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Dinner and Duets (Part 2)

Posted on Sun May 30th, 2021 @ 5:45am by Commander Grace Vetur & Captain Elijah Michaels
Edited on on Sun May 30th, 2021 @ 5:46am

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Michaels' Quarters
Timeline: After "Reporting on the HTA"


"Definitely a drink. Music like that makes me thirsty." She followed him over to the table with the wine. "I'll play with you any time," she said, turning to smile at him.

"Good to know...." He replied as he filled their glasses again. The Captain looking at her as he handed her the glass. He noticed they had nearly finished the bottle.


"Thank you," she said, her eyes meeting his for several long moments. As she took the glass, her fingers brushed his, causing her to look away. "You said something about dessert? Or should we save that for another time?"

Elijah looked at Grace, a long-drawn-out gaze as he nodded. "I think we might be running out of wine......" He said. "And I think I’ve got a choice of desserts...."

"I for one have probably had enough wine for tonight." That long look of his gave her butterflies. It was definitely better if she didn't drink any more. "What are my choices for dessert?"

Elijah looked over to the couch, then the table. "Erm....I think there is a cheesecake to go, I also have ice cream and......." He paused.

"Ice cream." She needed to cool off. She needed to go back to her quarters... After the ice cream. It was only polite to stay for dessert.

He nodded as he headed into the kitchenette for the ice cream. A short while later returning with two bowls. "Chocolate, mint and Vanilla."

"Two of my favorites." They were back to safe topics. Hadn't they always been on safe topics? Yes, she decided. Music was definitely safe. She gave herself a mental shake for her whimsy.

He nodded as he handed her the bowl. "Any sauce or cream?" Elijah responded.

"No. Plain is perfect." She sat down on the couch and took a bite, closing her eyes to relish the flavor for a moment. Then she couldn't help smiling impishly as she added, "You're welcome to use whipped cream if you like." She turned back to her ice cream. The mental image of the Captain looking like a giant marshmallow made her giggle. It was definitely time to go back to her quarters.

"I think I will stick with plain as well." He responded as he tucked into the cold dessert. A small smile presenting on his face.

"Plain is often a good choice," she said, focusing on her spoon. It was trembling ever so slightly. She would have to look up that wine. It must be stronger than she was used to. She finished with a sigh. "That, too, was delightful. Thank you." She carefully stood and took her bowl to the replicator to recycle. She hesitated for a moment before turning to face the Captain, feeling a little light-headed. "Thank you again for dinner, but I think it's time I head back to my quarters."

“Would you like me to escort you back to your quarters Number One?” Elijah asked her with a soft smile, he himself had probably had a little too much wine.

She hesitated longer than she should. "Thank you, but I should be able to make it without incident." She was afraid that if he did come back with her, there might be an incident. The thought was...tempting.

Elijah looked at her. “Okay....I just don’t like the idea of you going back to the Quarters on your own.” He smiled softly at her.

That surprised her, as she generally went around the ship on her own. "Umm..." That was intelligent. "You do?"

"Afterall wouldn't want you getting lost, would we?" He responded as he was closer to her. His eyes gazing into hers.

"Lost..." She was already feeling lost. "No. I don't want to get lost. But the computer..." She lost her train of thought. She wasn't sure if it was the wine, or the man in front of her.

Elijah cupped her chin softly, looking down into those eyes of hers. The Captain stared into the eyes of his XO and then he began to move his face closer and closer to hers.

She should step back. She should go back to her quarters. She should say something. She did none of them. She just stood there, looking at him. Part of her told her she was about to make a terrible mistake, but her fuzzy brain wasn't listening.

And then his lips pressed against hers softly. A kiss between the two of them which was tender and gentle.

The kiss was better than ice cream, and just as enticing. She put a hand on his shoulder for balance and tipped her head to the side to accommodate his kiss.

As the two Senior most Officers on the Ontario, they should set an example, but yet they were here. Kissing and sharing a moment. He kissed her a little more passionately.

Her lips parted, encouraging him. She leaned closer, her hand slipping around to the back of his neck. For several long moments she was lost in the kiss, to her need to be close to him. But slowly she remembered Amanda and their conversation earlier that day. She couldn't do this to her friend. She hesitated for a moment, then her hands went to his chest to gently push away. "Amanda," she said when she broke the kiss.

He looked at Grace. "She's a nice girl who is good at her job." Elijah then pulled her close to him once again. "But she's interested in Yiv and Yiv is interested in her, that much is clear....And well I find myself attracted to you."

He was making it difficult. She wanted to give in and accept what he was offering, but she wasn't sure if she should. He appeared as inebriated as she was. "She said she liked both of you, and that you and Yiv both liked her..."

"Well, I like you....A lot." He said to her before kissing her once again. His lips feverishly pressing against hers. The two of them in a moment unlike one they'd shared before now. "Grace........"

Her head was spinning. She was allowing her need for him to cloud her already fuzzy reason. She wanted this, but she shouldn't. She should go back to her quarters, take a cold shower, and sleep. Just one more kiss, she promised herself, then she'd leave. The kiss deepened, grew more passionate. Grace stopped thinking altogether. Then she tripped and fell back onto the couch, taking Elijah with her.

The room shook. At first it didn't register, then the red alert klaxons sounded. A moment later, both their combadges chirped. "Explosion in science lab 4."

Grace didn't move for several seconds as she fought to get herself back under control. "I think we should see what happened." She gently pushed him aside, telling herself it was a fortuitous interruption. She couldn't think about what would have happened otherwise.

She gave herself a mental shake as she went to the replicator and got something to help her sober up. It tasted foul, but it cleared her head. Then she adjusted her clothes and ran her fingers through her hair. Then she replicated another concoction and handed it to Elijah. "Do we go down together, or separately?" At this point, she wasn't sure what was expected.

"Well, we are both needed there, so let’s go and see what happened." He said taking the concoction and downing it.

Her head was clearing. Grace was appalled by her wanton behavior a moment ago. It had to be the alcohol. Elijah was not interested in her and she knew better than to think otherwise. At least, that's what she told herself. She nodded and headed for the door before she said something to add to her embarrassment over practically assaulting him--and for wanting to do it again. It was definitely time to go.

Elijah was silent. He looked at Grace and he thought what had happened was a dream, but he knew one thing. He liked her a lot and he hoped she felt the same.


Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario


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