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Lounge Lizards Unite (tenative)

Posted on Wed Jul 28th, 2021 @ 6:48am by Warrant Officer Arin Merkara & Lieutenant JG Varik

3,494 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Ship's Lounge

After dropping off the planters, Arin quickly changed her top to a lavender wrap around top and a midnight blue skirt. A quick pair of gold earrings, and 3 inch black heels. Finally she grabbed a bottle of spiced whiskey and an aged cider. Making her way to the lounge, she got a few looks but growing up part Orion and attractive, she long since learned to ignore them.

Soon after she made her way there, she took a seat at the bar. A young Bolian server came up to her. "Reconsidered my offer yet? You know we'd make beautiful babies." The man said.

"Keeping me barefoot and pregnant takes more than just charm. Plus you know how I feel about blueberries, Otter" She offered with a knowing smile using the nickname she'd come up with as he looked like a giant otter pop to her.

Without missing a beat, Otter countered, "I I see we've upgraded from two fisted to two bottled drinking."

"Just give me Irish coffee glasses, and supplies, please." Arin said.

"If you make one for me, it's a deal. You do it well." Otter said.

Arin stuck out her tongue, but said "Fine. Three glasses then."

As it was convention to wear something other than one's uniform in the lounge Varik had shed her Starfleet teal in favour of a traditional Vulcan dress. It was long, ankle length made of an unremarkable grey material, with wide shoulders, a long flowing skirt and a simple black pattern. Still, it was fitted well and that served to accentuate Varik's rather tiny waist. Her hair had changed also, now fully released from any sort of ponytail and sat around the squared-off shoulders of her attire. The final accompliment, as jewelery was neither required or useful, were little flat shoes similar to 'ballerina' pumps but a little more sturdy that matched the grey of the dress. Varik scanned the room looking for Arin. Since their meeting in the replication center Varik had taken a minute or so to place her ficus in the most optimal position and had had a small, quick and simple meal of various bland foods with well-thought-out nutritional content. Spying her new friend at the bar she made her way over and claimed the seat next to hers.

"Greetings," she offered to Arin and Otter.

Looking over she greeted Varik with a bright smile. "Brilliant, you made it. I was about to stun Otter here while I make Irish coffee. Since he can't master that, it's wonder this place has this many patrons."

Otter changed his facial expression. "Hey, that's not nice or funny."

Arin replied, "It's a little funny." Her nose wrinkled as her face went playful. It's not like we're building a warp core. She added the brown sugar, then poured in coffee and a shot of the Irish whiskey. Turning a spoon over, the floated the cream on top deftly. Arin held out her hand. Otter stared at her with a blank expression then the he sprung into action.

"Oh, one sec. "We're out of nutmeg though and I know you aren't that found of the replicated stuff, so here's cocoa power". Arin's expression changed for a second but then she used the plastic template to add a four leaf clover on top of the cream. Here's ya bribe, now go."

Otter took his drink, though he raised it in salute to Arin as he departed.

"Now, onto us as it were. I know that some have a heightened sense of smell so I wasn't sure what would be acceptable for you to indulge in drink-wise." She eyed Varik's outfit. "Oooh and we need to talk about your wardrobe at some point." She looked it over and asked. "is it comfortable? " Arin asked, a pained look on her face.

"Are those?" Varik asked, motioning to Arin's heels, one of her straight Vulcan eyebrows raised in a slightly sarcastic counter. "If one pairs back clothing to its fundamentals, that is to be warm, modest and give an expression of one's personality through fashion choices this garment is a perfectly logical end point. As for a choice of beverages I have been in and around starfleet my entire life, human coffee is a smell that is very familiar and causes me no discomfort."

She had intended to have a nice outing but Arin now wanted to keep a bit more of her wits about her. with Varik's question. She sipped her Irish coffee. The slightly sweet hot liquid, cream, and whiskey all mixing as she drank it. She didn't know how to make many drinks, but this was her specialty.

Arin's brain switched into a more logical thought process. "Smelling coffee and drinking it are different. Also no, the heels aren't very comfortable, but I do like the way I look and feel in them so yes it's a slight trade off. It's as much for making me look better in my own eyes and boosting my confidence as anything else. This is also a special occasion and I wanted to look nicer than normal.

