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Dinner Plans [Backpost] Part IV

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 1:14pm by Lieutenant Zero

1,163 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Lt. Zero's Quarters, USS Ontario


"Because we all know Klingons will calm down...when honour is at stake..." she said drily, watching him before she raised an eyebrow. But she gave a nod for him to continue, taking a deeper breath.

He stood there quietly for a moment, his mind going over the incident, as if going over various outcomes. Other ways he could have dealt with the situation, but didn't. He soon stopped, a small smile forming as he remembered what Dahlia said about experiences shaping who they were, concluding that the ending was why this story was why he chose this one to tell her above all others. "Our last confrontation was unexpected. Aleth decided to use her peoples traditions and invoke the Right of Vengeance on me. It was then that I found out the reason for her anger. Her mate, a warrior by the name of Trudor, was part of a crew onboard a Klingon ship that was destroyed by the Borg during an encounter. I was not part of the cube, but that fact did not matter. As a former Borg I was the focus of her anger and that could not be swayed. My Captain tried to convince me to decline, in his own fashion, trying to order me without saying the words out loud. If I declined it would only blind her further. If I accepted, there was a chance, it would end in one of our deaths. Part of me wanted to decline, but another part, knew she was entitled to her anger. This was, in a way, part of their way of grieving process and she was caught in it." Zero released a soft sigh from his lips before saying. "So, I accepted it. It was my decision and that was the one I made."


She wondered if it was also about atonement, but kept her mouth shut. She nodded instead and offered the dagger to him, her eyes holding his as she smiled weakly.

Zero took the Klingon dagger slowly out of her hand and held it in front of her, looking down at it as he continued his story, reaching the final part and why it was the one he enjoyed. "It was determined that it would take place in a cargo bay, overseen by the captain of both ships. My Captain was still determined to find a way to avoid my death, while the Klingon Captain accepted it as an end because it was part of his tradition. He also did not want to see one of us die, but he was bound by Klingon law and their ways, he had little choice. So, we fought. Blood was shed, bones were broken, bruises formed. It could be said that my Borg nanoprobes could have been overwhelmed by all the damage that was being caused. I did not want her to die, so my intent was never to kill her, but she was determine to continue that I began to think it would end that way regardless. It got to a point, both of us, were weak and exhausted. Swinging and hitting each other on our knees. We finally collapsed and required treatment. Before I lost consciousness I remember the Klingon Captain saying something to her and her whispering something in his ear. Then... nothing. We were both brought to our ships Infirmaries and, I thought anyway, we would not see each other again. I was wrong, but in a way, I was pleased that it was not the case."

"Wow," Dahlia let out a breath, shaking her head. "That must have been some fight to bring you both to your respective sickbays..." she commented, but with a small smile that said that she knew he wasn't finished yet. This was not the end of it. Her eyes stayed on the dagger, as if it was too telling a story.

He looked back up at her, the tone of his voice seemed happy, as he concluded his story. "Eventually, we found out what happened to the Anastasia, and were escorted back to Federation space. Before the ship reached the border I was visited in my quarters by, of all people, Aleth. When the doors opened, instinctively I reacted with a need to protect myself, but she assured me it wasn't necessary. She came in and we spoke. Aleth spoke to me about her husband, how he worked hard to gain the respect of her father, and how happy he was when he finally got it. She spoke of their wedding and how he died never knowing about their daughter. Which brought more light to her vengeance and why it affected her so much. Aleth even told me the last moments of the fight. Her Captain insisting to end the battle and telling her there was no honor in slaying an enemy who never shed her husbands blood. That, for a Borg, I proven I have a warriors heart and yielding would not tarnish vengeance or Trudor's honor. Seeing truth in her words, she did so, before closing her eyes. It was then... she apologized." Zero released a quick laugh, it stopped abruptly, because he was convinced he did it wrong. "She told me she was wrong and, while I was full of Borg trash, my heart was strong. Strong enough to be Klingon. I was confused, but she assured me, it was a compliment. Then she presented me with this dagger. Aleth told me of the honor is was to be handed a d'k tahg with a family crest on it. She said that receiving one shows the house the person is tied to and that they are bound to them. By honor. By blood. Aleth said that I could consider her a friend, and ally in battle, who would stand with me should I ever ask. I never had a friend, so in a way, she was my first one. Even though it started in hatred, it ended in respect." He lifted the dagger slightly and added. "And now you are my second. Another close friend, who thankfully, didn't begin the same way. Something I am extremely grateful for."

She smiled gently, holding his eyes for a long moment. "I'm honoured," she said, her voice soft. "She was wrong about one thing though..." she reached out, her hand going to his chest, just pressing gently where the heart would be on a human. "You are not full of Borg trash. It helped you survive the fight with her. It makes you do your job better than most. It isn't Borg anymore. It is part of you and nothing about you is trash..." she pulled her hand back, her eyes still on hers, not looking away. "But she was right about your heart."

To Be Continued...


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario


1st Lt. Dahlia Acker
Marine XO
USS Ontario


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