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Dinner Plans [Backpost] Part III

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:14pm by Lieutenant Zero

1,166 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


"I do not have a favorite. Each weapon here performs just as they are meant to and are preferable for a variety of reasons. I have no preference between them. At least..." He seemed to pause slightly, taking a moment determine if he used one more than the others if there was ever a need to do so. "I do not think so." Zero stood there quietly before adding. "I can tell you which of these cam with a more memorable experience? One could say it was a favorable one."

"Yes please," she turned to face him, giving him a quick smile as she nodded. "I would rather enjoy that. I love a good story..." she met his eyes, searching them for a moment before looking back at the weapons.


Zero nodded his head, looking into her eyes for a moment, before walking over to a particular shelf with various small bladed weapons. He picked up a sheathed Klingon D'k tahg and walked back to her. He stood in front of her, looking down at the Klingon weapon as he began to speak. "This weapon belonged to a Klingon who was part of a Klingon crew that joined us for a mission while I was on the Merlin. Aleth, Daughter of Gisha. She is of the House of Athas. From what I was told, and discovered through my own research, it is a noble house with honorable warriors." He unsheathed the blade, revealing the house emblem on the hilt. "This is their crest. To identify it to others." He looked at her as he commented. "It is said, in their culture, they go through great lengths to earn such a weapon, carrying it with such honor and distinction, using it to kill their enemies solidifies their houses honor no matter where they were." Zero reached it out to her, handing her the weapon, so she could hold it for herself as he continued.

She looked at him, then at the blade before taking it. She held it up to the light, inspecting it with awe. It was finely crafted and so well balanced. "So...what happened?" she asked, curious of how he had gotten it. It did not sound like the weapon that Aleth would have parted with too willingly.

"The Merlin was sent into a zone claimed by the Klingon Empire to search for a Starfleet ship, the U.S.S. Anastasia, which was lost in the area. The Klingon ship, the I.K.S. D'akturak, was assigned to act as our escort and assist us. During the mission Klingons were a common sight onboard. Some came to use the holodecks. Others just for a change of scenery, but they were welcomed none the less." He looked up to her, the mechanical part of his eyes shifted slightly, as he continued with the story. "During the mission I spent most of my time during my duty in Ops or in the lounge alone reviewing PADDs. Similar to how we first met. However, I began to notice, a certain Klingon constantly watching me. Staring intently at me when we crossed paths. An anger in her eyes I recognized but much stronger. I knew, almost immediately, she or someone she cared for had an experience with the Borg and she wanted vengeance."

"Survivor knew instinctively that they meant you harm," she said softly, taking a deeper breath as she watched him, still holding the blade. She kept silent, wanting him to go on, the stillness in the room almost absolute except the sound of their breathing and the hum of the ship.

Zero released a deep sigh as he placed his hands behind his back. "Many on the ship, Klingon and Starfleet, foresaw a collision with us. I was still naive and chose to do what I normally did in these situations. Ignore it and continue with my duties. My naiveite did no help the situation. The first time we fought I defended myself and disarmed her, attempting to appeal to common sense, but she was a Klingon our for vengeance and that never works." He smirked slightly, as if remembering the moment triggered a good feeling, even though it was concerning the first time it happened. "The second fight was no different. Instead of appealing to her common sense I pointed out that I would not allow her to end my existence because of her understandable hatred for Borg. She replied in Klingon, a bunch of expletives I care not repeat, attack again. This time the two crews had to separate us. The Captains of both ships were not happy, but were willing to overlook it, for a few reason. My Captain understood I did not start the fight and was only defending myself. The Klingon Captain knew it was a tradition in their culture to seek vengeance for a fallen member of their house. They warned us and sent us away, separately of course, to avoid another confrontation."

"Because we all know Klingons will calm down...when honour is at stake..." she said drily, watching him before she raised an eyebrow. But she gave a nod for him to continue, taking a deeper breath.

He stood there quietly for a moment, his mind going over the incident, as if going over various outcomes. Other ways he could have dealt with the situation, but didn't. He soon stopped, a small smile forming as he remembered what Dahlia said about experiences shaping who they were, concluding that the ending was why this story was why he chose this one to tell her above all others. "Our last confrontation was unexpected. Aleth decided to use her peoples traditions and invoke the Right of Vengeance on me. It was then that I found out the reason for her anger. Her mate, a warrior by the name of Trudor, was part of a crew onboard a Klingon ship that was destroyed by the Borg during an encounter. I was not part of the cube, but that fact did not matter. As a former Borg I was the focus of her anger and that could not be swayed. My Captain tried to convince me to decline, in his own fashion, trying to order me without saying the words out loud. If I declined it would only blind her further. If I accepted, there was a chance, it would end in one of our deaths. Part of me wanted to decline, but another part, knew she was entitled to her anger. This was, in a way, part of their way of grieving process and she was caught in it." Zero released a soft sigh from his lips before saying. "So, I accepted it. It was my decision and that was the one I made."

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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