Another reason is many men won't really attempt to make sexual advances if a mate is taller than they are. Since I am already tall, 3 inch heels add a slightly higher intimidation factor. You must get propositioned by others quite a bit. That tiny waist and long beautiful hair."

"I do." Much as Varik tried to dial out the emotion there was still a mild tone of annoyance in this confirmation. "In a similar fashion to your using height as a deterrent, traditional Vulcan attire can do the same. I used a series of social nights out with my peers at Starfleet medical Academy to study the phenomenon and was able to conclude there was a drop in propositions made either to me alone or to our group when I was wearing garments of obvious Vulcan origin rather than something more neutral. Of course there will always be those few who see it as a challenge, that cannot be helped."

"Always going to be some thick headed donkey with more bollocks than brains. Before you ask, donkey because it's already an ass." She said considering the options of dress versus sex. "For you that is an option. Unless I bleach my skin, no by the way, my green skin is already going to be an enticement. It's not logical for me to not dress the way I want to because of someone else's lack of manners. Convincing them verbally or physically would be preferable. Not emotionless of course but a calculated escalation for the ignorant and discourteous, or those seeking a challenge." Arin added. "I can't say that I don't occasionally even enjoy the conflict. Though i would rather drink in peace with companions."

"You have to see that shoulder pads and geometric patterns and blocky clothing could be improved upon perhaps." Arin said.

"I am under no illusion that this is the height of galactic fashion," Varik conceded with surprisingly little resistance, "But what I do not see is sufficient reason for change. If an agreeable external appearance is designed to attract a mate then to me it is irrelevant, I shall be married as and when it is required of me to whoever is chosen, as I have faith that my mate will be chosen for reasons of an optimum compatibility physically and in parenting approach. On the other hand, if my appearance is to serve my own satisfaction and displaying what I feel is a true outward representation of me as a personality, this kind of attire does so. I am a traditional Vulcan and committed to do things in the traditional way. I understand however your position on the matter of your own attire. It cannot be an easy thing to be immediately singled out from a crowd by the colour of your skin, something that of course you have no control over."

Varik's gaze rested on the coffee-making equipment. Thus far she was without a drink.

It was a rare moment when Arin was speechless. She simply said. "Okay" as she studied the woman's demeanor. Watching as Varik's gaze fell on the coffee making equipment, she apologized. "I'm a fool. Too busy bumping my gums instead of serving you." Walking behind the counter, she grabbed a fresh mug. "I think something a bit different for you." She prepared the coffee, a light roast. Adding a dark chocolate to the bottom of the mug, Arin melted it, and she added a healthy dose of coffee and the whiskey. She floated the cream on top and presented it to Varik.

She placed it in front of Varik. "I had a...friend back on Utopia Planetia that would sometimes indulge in drinking this version" She wanted to add more but she also knew that Vulcans were very secretive about intimate relationships. Arin added "You make sense. Just different ways of being who we are."

The smell of the chocolate melting was undeniably appealing, especially to someone who didn't often indulge in refined sugar. Whether chocolate had the reputed effect on vulcans was yet to be proved. Varik saw no scientific basis for it, certainly there was no perceptible effect on her perhaps besides a bit of a sugar high, but she was able to see the intention behind the gesture. For Arin, Varik supposed, this was a time to loosen up a little and be a bit less scientific. The Vulcan came to the conclusion she would attempt to do so in the spirit of their new friendship. She took a tentative drink from the offered Cup, careful to to include some of the cream so as to normalise the temperature of the hot coffee a little.

"A well balanced and prepared beverage," she offered diplomatically and truthfully. "If you would permit me, I believe a certain baked confection I sampled once while at Starfleet medical Academy on Earth would be a very fitting accompliment."

Arin's eyes got slightly wider. "By all means, I am intrigued." Arin was wondering what confection that Varik would bring back. Her thoughts went to coffee cake though she rare saw a coffee cake that had actually coffee in it. Waiting with anticipation, Arin wriggled a bit in her seat. "You have my complete attention." She offered smiling.

Varik nodded once and gracefully left her seat, moving quickly to the nearest replicator. It was only a few seconds before she returned with a small plate of warm amaretti biscuits which she placed on the bar.

