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Medical Check In

Posted on Fri Jul 23rd, 2021 @ 7:22pm by Lieutenant JG Varik & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone

1,457 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: backlog (soon after Siren's arrival)

Siren paused her work on the light bag. She sighed...just as she was getting a really good rhythm the computer dutifully reminded her that she had an appointment in sickbay for her on boarding physical and checkup on her wrist. She did the doctor on duty a favor and showered before changing into her uniform and heading to sickbay. She didn't hate sickbay, or dislike doctors, but she had spent far too much time in sickbay recently, so she wasn't really looking forward to it. But like a good x marine she sucked it up and marched down there.

As far as sickbays went, it was actually quite a nice one, Siren found herself looking around before she went in search of a doctor.

As was her usual pastime during the quiet hours in sickbay Doctor Varik was in the CMO's office reading papers, all of her admin having been caught up on well beforehand in typical Vulcan efficiency. She clocked the marine as the sound of the doors opening and closing pulled her attention from her studies. Fully aware that it has been a while since she had moved Varik took the opportunity to stand and move around a little by way of asking the new arrival what services she required.

"Can I be of assistance, Lieutenant?" The Vulcan asked as she left the office and moved into the main area of sickbay.

"Lieutenant Stone ma'am." She introduced. She managed to not call the woman 'sir' as she was apt to do out of marine habit. "I'm here for my on boarding physical." She even managed to not sigh as she said it. Siren for the win all around today.

"We are of the same rank Lieutenant," Varik pointed out rather bluntly. "As such there is no requirement to call me ma'am. 'Doctor' is my preferred mode of address. Please take a seat." She motioned to a bio-bed nearby.

Great, she was one of those Vulcans. Siren just nodded. "Doctor." She dutifully hopped up to the bio bed. She knew it was psychosomatic, but just sitting on a bio bed in front of the doctor made her wrist ache. She mentally told her psyche to shut the f up so she could get out of here with as little fuss as possible.

After a quick interaction with the computer terminal on the bed Varik started with a simple scan using a medical tricorder.

"Are you nervous lieutenant?" She asked.

"Not thrilled to be poked and prodded, but no, not nervous." Siren answered honestly.

"I don't believe I have ever met somebody who was thrilled to be... 'poked and prodded', as you say," Varik observed in return as she Swung the probe around a foot or so from Siren, as if tracing an invisible aura around her. "While I have no evidence to corroborate, I would moot a theory that Medical checkups are the most resisted procedure on most star ships in the fleet. What I do not understand is why. If there were something wrong with me I should like to know."

"Well, I think the Ship's counselor might have you beat." Siren replied. "Marines are just a stubborn bunch. But you do have a very good point." Siren watched the proceedings, and had to admit that so far there was no poking or prodding, the Doctor was barely inside Siren's personal space. The aura tracing stopped and Doctor Varik checked some results on the screen of her medical tricorder.

"Has anything changed since your last medical check up that you are aware of?" She asked the marine.

"Not really. The wrist has stopped hurting all the time, it only hurts if I over-use it now. Other than that, I feel fine. The rest of me is probably in better shape than it has been since the academy." Siren needed something to keep her mind off of no longer being able to fly a bird, and she'd taken up several competitive sports in the holodeck, as well as broadening her gym routine.

"A cursory scan reveals your personal fitness level does indeed eclipse your Academy readings," Varik revealed after a few moments checking logs on the main bio bed screen. "Increased muscle mass, lower resting heart rate and high HRV. Generally speaking Marines' fitness levels upstage those of Starfleet officers, very rarely do we have anything to worry about due to marine training and self motivation. You are to be commended on your diligence with your wrist recovery. Sickbay's physiotherapy facilities are always available for you to use if you wish, however it seems you have everything under control." This aspect of Siren's recovery was about as good as it was going to be and the Vulcan called it exactly as she saw it.

Siren gave a pleased little nod. It was nice to hear her hard work was paying off, at least in some small way. She really only had one question. "Is the EMH here programmed to assist in physio therapy? I know all the maintenance exercises, but..." She sighed, and then just spit it out. "I really want to be able to put a hair tie in properly. I finally got it, but it's always loose or crooked."

"The EMH is intended for emergencies," Varik replied somewhat bluntly. "We have various non-photonic medical staff who are capable of assisting if you need it." While Varik was renowned for being more empathic and sensitive to her patients needs than some other Vulcans this was a little logic hill that she couldn't quite get over, at least not right away.

Siren knew when to keep her mouth shut. She just nodded at Varik and stated. "Of course." Then asked. "So, am I cleared?"

A little time went by, slightly longer than you might expect in the normal flow of conversation. When the doctor spoke again it was in a gentler tone.

"Why did you ask about the EMH, Lieutenant?" She looked stony as ever, but there was something a little different behind her dark eyes. "If there is something you need some assistance with regarding your recovery I would like to know what it is. I would like to be able to help. Please."
Please was not a word Vulcans used often. It was an invitation but also a guarantee did she really did have her patient's best interests at heart, no matter the issue.

"Because I figured it would be easier for the EMH to work with me on the hair tie thing. It's a little thing, I know, but it's also very annoying to never have my hair up properly."

Varik nodded. She only required a few moments to put herself in Siren's shoes, also being a serial pony-tailer.
"I see." She thought for a moment. "As I said, the EMH is for emergency purposes only. However, if it would be acceptable I am willing to schedule a house-call with you each morning to work on that particular aspect of your recovery. As with this whole conversation that would all be subject to doctor-patient confidentiality."

Siren couldn't hold back a look of surprise. It was a surprisingly kind offer from the so far stoic doctor. "Oh umm. That would be very helpful actually. Thank You." She thought of offering to come here every morning, but frankly she didn't want to start that gossip train.

"What time is preferable?" Varik inquired next with slightly stark pragmatism. She tapped the bio-bed screen accessing her personal database and created a new recurring appointment.

Siren gave a time after her workout, but before her shift, that she thought would be a good compromise on both their schedules. "And thank you again. I do appreciate it." Varik tapped the time into the console and saved the appointment. Her eyes flicked over to the pilot. This was odd because the doctor usually looked people straight in the face.

"I will be glad of it, Lieutenant," she said. "Something outside of the normal reading, research and routine appointments is welcome." This was certainly true but also served to help Siren should she feel this was in any way an imposition, or at least that's what Varik was aiming for. She moved away from the console and was back to looking her patient directly in the face.

"You are cleared, Lieutenant. Your next routine physical will be automatically added to your schedule. Unless you have any questions for me I will see you as agreed tomorrow morning."

Siren was quick to hop off the bio-bed. "No questions. I'll see you in the morning." Siren let out a breath. That hadn't been to terrible. She hurried out of the bay anyway. Sickbay always brought back bad memories.


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