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Friends Reunite

Posted on Mon Jan 11th, 2021 @ 6:54am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

587 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Into the Unknown
Location: USS Ontario - Captain's Ready Room

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova made her way to the Bridge, crossed it and activated the buzzer on the Captain's Ready Room door.

"Yes?" He asked as he examined the collection of assorted items on his bookshelf, a classic collection if ever there was one.

Anahera entered and came to attention in front of the captain's desk. "Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova reporting for duty, sir." She said.

"Well well I never thought i'd see the day you'd step into my Ready Room and not be in chains." Elijah said once he heard her voice.

"Yeah, I found they were a little garish, so I traded them for a nice shiny uniform. Its good to see you too, E." Anahera said.

“You too Ana, seems we pissed off the right people to be reunited again huh?” Elijah chuckled motioning for her to take a seat.

Ana took the seat. "Who did you upset this time, E?" She asked. "It wasn't Admiral Aurena Stylen was it?" Admiral Stylen had been one of two officers o that had voted against Anahera's enlistment in Starfleet, the other was 'Command's Head of Security.

"I have no idea all i know is that you and I are having this conversation." Elijah responded to her. "When they told me I was getting you as my Security Chief i thought it was a joke, clearly they don't know you and i have been friends a long time."

"Wait. I was told you requested me personally." Anahera said. "Looks like someone is playing with us." She added.

“Well only time will tell if we ever discover the truth.” Elijah shrugged. “For now let’s make the most it, I want a full assessment of the Tactical department and all the Phasers need reviewing.”

"Understood. Its nice to be on a ship again, undercover work is not at all like the holos." Anahera said.

“I wouldn’t know I never got chance to go undercover, Plus I’m not that handy with a Stiletto.” Elijah chuckled in response.

"So you heard about that?" Anahera asked. "I could go in armed, they had scanners, so I had to improvise."

"And this is why I keep you around." Elijah said chuckling to himself.

"I thought it was my winning personality." Anahera joked.

“Well add it to the ever growing list.” Elijah nodded.

"Are we making lists now?" She asked.

"If we were then you've already won this game." He chuckled in response.

"Flatterer." Anahera said. "So, E. what have you been up to since we last met?" She asked.

“Oh you know the usual.” Elijah responded as he picked up his cup. “Surveying dead stars, scraping dead gorn off the hull. Even managed to win a couple of games of Dabo.”

"Well done, Dabo is a hard game, I still haven't got the hang of it." Anahera replied.

There was a chuckle exchanged between the two of them. “Right Anahera I best leave you to see your new Department.” He handed her the list. “Lieutenant Summerby is expecting you.”

"Alright, can't leave the Lieutenant waiting, remember you still owe me an authentic Ukrainian meal after I helped you with that incident with the Z'Rel." Anahera said.

"I haven't forgotten." Elijah responded to her. "I'll be sure to look it up soon as possible."

"I'll hold you to that, see you on the Bridge." Anahera said before leaving.

Elijah was glad he had Chernova with him on the Ontario, in these uncertain times an ally was worth its weight in gold.


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