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Corps readiness.

Posted on Tue Jul 27th, 2021 @ 2:37pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Robin Maxwell

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: XO Office
Timeline: TBD


Maxwell made his way to make a Readiness Report of the Marines; he wore his BDU's as he walk off the Turbo Lift in the direction of the Executive Officer's Office to give his report. It was a simple and routine gesture on Maxwell's part. His Marines are ready and willing to do what their duty. Standing outside the door he rang the chime to be allowed entry.

Grace looked up. "Come in."

Maxwell walked into the Office and up to the desk to offer the PADD.

"Marine Readiness." He maintained an eye level gaze. "Locked, cocked and Ready to Rock Ma'am."

"Thank you, Captain. Is there anything you or your department needs? As we're not sure what we'll run into out here."

"I am confidant that we have sufficient gear for anything short of a long campaign." He gave a polite nod. "If we need anything we will adapt and over-come." He added. I would like your permission to work more closely with Security in some drills." He began. "I know that Fleet Security and Marines do not always see eye to eye and I hoped maybe a recommendation from you might ease the process?" HE almost grew darker. "Not telling it was my idea might also be useful in keeping the lines of communication open?"

"Good." The new Marine CO would be excellent if they came under fire. Her concern was how he'd do if they didn't. "How do you plan on dealing with long periods of time with nothing but training to do? I don't know what we'll face, but I can't think we'll be doing a lot of fighting." At least she hoped not.

You will be able to eat dinner off the decking if they get too bored." He gave a slight grin. "They tend to like training and expanding their skill sets and if Security is willing joint training could take p part of that Down-time."

Grace raised an eyebrow. "An interesting concept. I may have to refer some difficult crew members to you if I ever need an NJP."

"We have an obstacle course that if I turn off the charges would give anyone 'second thoughts' about doing what brought them there again?" He shrugged. "Keeping a person busy during transit seems a good way to lessen any trouble from rearing up.

"I agree that keeping people busy is important--as long as it's the right kind of busy." She was thinking specifically of Percy. "I'll leave the explosions to the Marines, though."

"It does make a live fire simulation a bit more ... motivating to move through the course." Maxwell noted. "And I find a bit less hesitant under real fire as they are more used to the noise."

"Yes, I can see that." She wasn't sure about using live fire very often, but it would definitely get them accustomed to being shot at--if one could truly become accustomed to it.

Just firecrackers and some charges that go … 'boom' like artillery's fire. A loud show meant to get them more used to it. Small charges that go one way, loudly."

"That makes me feel more comfortable about the training," Grace said. "Not that I have any doubts about your abilities. I'm more concerned with how others will see things. But firecrackers sound like a very good idea to get your Marines ready for whatever we may encounter." She was a little concerned with how the brass might view using live rounds, but they could have no objection to what Maxwell had in mind.

"No louder than a full Orhcistra in an open pavilion dong the WIlliam Tell Overture I can assure you." Maxwell said. "Just shakes them up enough to be able to concentrate better without being distracted." He nod. "We all know it is the one you do not hear that kills you."

"This is true." She looked forward to seeing what Maxwell could do with the Marines over the next months. "Is there anything you or your Marines need?"

"I should be the one asking that." Maxwell said with a calm demeanor. "Anytime you need us you know where to call."

What was that video some of the Academy students often quoted... "Who you gonna call?? Something like that. The 20th Century Earth did have some of the best movies. "Thank you, Captain. It is greatly appreciated," she said. "If you have nothing else, you may go about your duties."

Giving her a crisp salute Maxwell too his leave, it was always a good thing to show respect for those who seem to live up to their positions upon first meetings.


Captain Robin Maxwell
Marine CO
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario


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