"More refined sugar," she noted. "From a point of view of nutrition this is unhealthy and indulgent. However I believe a small celebration is in order..." the phrase 'and such events are often marked with sugar, fermented or raw' was the conclusion to the sentence that came into her head but Varik chose not to speak it as she was attempting to not be too analytical. " you not agree?" was the actual end that she aired to her new friend.

Arin nodded as she inhaled the delicate aroma wafting from the plate. "Indulgence is relative though. More for humans I supposed than Vulcans. Sometimes just a good biscuit, thin slice of cheesecake, or a savory plate of chips can do wonders for an emotional state." She took one and dipped it past the cream into the coffee and back out. She bit the end that was covered in the Irish coffee. Closing her eyes, she savored the taste of the confection.

"A perfect accompaniment." Arin applauded lightly in deference to the companion's choice.

Varik copied Arin and took a bite of her own, now coffee soaked biscuit. Who would have thought of a Vulcan dunking? The taste was intensely sweet (Varik wasn't used to eating refined sugar) but undeniably delectable. It was certainly a change from her normal routine as was this entire encounter, but it occurred to Varik that in the goal of avoiding emotion she could become unadventurous and bland, too safe. She had to experience life, set outside of her comfort zone once in a while, within certain defined limits of course.

"Do you have a favourite?" She asked Arin, on the subject of comfort food.

"With humans, so much is situational and dependent on moods and of course fresh or real takes precedence over replicated anyway. I can tell the difference most of the time. Setting all that aside, my top 3 are in no particular order.....a good apple pie with a wedge of cheddar, key lime pie, or mom always had Anzac biscuits nearby. Those are oatmeal cookies with coconut. Named after the Australian New Zealand Army Corps, they became very popular because they lasted the long trip to the soldiers during Earth's First World War."

"Now for savory. It has to be Colcannon. Mashed potatoes with cabbage and butter. I like mine with bacon." Arin offered. "Especially on a cold day or when you're not feeling well. What about you. Obviously almond biscuits. Anything else?" She asked Varik. The Vulcan considered this for a moment as she took a drink of the chocolate Irish Coffee.

"I generally prefer foods of high nutritional content with limited scope for an emotional response. Often amalgamated Plant or bean proteins such as Tofu, lots of leafy greens, an abundance of berries, nuts and seeds, each chosen for their nutritional value. Should I experience an elevated level of control sufficient to allow for experiencing pleasure from my food I will occasionally indulge in chargrilled assorted vegetables with humous and Pitta bread, a mild curry of chickpeas and spinach or okra with Chapatis."

"I can see that. I have those days. Italian minestrone is similar in all those items, with a good crusty baguette. Though I have to argue that since most of this is replicated, is being a vegetarian really necessary?" Arin posed. Varik blinked impassively as she thought for a moment.

"Vulcans are often vegetarian or vegan by tradition," she explained. "We have become very adept at ensuring correct nutrition without the use of animal products. As such, and having a traditional Vulcan upbringing, I was not introduced to meat properly until I went to Starfleet medical Academy and took the opportunity for some experimentation. I found then I did not acquire much of a taste for meat. If I understand you correctly, you are thinking of the welfare of animals which becomes a non-issue when food is replicated. In that context no, it is not necessary. However it is my preference. You mentioned Minestrone - traditional Minestrone di passata in particular I find very palatable."

"The replicator help reduce the suffering I imagine. It's resequenced proteins that resemble the food. Though sometimes the taste and textures aren't quite right. Personally I would find it...discouraging to give up bacon and the steak. Nothing something consumed in great quantities, but they would be missed." Arin got up seeing their drinks were empty. She recycled the drinkware. "Would you care another or perhaps something different?" Arin asked.

"Vulcan metabolism being what it is I can have another without worry of becoming over-caffeinated. As such I shall continue with the Irish coffee for now, if you please," Varik responded cordially. "I understand that those who put real value in in obtaining pleasure from their food often will have a respite from the replicators for the purposes of achieving maximum authenticity of taste. Given that emotional responses are provocative to Vulcans I see no reason for me to do so. The replicator provides me with the nutrition that I need without harming any animals and in that regard the vegan philosophy becomes more prominent although from a point of view of logic rather than empathy." Varik may have been pretty hard work socially from the point of view of anyone who had a sense of humour or fun and wanted to exercise them, but she was at least being fairly open, uncharacteristically so in fact in an effort to be diplomatic.
"Do you take a holiday from the replicators when when opportunity allows?" She asked Arin.

