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Enter the Authority (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Apr 12th, 2021 @ 2:17pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Edited on on Mon Apr 12th, 2021 @ 2:22pm

1,123 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

There was a low hum as the lift made its way to the command deck. The Chief Commerce Officer flanked by two aides and a third dressed in tactical armour. But the lift opened and then the command deck was visible. Males and Females of the species were gathered round multiple screens and displays, individual consoles littered around the room.

"Disengage Warp." He said as he moved towards the central display. Feeling the vessel decrease speed and stop. "Viewscreen on." The image of Crossroads visible as were the traffic of the station. His gaze turned towards the command deck.

"This is the Enforcement Vessel Requiem, representing the Halcion Trade Authority." The channel open for all ships to hear. "We are conducting a Level 3 Enforcement of this Station. All Ships are to remain stationary in their lanes, all permits and badges are to be presented for inspection by the enforcement team upon their arrival to the station. Failure to comply will result in immediate action."


The message was broadcast far and wide throughout the merchants and vendors of the Station, some were a little jittery and others were outright scared by this announcement.

[Away Team 2]

Grace heard the message as she was looking in a display window. She turned to Amanda. "Halcion Trade Authority?" They had no badges or permits. "Wait here."

She walked into the shop. "What does that announcement mean?"

He looked at her sharply, then looked behind her as if afraid someone was watching. "You don't know?"

"No. I arrived today." She noticed that he looked scared.

"Any questions will have to be addressed to the Halcion Trade Authority. Building 62."

"The Halcion Trade Authority? I haven't heard of them."

His eyes widened. "I must ask you to leave. Now. Building 62. I'll let them know to expect you." He practically pushed her out the door, then closed it behind her.

"That got me nowhere," Grace said to Amanda. "He said I should address all my questions to the Halcion Trade Authority, building 62. Perhaps we should see about getting a permit?"

"How long do we have?" Amanda asked, getting nervous about rendezvousing back with Ontario. "The information would be helpful but the others...."

"Would they intercept the shuttle if we left now?" Grace asked. "We could ask the Captain for permission to get more information. Why don't you contact the others and I'll contact the ship?"

Amanda tapped a hidden communications device and asked, "Fairbourne and Ede, can you hear me?"

Grace walked a little ways off and also tapped her hidden combadge. This would be more difficult as she had to contact the ship, knowing she was likely to be overheard. "Bridge."

[Away Team 1]

Yiv looked to Anahera, worry creasing his brow. 'That doesn't sound good,' he said as he leaned in closer to talk more quietly. He noticed the bar patrons looking around at each other warily, some also leaning in close and chatting to one another. One or two even shot significant glances in his direction. 'What is Halcion even?'

"I've never heard of them, but I think its save to assume they're the ones in charge around here." Anahera said. "Hopefully we can talk our way out of this, but in case we can't, take this." She added handing him a type-I phaser.

He raised an eyebrow as he accepted the palm-sized weapon. 'Let's hope it doesn't come to a shootout at the OK Corral,' Yiv replied drily. 'We should try to find the others.'

"Agreed on both." Anahera said. Just because she could handle herself, didn't mean she actively went looking for fights.

'Great, let's get going,' replied Yiv, glad they had a plan of action to execute. He pushed away the rest of his awful pint, and got to his feet. He noticed most of the other patrons were trying very hard not to make eye contact. He had a bad feeling about that.

"Let's move out." Anahera said leading the way to the Docks.

At that moment "Fairbourne and Ede, can you hear me?" came over Anahera's comm.

"Fairbourne, here." She responded.

"This is Thorn," Amanda replied with a small snicker. "I think we all need to get back together. Did you hear the announcement?"

"Agreed." Anahera said. "Yes, we were heading for the Docks, what's your location?" She asked.

"We've been shopping. We have dresses." She blushed, feeling like she was sounding stupid. "We could meet back at the docks or you could join us here. Your preference?" Amanda knew that the Commanders had more authority than she, so telling them to come to her would be presumptuous.

"We'll meet you at the docks." Anahera replied.

Elijah sat in the Chair as he heard the announcement. "Alright people keep us static for now, but maintain a lock on the away team." He said as he examined the unknown ship that had entered the system. A configuration he had never seen before nor heard about.

The communications officer turned to the Captain. "I just received a rather cryptic message from Commander Vetur. She said that she's going to Building 62 to look into permits and badges, sir."

"Oh good god.....What the bloody hell is she doing?" Elijah said out loud. "What is the status of the away team can you get a lock on them?"

"Commander, what are you doing?" the communications officer asked.

"Getting a permit," Grace replied. "I'm not sure they'll let us leave without one."

“Commander your remit was to scout and observe the Station not go off on some jaunt into a building you know nothing about.” Elijah said sternly over the channel. He paused and sighed. “Alright proceed with caution.”

"Yes, sir. Vetur out."

[Team Two 2]

Grace went back to Amanda. "I'm going to building 62. Would you like to com with me or wait for the others?"

Amanda was torn. "I don't think that you should go alone. That would not necessarily be safe. I'd also like to wait for the others. Perhaps you should wait for them too, Grace? I don't think the delay would be harmful."

"We've got fifteen minutes before we rendezvous. We can go back to the shuttle, and then I'll go check out building 62. I don't think it's dangerous, and it will answer a number of questions." Besides, Grace didn't want to carry her purchases with her when she applied for whatever she needed to apply for.

(To be continued...)

Halcion Trade Authority
NPCd by Captain Michaels

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Amanda ROse
Chief Counselor

NPCd by Commander Vetur

Lieutenant Yivliph Ra-GruvLoveii
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

NPCd by Commander Chernova


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