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Finding a Straggler

Posted on Sun Jun 13th, 2021 @ 8:40am by Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D

2,338 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Counselor's Office

Amanda started looking through her lists of psychological evaluations. She had been making decent progress. However, they were not complete. Always, there were some dodgers. Most surprising on her list was the missing Chief Science Officer, who was a Tellarite. Generally, Tellarites were a rather impatient people. She would have thought that he would have been in, demanding that the psychological evaluation get done and out of the way so he could perform his duties. Yet, that had not happened.

Very curious, she called on her commbadge, =^= Lieutenant Balor, please report to the counselor's office immediately. =^=

Being summoned by the Counselor was a splash of icy water in the Chief Science Officer's face. He was used to being summoned for things, though this was not the sort he was expecting. By the CO or XO? Sure, by the Counselor? Not so much. It was like being in school and you anticipate the principal or the head to want to see you. Instead, they ship you off to pastoral care, a guidance counselor or someone of that probbing nature.

Once Balor appeared, Amanda smiled and said, "Lieutenant, please make yourself comfortable."

"Comfortable isn't exactly how I feel seeing someone like you," he said openly. "No offense. You have your duties and I have mine." Percy did, however, find a place he felt somewhat less uncomfortable. "What brings me here into this spider web?"

"Spider web?" Amanda asked curiously. "Why do you think that? And why are you not comfortable seeing someone like me?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head to the right side slightly and curiously.

Percy fidgeted in his seat a bit. "Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Sociologists...the lot. Counselors," he replied shaking his head. "You are the spider types. You build trust, a rapport with people, but part of your duties is to study and analyze. So, you'll have to forgive me if I am not at ease being seated in a room alone with you. I'd rather take my chances with a Klingon."

Amanda's eyes went wide after Percy's declaration and then she started laughing, thoroughly humored. "Never in my life have I ever heard someone preferring a Klingon to me, but I suppose you could view things in the way that you expressed. However, that is not my purpose, or any counselor's purpose, for that matter. We're here to help and listen. Of course, everything that is told to us is strictly confidential, with certain exceptions, of course, when someone might be a danger to themselves or others."

"Good thing I am not a danger to myself or others," he replied content with his self-assessment. "Don't let me be an obstacle. I know I can be a bit of an ass at times," noted the Chief Science Officer. "You summoned me here for a reason...did you need me?"

"Hang onto that thought of you thinking that you can be a bit of an ass. I'll answer your question first." She smiled widely at Percy. "According to regulations, every officer must have a psychological examination to determine their fitness for duty when first coming aboard. You have not done yours with me, hence the purpose of my call." Her eyes beamed at Percy. "And that is why you are needed here. Now, why do you think that you can be a bit of an ass, as you say?"

Percy shrugged. "A defense mechanism I would theorize," he replied. "A troubled childhood? Maybe I did not feel like I got enough love and support from my parents and family?" Percy just pressed on. "I must find it easier to whip out sarcasm and humor than face the root problems. I put it up as a shield."

Amanda thought about that for a moment. "Either you have great insight into your issues, which would mean that you would be trying to solve them or you're just feeding me lines to make this uncomfortable situation end sooner. I have not decided which, yet."

"Well, I fancy myself as a bit intuitive. I know some of my issues, and I am working on them, but I am probably feeding you a wee bit of malarkey to ease this situation. Though I will answer any questions that you may have."

"I'd say that you're feeding me more than a bit," Amanda replied insightfully. "After all, I'm the spider, so you say." She stretched a little to emphasize the point. "Once caught in a web, I am told that you will not be eaten by the spider if you remain still and do not pull on the web. There might be a lesson there, Percival." She relaxed into her chair, signaling that the two of them might be here for awhile. "So, perhaps you should get comfortable?"

"Yuck," he replied and shuddered. "Percival. Now I definitely feel like I am in trouble. Please, just call me Percy. The only people that call me Percival are my parents and the instructors at the academy. I hate it. It makes me feel like I'm some old piece of artwork."

"But some of the oldest pieces of artwork are the most famous and beautiful, Percy. Do you think that old is ugly?"

"Does what I think actually matter?" he countered. "It's a perception question. Do I think old is ugly? That is a bit loaded. How about I proceed by saying old things can be ugly or they can be gorgeous, beauty is in the eye of the beholder." He adjusted himself in the seat. "I am not saying old is bad nor ugly, just that I do not like being called Percival unless I use it."

"That's a fair enough statement." She continued to warmly smile at Percy. "Of course, sometimes our offhanded comments reveal some of the most honest truths, ones that we even hide from ourselves."

Lieutenant Percival Bálor nodded. "This is true," he replied. Soon, he felt a little more comfortable, though not because he was at ease in her presence. "I always have found it that we as people are often either running towards something or running away from something. What about you, Lieutenant Rose?"

Percy looked at her contently. "Moon colony, Avenger, and now Ontario. You don't make it a habit of settling in anywhere at least not more than three years. What's that about?"

"You looked up my record?" she asked surprised and interested. "Why would you do that? Were you that concerned about meeting me?"

"You look like you could use a drink," Percy replied. He stood from his seat and made his way over to a replicator, placing an order for two teas. He brought one over offering it to Amanda. "I'm stupidly smart and often smartly stupid, but first and foremost I am a scientist. I research, lieutenant. I always research."

"I do not need a drink, but appreciate your courtesy." She accepted the drink and placed it to the side. "Interesting that you consider yourself a scientist and yet you analogize my field to being a spider when it is a social science," she said with a laugh. "Why is that?"