"Enthusiastically. My favorite sandwich from the garden is a BLAT. Bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado. The tomatoes pack in so much flavor. The tomato sandwich is also very good. The replicator just has a problem with the nuance of tomatoes. I will take fresh over re-sequenced almost every time. If nothing else than for the experience if an an unfamiliar food item."

"I think I'll add a third planter pod for some tomatoes. I already have basil and chives growing." Arin added.

"With the opportunity of fine control over atmospheric conditions in our quarters there is only regulations to hinder the journeyman grower," Varik pointed out somewhat optimistically. "And should the occasion arise you require some assistance our chief science officer is an eminent botanist and appears friendly enough if somewhat unconventional."

Arin's face became quizzical. "Is 'unconventional' the polite Vulcan way to say whacky? I have had some fun with him but he can also be....trying."

"Mmm. My first encounter with him one of his botanical experiments attempted to drag me down a corridor presumably for the purpose of acquiring nourishment by consuming me. I shall let you determine the correct adjective for that." Anyone else probably would have smiled at this point. Despite Varik's Vulcan flatness this was still intended to be a humorous anecdote.

"Mad scientist comes to mind." She placed the Vulcan version of Irish coffee in front of Varik again. Mostly chocolate with an espresso shot and shot of whiskey. She made one for herself as well. "I'm not sure how I feel about him. Yes, feelings are irrelevant. Still one odd duck...or pig as the case may be."

"Feelings can be irrelevant depending on your perspective I suppose," Varik replied cryptically. As her arm pulled back it collided with a passing crew member and some of the the dark and liquid slopped onto Varik's dress.

"Shit, sorry doc!" The crewmember offered, looking pained.

"Worry not," was the response. "I moved somewhat suddenly and this fabric has saved me from a burn." Varik signalled the bartender and requested a towel.

"Hey." Arin's face contorting in mock offense. "My coffee or hot chocolate in your case, isn't THAT hot. Probably not that much hotter than a summer Vulcan day."

Varik's eyebrows quirked.

"I certainly do not miss that heat," she said. "Having been raised on a Starship it was something I never quite acclimatised to. Despite that I never suffered the heat in a way a human would, Vulcan biology being what it is." Varik mopped at her dress a little and the smell of Irish coffee pervaded the area.
"Your beverage is delectable of course," she added quickly.

"Thank you." Arin said and even added a small bow of courtesy. It was clear they were getting comfortable with each other. While Arin teased Varik, she teased nearly everyone. It was in her nature. She also was comfortable with letting people be who they were. That was part of the secret. There was no Vulcan secret. Not that she liked everyone but she tried to be at least amenable. With Varik it would be easy. No deception made it easier since the lies just complicate situations.

She asked Varik, "What your favorite color?"

What was probably quite an innocuous question to most produced a reaction in Varik of appearing very slightly taken aback.

"I do not recall I have ever been asked that before Arin," she stated truthfully. "Upon initial consideration I would elect a tone of beige akin to perhaps sepia or camel. The reason is that it is the colour of the ground around my family home on Vulcan. It is also the colour of my most preferred meditation candles from the same region. Both instill an unconscious sense of calm and of familiarity, of quiet centering. And you?"

Arin's face fell a bit at the comment but thinking about it, beige was a great color for what Arin was thinking about. She's filed it away for later as she replied. "Red but it clashes with my skin color. Hence the dark blue, though cobalt is a favorite as well. I tend to think of favorites as colors that compliment my body. Vain but functional in my eyes."

Arin down the rest of her drink. "I rather enjoyed our conversation. You are someone I could talk to for a long time. I do have an early diagnostic that will not wait so I will bid you a good night. Let me know when you want to acquire your information on physiology."

Varik nodded cordially. She did that a lot.

"I will. Sleep well, friend." With a chunk of beverage still to finish the Vulcan elected to stand by a window and enjoy the view of the stars before she too made her way to bed.


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