
Waiting Out The Storm

Posted on Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 2:42pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Zero & Ensign Rishi Chabbra

1,469 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Standing By
Location: Ontario


The Ontario was now safe from the storm, but they were unable to communicate with the away team. Grace was not happy with the situation. She hated to leave people behind, but not doing so meant putting the ship and its crew at risk. At least on the planet the away team had an excellent chance for survival. Still, it was frustrating.

Sat in the Executive Officer's Chair, Yiv could do little but chew his fingers and stare malevolently at the storm that raged in front of them. He looked up as he heard Vetur's voice.

"Science, how long is this storm likely to last? I'd like to know when we can go back for our people."

"Patience is a virtue," replied Rishi not meaning to quip at the superior officer but nevertheless he was feeling a bit frustrated. "Apologies. It's hard to say with storms like this, but I've been running simulations based on the trajectory it seems like we are several hours from this storm dissipating."

Grace was not the type to pace, but right now she felt like it. The ship was safe enough, for now, but that storm was concerning, and she had no idea what was going on with the away team. So, to make the most of their time, she began to read everything she could find on the system and the science team. If nothing else, she'd be more informed.

"In about an hour though" Rishi said clearing his throat in an attempt to bring some better news. "The eye of the storm will be over the planet in an opportune area for us. If we were to time it correctly, we could potentially make contact with the away team. It would be short in duration, but perhaps enough to get an update?"

It was something Grace could focus on for now. "Yes. Let us know the moment we can attempt contact. At least then we'll be able to find out if they found the scientists." She should also prepare a message to send to Starfleet while they had the opportunity.

"As soon as we have the opportunity, Captain," said Rishi. He tapped away at his science console. "I'll work preemptively with Operations. Perhaps, we can do something to boost the signal. I'd hate for our opportunity to be cut off abruptly with static or other interference."

"Good. Keep me informed. I'm going to prepare a message for Starfleet Command to update them on our situation." She stood and turned to Yiv. "Commander, you have the bridge."

'Thank you, Captain,' Yiv replied. Looking around he felt the familiar thrill of command run up his spine. Looking back to the storm on the viewer, the thrill died again as frustration welled up in him. 'Let me know of any progress,' he instructed Science.

Grace smiled as she entered her ready room. Yiv was a good officer. But now she had the unappetizing task of letting Starfleet command know that there was a very good chance the scientists were dead--unless there was something on the planet interfering with sensors, but if so, they shouldn't have been able to scan anything. Still, a part of her hoped.

One hour later, the report for Starfleet was done and ready to send. Grace had taken a little longer than necessary looking up each scientist to get their name and next of kin so she could send them a personal condolence once the away team had confirmation.

She walked back onto the bridge and took a quick look around. "Report."

Moving from his leaning over the science console and its occupant, Yiv straightened, and turned to look at his superior. 'The storm seems to be shifting. A sort of eye in the middle of it for want of a better term.' He looked to the Ensign at the station and motioned at them. 'They indicate that in two minutes or so we should be able to make some reading of the surface.'

"Good. I want a status report on the away team before I send my report to Starfleet." She also hoped there would be news of the scientists to add to it. More definitive news, anyway.

'We'll have it for you presently,' Yiv said confidently. Plaiting his hands behind his back, he stood to his full height, and regarded the Main Viewer critically. 'Any second now.'

"Thank you," Grace said to Yiv.

She turned to science. "Start scanning. I want answers as soon as a window opens."

And then the window opened. Grace nodded for a comm channel to be opened.

Zero tapped the console, his fingers gliding much quicker than normal, as if driven by something. Something he wasn't sure. Perhaps it was the command from the Captain, although he didn't find himself rushing to accomplish a task before. Maybe he felt his quickness and timing would be valuable for this moment. However, he never concerned himself with praise for a job done efficiently before. Perhaps it was the fact that Percival was on board the shuttle. What was it that drove him for this task? What feeling was driving the former Borg?

"Ontario to away team. Report." The captain hoped they'd get a response.

"Captain, this is your friendly country doctor here. We have one living scientist and a number of dead ones. The entire away team is on board and Lieutenant Balor is resting comfortably. Our spirits are up and as soon as the storm clears we should be back in you waiting arms." Aaron sat in the jump seat next to the pilot's chair with his feet up.

Grace closed her eyes for a moment. While this was the outcome she expected, it wasn't what she hoped for. At least there was one survivor. "Thank you, doctor. We await your return. Ontario out."

"Well, I won't need to send that report yet."

'No, it would seem not,' Yiv replied in a quiet voice. He gave a wan smile, 'hopefully they'll be back aboard ship shortly.' The Efrosian wondered to himself if all away missions involving Percy would feel this way. The waiting had been excruciating and unbearable. Turning away, deep in thought, he took up the XO's chair, and sighed. At least the waiting hadn't been in vain this time.

"Science, status on that storm?" Grace wanted the away team back now, but that storm wasn't looking good.

At the science station Rishi was running simulations, calculating and seeking to provide a good answer. "Current trajectory gives us about an hour of ideal time, it's a window Captain but one that once it's could be several hours again until conditions better. My recommendation would be to utilize the time we have, but we may have to wait it out until we can get our people back aboard safely."

"Thank you." Grace turned to Zero. "Open a comm channel to the shuttle."

But before he could do so, the ship received a message from Lovegood. "The away team is safe on board the shuttle. However, a storm is preventing us from leaving the planet until morning. We'll send word when we launch."

Then the connection dripped. She sat back with a sigh. "At least we know they're alive. And now, we wait."

Chewing the inside of his cheek, Yiv nodded absently, then remembered where he was. He mustered a weak smile, and nodded more firmly in the Captain's direction. 'Just a short while to wait, that's for certain.'

"I think we should both get some sleep so we can be on the bridge by dawn, planet time." Grace, for one, could use some sleep right now.

He hesitated a moment, then accepted the Captain's words. Yiv was bone tired, from worry and from lack of sleep. 'I could definitely do with some shut-eye,' he replied.

"Captain..." Zero said firmly as he looked up from his console. "I would like your permission to stay on the bridge and run some simulations on possible methods to reach the away team or dissipate the storm. With the knowledge I have retained from various species assimilated by the Borg, combined with my capability to not sleep, I believe I will find a way to pull the away team off the planet much sooner."

"Permission granted. I would also like you to take command of the bridge while we get some rest," Grace replied.

'Let us know as soon as you have a solution,' Yiv said as he pulled himself up from the chair. 'Not a moment later, please, Lieutenant.'


Commander Grace Vetur
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Ensign Rishi Chabbra
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer
USS Ontario



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