"Social science is fluff for studies people: the mind and behaviors," Percy countered as he made his way back to his seat. "I'm here unarmed, but you are sitting there fully armed. You studied psychology, lieutenant. That is a soft weapon whether you see it as such or not is irrelevant to me. You can take down more adversaries with psychology than you can with explosives."

"Fluff?" she asked with a skeptical grin. "And feel free to call me, Amanda." She wrinkled her nose at the mention of Lieutenant. "I know that I have a rank but I don't hold anything on it. Besides, it makes our conversations seem stiff and formal where it need not be, don't you think?"

Percy shrugged. "Some people like stiff and formal, Amanda. Personally, I prefer Doctor, but I'll answer to rank." There was one thing Percy was proud of. It was his education and how hard he worked to earn it. "We may have differing opinions on Psychology and your role here, but I respect what you do." He took a sip of tea. "The First Officer seems to be someone that values formal. Have you picked her brain yet?"

"I have. And you would be disappointed to find out that your assessment is not accurate in my experience. Sometimes, people put on different faces for different people."

"And what face do you put on?" inquired Percy. "Is this how you are with everyone you see, or do you change depending on the person? Oh, and you didn't answer my previous question, Amanda. Running away from or towards?"

Purposely ignoring Percy's question again, Amanda replied, "I like to think that I am the same with everyone, but I know that is impossible. People react to different stimuli differently. But the core of who I am is who I am." She beamed at Percy, "But we're not here to discuss philosophy. I wish to get to know more about you. I must admit that you have done a darn good job of deflecting from that conversation. Still afraid of the spider?"

"Who said I was afraid of you?" Percy countered. He placed the tea mug aside. "I don't mind spiders, Amanda. They comfort me, but I appreciate the compliment on my deflection. It is, however, not just me avoiding things. You have dodged my questioning at every opportunity. Uncomfortable?"

"Not at all," Amanda responded simply. "If you wish to inquire more into my personal life, I welcome you to do so over a cup of tea or coffee." She gave Percy and endearing smile. "However, for now, this is about you. And I am curious why you say that spiders comfort you when at first you stated that you would rather spend time with a Klingon than a counselor, like myself."

Percy smiled. "I still stand by my statement, though it has nothing to do with you being a counselor, Amanda. It has to do with your chipper upbeat sugary sweetness" explained Percy. "I prefer the rougher rawer emotions. You are a little too soft for my liking...dainty."

Amanda laughed at that. "I don't think I've ever been called dainty before. Flattery is appreciated, however." She paused and gave Percy another cheery smile. "So, tell me about these emotions that you like so much."

"I'm half Tellarite," he replied. "What the hell do you expect?" he scoffed and shook his head. "I like things matter-of-factly, upfront, and brutally honest." Percy shrugged. "I like a good argument, ya know."

"Oh, I suppose that you would," she replied with an amused smile. "But you do not like to handle it when it is done politely, from what I can tell. I can be brutally honest, while keeping a smile on my face. For example," she said smiling even wider, "I think that you distract from your own emotions because you are scared of any of yours that do not have to do with anger, frustration, or even lust. You even relish them, as you stated that you prefer raw emotions. But the thought of actually getting in touch with softer emotions, like affection or warmth are so foreign that they frighten you, not that you would admit it. You have to be in control. If you are not, you are uncomfortable and try to gain an advantage so that your temporary loss is relieved."

She smiled so that most of her teeth showed and challenged, "Prove that I'm wrong."

"And you sit here all sorts of a kind pleasant, an eager to please valley girl, but early hurting," Percy countered her. "I look into your eyes and I see lack of confidence. Why is that?" he inquired. "Do you prefer to take the easy road and run away from pain hoping to start anew?" mused Percy.

He glared at Amanda. "I'm not afraid of softer emotions, Amanda, I'm capable of warm cuddly repugnant affection, but desperation is a perfume that better suites the dainty rather than the dignified."

"Affection is repugnant?" Amanda replied laughing, once again ignoring the Tellarite's sharp comments. Even if he is right on most of it, you're the professional here, he is doing it to provoke you and attempt to make sure he never comes back because he's uncomfortable. You're doing your job well, Amanda. Keep it up. "Oh, my, you're an interesting one. I can see that we are going to have a lot to talk about on our journey on this ship. After all, you have failed to prove anything, only deflecting once again. Accepting responsibility is an important part of any crewmember's repertoire and without it, I worry that someone else might get blamed for something that you did or did not do. Sadly, it is not a completely uncommon problem in people, or half-Tellarites as the case may be."

She paused as she pulled out a PADD. "Tell me, what is your duty shift for next week? I'll certify you for duty, but you will have to meet with me once a week in the interim. I would advise you not to miss a session."

"Oh I'll give you my duty schedule, but I won't get too attached to you considering you don't stay anywhere very long. I'm sure your successor will do an adequate job," Percy replied. He grabbed a nearby PADD pulled up his duty and sent it to Amanda. Percy then rose to his feet and stretched.

He began walking towards the doorway, clearly he was done with this session. "Blah blah deflection blah blah avoidance yadda yadda trauma. Penis envy" he rambled off. "It was a delight meeting you. I'll see you next Tuesday, pine over me while I'm gone."

The Counselor did not respond and watched as Percy left. He certainly is full of himself. I think that we are going to have a lot of work to do with him.


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