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I'm an engineer, not a handyman

Posted on Mon May 31st, 2021 @ 9:42am by Warrant Officer Arin Merkara & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road

Siren had managed to get a bed delivered, but the rest of her quarters were still empty. She didn't mind, but there were two items she needed set up ASAP, not only for her sanity, but for the safety of those around her. It was a much better option to beat up on her punching bags than anything actually living.

She took Percy's advice and called Merkara.

=^= Siren to Warrant Officer Merkara =^=

Putting down the hyperspanner, Arin tapped her commbadge. =^= Merkara here. =^= She wanted to make an offhand comment about a siren being an inanimate object but if it was a nickname it could have negative connotations.

=^= What can I do for ya?=^=

=^= Lieutenant Balor recommended I contact you. =^= Siren began =^= I have a couple of items that need to be attached to the ceiling support beams in my quarters. Do you think you might have a chance to take a look when you are free?" =^=

Luckily it was just audio. Her shift had ended. She was still in uniform pants and a regulation t-shirt. =^= Remind me to thank him for his generosity. =^= By beating his ass, she thought but didn't voice.

=^= What exactly are we talking about hanging? A bed? Chandelier? Sex swing? I need to know what we are doing so I can bring the proper supports. =^=

Yes, the last one was a tease but you never knew what people were into and she felt that since they could have just called maintenance, she had a bit of leeway. If it was someone she knew it wouldn't have phased her depending on who was asking.

Siren chuckled over the comm =^= Not a bad thought, but nothing that exciting. Just one heavy punching bag, and one light punching bag. =^= The warrant officer had a friendly enough tone, and she didn't seem completely against the request, so Siren continued on. =^= I pay in booze =^=

=^= Fair enough. Give me 5 to grab tools and parts. Merkara out. =^=

Soon she arrived at the door. Toolbox in one hand, supports in the other, Arin kicked at the the door a few times to announce her arrival. When it opened she saw a pleasant enough woman about her own age. Arin's tone was calm. She had already said she needed to know more people instead of living in her own bubble. "Siren I assume. Though that has to be a nickname or your parents need help."

Siren stepped aside with a small chuckle. "It's my Call sign. I'm an ex marine fighter pilot, and I like Siren a hell of a lot more than Elizabeth. Thanks for coming."

"I can empathize with that. My middle name is Jayliin. From my mother's mother.Most people need a try or two to get it right Growing up Irish, I probably know every permutation of Elizabeth. My humor would have me calling you Klaxon if you talk too much. " She said smiling as she put the toolbox and supports down. "Computer, how many variations exist for the name Elizabeth from Earth?"

=^= There are 106 variations for the name Elizabeth not counting non-Earth origins. =^=

Siren snorted. She wasn't actually surprised at that bit of information.

"Anyway, you know they have punching bags in the gym, right?" Arin offered.

"I know. but there is nothing worse than heading to the gym and finding they are being used. Plus here in my quarters I can turn the music up without vibrating my cochlea out of my ear, or box naked if the fancy strikes me." Siren then stared up at the ceiling "Can I help?"

Arin grabbed the short collapsible 2 step ladder and unfolded it. "Sure, for starters where are going.?" She pointed to a corner in the main room. "I'd put the bigger one in the corner and a a meter away we can add the smaller one. It's out of the way enough to not be a problem and you can decorate a bit around it. Placing the short ladder nearby she said, "Grab the panel from me and pass me the other panel support first."

While she worked she responded to Siren's answer about the gym. "I can understand that. The gym gets full at times. I've developed a few alternatives. For example, if the holodeck is open, I practice attacking castle or pretend to be a superhero. You'd be surprised at how good a workout you can get by beating up people that really deserve it." A smile crossed her face.

"I usually avoid the holodeck." Siren replied, not providing details. "But sounds like a good work out." Siren dutifully followed Arin's instructions. She knew her way around tools, and wasn't new to repair work, though she'd never actually worked on the inner support beams of a starship. It was actually quite an interesting view up above the ceiling panels.

"Are there any other hangouts beside the lounge?" Siren asked. Not every night could be filled with finding a shag for the evening, she did have other interest after all.

"I wish I knew. I haven't been here all that long myself." Arin offered. Then added, "Haven't even had time to build the obligatory still hidden somewhere in Engineering. Looking over at Siren she winked with a grin. "Long standing tradition. Hand me the longer support."

Siren did as she was bid, happy to help. It gave her peace of mind to know her bags were being properly installed.

"You'll have to let me know when you find and/or install the still." Siren handed over the asked for items. "You could always hide it up there, I promise to only take my cut." She teased.

"So you don't need a couch. We'll stick it right there." Arin countered with a chuckle. "No, we need a bit more room than a crawl space. Crewmembers can be thirsty and greedy." He took the hammer and knocked out the pre-formed section for that reason. She handed the unused pieces back to Siren, and installed the hook. Climbing down, she offered with a tease, "All set....Klaxon." She put the tools away and deftly locked the kit. Lastly folding the ladder, she turned towards Siren. "Anything else?"

Siren rolled her eyes at the quip, but didn't otherwise engage. It was like dealing with children, if you made it known how much it bothered you, they'd just keep doing it. She stepped back and surveyed the now hung bags. She gave the heavy bag a good roundhouse and smiled. "Nope, it's perfect. Thank you."

"All set then. I'll take that drink next time you're in the lounge." Arin turned to leave.

"Sounds good." Siren gave a polite wave, but then turned her attention back to her bags. It was time to see just how well they would hold up.

Arin walked out the door.


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