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Dinner Plans [Backpost] Part II

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:14pm by Lieutenant Zero

1,081 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


The inside of his quarters seemed to be filled with the standard furniture that one would normally see in every quarters when an officer arrives. There was nothing personal. Nothing, in the main room anyway, that felt like Zero. The only room in his quarters that felt like Zero put work into was the bed room where his Borg alcove and weapon collection was kept. The doors were closed, but there was an ominous green glow could be seen. It could be seen through the divide and underneath the door.

She looked around, taking in the spartan standard Starfleet issue furniture before her eyes drifted to the bedroom and the green glow. She turned to face him properly and lifted the basket slightly. "I thought we could cook. And you did say you had quite the weapons collection..." she moved to the small area for the kitchen, glad that as he was a Chief there was a little more to be had. She would have to replicate pots and utensils and bowls. It was fine, because it wasn't like it would be wasted. She placed the basket down, but didn't do anything else. "How are you, Zero?" she asked, wanting to know how he was doing, how he was feeling. What he was feeling.


"My collection is in my bedroom area." He said, gesturing slightly to the door with the green glow, before following her to the kitchen. "When you are prepared to see it, we can proceed to it." Zero stopped just before the kitchen section and observed her. "I am regenerated." He said simply, instinctively placing his hands behind his back, as kept track of her movement. He was sure, when he arrived onboard, that the kitchen area would possibly never be used. However, it would appear, it may get far more use than he originally thought. "How are you, Dahlia?"

"Better for seeing you," she said and met his eyes, leaning a little against the counter. "Busy day at the office so to speak...paperwork, workout, target practice, go over training...the usual," she added, wanting to elaborate. Her day had been standard but as a Marine that was good. Meant she didn't have to worry about getting shot at. "How about we look at the collection first and then I can cook?" It was a suggestion and she was curious about what he had.

Zero seemed to look away slightly at the comment. Something about hearing her being better for seeing, him made him feel odd, but not in a way that required him to be examined for maintenance. He quickly smirks before looking back up at her to speak. "I will enjoy showing you it. Please follow me." He said as he began to walk to his bedroom.

Dahlia nodded as she followed him, silent as she watched him walk in front of her. She did feel...honoured was a word that came to mind. She felt honoured he was willing to show her that.

As he reached the door, Zero stopped in front of it, placing his hand on the panel to unlock it. It was less about privacy and more about precaution. It was a collection of weapons after all. The last thing he wanted was one or more to end up in the hands of someone who planned to do someone else harm. A few buttons seemed to light up in a quick fashion, without him even touching them, before the doors opened. The green glow now more apparent as it lightly covered the both of them. After a few seconds the lights inside turned on, pushing the glow back to its source, the alcove against the far wall.

Scattered around the alcove was his collection of weapons. Some on shelves and others prompted up on hangers. It wasn't like it was his own personal armory, but it certainly did classify as a collection. A variety of alien hand held weapons, some big and small, combined with bladed weapons that also varied in size. She could spot a Klingon bat'leth, Romulan disruptor pistol, Cardassian rifle, and many others.

Dahlia looked around with awe, her breath catching. Oh, some girls might like flowers...Dahlia had always liked weapons. She looked at him and smiled before she walked over, to examine the bladed weapons, her eyes going briefly to the...she didn't remember what it was called. Borg sleeping pod? But the glint of the weapons brought her back to the moment. "Wow," she suddenly said and looked over at Zero. "Okay, you said collection, I thought maybe...five, six good weapons? If we are ever boarded by pirates, I am heading straight here."

Zero walking in further, stopping close by her, as he looked over to the weapons mounted on the wall. "If we are ever boarded... you are welcomed to." He replied, looking over to her, observing the wonder in her eyes as they jumped from weapon to weapon. He gave her a moment to look around before finally saying something. "I am thankful you enjoy it." He said softly, looking back to the wall. "If you wish to remove one to examine, you are welcomed to. You will find that I keep them well maintained."

She looked over at him for a moment before she looked back. "No, I am happy just looking...or else you may never get it back," she said teasingly before taking a breath. "Which one is your favourite one?" she was curious, which appealed most to him.

"I do not have a favorite. Each weapon here performs just as they are meant to and are preferable for a variety of reasons. I have no preference between them. At least..." He seemed to pause slightly, taking a moment determine if he used one more than the others if there was ever a need to do so. "I do not think so." Zero stood there quietly before adding. "I can tell you which of these cam with a more memorable experience? One could say it was a favorable one."

"Yes please," she turned to face him, giving him a quick smile as she nodded. "I would rather enjoy that. I love a good story..." she met his eyes, searching them for a moment before looking back at the weapons.

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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