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A First Look (Part 5)

Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2021 @ 6:34am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Amanda Rose

1,200 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

[Team Two: Grace & Amanda - Part 2]


"This is getting wearisome," Grace said when yet another person turned their back. She spotted another gentleman glaring at them and smiled, She made eye contact and walked toward him. His eyes shifted, indicating he was uncomfortable and didn't want to talk to her. It made her smile all the more. "A word, please," she said as she approached.


"I'm busy."

"Only a minute. I'm looking to start a business here. Can you tell me about your experience?"

His expression changed. He wasn't as wary, but he wasn't happy. "Downtown. Building 62. Ask them." He turned and walked into his shop, closing the door behind him.

"That was an unusual reaction," Grace said to Amanda.

"Nothing is normal here. It is almost as if everyone here is scared of something. But what?" Amanda asked.

"I don't know. I'd like to go to building 62 and ask about starting a business, but I don't think there will be time before we have to meet up with the others." Grace sighed. "I should clear it with the Captain first, anyway." She checked her chronometer. "We have about half an hour before we need to head back. Anything in particular you'd like to look at?"

"Not in particular, no. But I wouldn't mind chatting some more," Amanda told Grace. "I think I have a problem."

Giving the counselor her full attention, Grace asked, "What sort of problem?"

"I think that there are two people interested in me romantically and, um, well," she said blushing, "I may be, as well."

"Interested in both of them?" Grace asked. "I know one is definitely interested. I've seen him look at you--and you at him. Who is the other?"

"Yiv and the Captain," Amanda replied blushing.

The Captain? She could see Yiv and Amanda, but the Captain surprised her. Not that she had a problem with it. The other woman was charming and sweet and beautiful. Of course both men would be attracted to her. It was more that Grace couldn't help feeling a little jealous. Not of Amanda, or the men who were interested in her, but simply because she had no luck at all when it came to relationships. In truth, she was happy for the counselor. She didn't have enough self-confidence. Maybe this would help convince her that others thought more of her than she thought of herself. "That's a tough position to be in," Grace said. "Just be careful. You need to find out which one your heart prefers, but don't take too long or you risk losing both of them."

"I...I...I don't know," she told Grace. "You don't understand. When I was on the Avenger, I was interested in the Captain but he never looked my way. Years I held a crush on him and said nothing. Now, I get here and.... Two?! I mean, that's just not right...."

"Why not? Why can't two men be interested in you?" Grace asked. "You've got a lot going for you."

"I'm nothing special," Amanda replied with a shrug. "And they both could probably have anyone they want."

"But they chose you. Don't belittle yourself. If they clearly saw something they liked in you, so you have more going for you than you think."

"I'm just friendly," Amanda deferred. "Lots of people become attracted to their counselors because they mix up therapeutic care with genuine emotions."

"That has not been my experience. In fact, just the opposite. People tend to mistrust counselors because they're afraid we'll psychoanalyze them. Diplomats are less trusted."

"Huh!" Amanda replied wondering at her opposite experiences. "I'll have to think about that."

"You seem to be the exception to the rule," Grace said. "It's not a bad ting, but you've had more luck than most."

"I don't know about that. There was no such romantic interests on my last postings. And my crush went for naught," Amanda informed Grace.

"Every experience is a learning experience," she countered. "My professional concern is that you're compensating for past experiences. Do you have feelings for the Captain, or is it more that you want to prove something to yourself because your former captain didn't return your feelings? And how do you feel about Yiv? How would you feel if one of them walked away because you're dating another man? As I said, if you truly don't know how you feel, there's no harm in seeing bothe of them until you're sure. But to date both simply to shore up your self-esteem could lead to all three of you getting hurt. That is what I want to prevent."

"I don't think that anything like that is going on," Amanda replied concerned. "But, I do guess that I need to sort that out. It has been so long since I've dated that I'm not sure how to figure out the difference."

"That I can't help with. It's different for every person," Grace said. "Just be careful. I don't want any of you to get hurt."

"Neither do I," Amanda told Grace. "But, there's not a way to play safe in these matters, not really. Opening up means being vulnerable, right? Taking chances."

"Yes. Relationships mean taking chances and being vulnerable," Grace said. "But when it works out, the rewards are worth it." She sincerely hoped things would work out for Amanda.

"So, we'll have to see what happens, I guess," Amanda replied with a shy smile and blush.

"Yes, you will. Good luck." Grace looked around again. "Let's do some window shopping, then head back to the shuttle. We still have a bit of time before we have to meet the others." There was nothing more she could say to the counselor, and the woman did have the right to conduct her romances however she saw fit.

Amanda smiled and followed Grace, waiting for new orders.

"I want to see what sort of things they sell, and if the prices are comparable to what you find in the Federation," Grace said. She went first into a jewelry store. The prices were high and the quality wasn't quite up to what the former diplomat would expect. She looked around, then thanked the shopkeeper and walked out.

"We're out in the middle of nowhere," Amanda observed. "I would expect that the prices would be higher, but the quality lower. It is the nature of being at the outskirts."

"Yes," Grace said. "And if this mineral is all it claims to be, then prices are going to keep going up. But we can also learn a bit by what goods they choose to sell, which are imported and which are made locally. It's not necessarily important, but it helps me understand the type of people here." She looked around, not seeing much to catch her interest. "We should head back. There's still a little time to stop if we see something interesting. I'd like to know if there are any local products peculiar to this area."

"OK," Amanda replied, somewhat in awe of the First Officer. She then started following Grace.

(Continued in Enter the Authority)

Lieutenant Amanda Rose
Chief Counselor
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario


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