only soft, but move well. They have some lovely clothes here. Once you buy that, we can go somewhere else before I'm temped again."

Amanda threw her head back as she laughed. "Well, if you insist." With that, Amanda moved up to the cashier and paid the attendant. There was no chit chat, just a transaction. Amanda moved up to Grace and whispered, "Don't you find this strange? How everyone is so aloof?"

Grace nodded. When they were back outside, she added. "There was no up-sale. No asking if I wanted jewelry, or how a certain accessory would be perfect. The cashier was eager enough to make the sale, but far too quiet."

The first officer hoped the other shoppes would warm up if she and Amanda had purchases, but they were still wary. Several turned their back and went in their shops when they spotted the two women.

"This is getting wearisome," Grace said when yet another person turned their back. She spotted another gentleman glaring at them and smiled, She made eye contact and walked toward him. His eyes shifted, indicating he was uncomfortable and didn't want to talk to her. It made her smile all the more. "A word, please," she said as she approached.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario


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