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To Your...Health?

Posted on Sun Jul 11th, 2021 @ 3:22pm by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Grace Vetur

1,759 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Several hours after "Graffiti and Grandeur | Part II"


Grace Veture left her quarters earlier than usual. She wanted to go to the lounge for breakfast and then stop by science to see how Percy's plants were growing--or, rather, how one carnivorous plant was doing. She believed that he didn't mean any harm, but he was a little too quick to cut corners for her peace of mind.

Out of habit she walked past the Captain's quarters. She was two steps past it when she stopped and turned. Was that what she thought it was? She went back to the door. It was. Someone had burned a Risan fertility symbol on the door. She looked closer. By the markings it was a blowtorch. That was an impressive feat in and of itself.

She had to let Elijah know. Her first thought was to ring the chime on his door, but she decided it might be better to use her combadge and ask him to come out.

She tapped her combadge. "Vetur to Michaels."

“Yes what is it Number One?” He asked.

"You have a horga'hn on your door," she said.

Moments later the door opened up and Elijah stepped into the corridor. Doing a rather well regimented about face as the doors closed they was when he saw it. “Oh for fu……” Though for just a second he looked to Grace and stopped himself.

She raised an eyebrow. "They must have done it while you were asleep."

"Well I think we should bring back flogging." Elijah said sighing. "Or maybe the plank."

"I don't think that will stop the underlying problem." There was a definite twinkle in her eye when she looked at him. "Somebody thinks you should live long and...prosper."

Elijah looked at the imagery and the detailing. "Well I don't think the Vulcans on P'Jem would agree with that analysis." He chuckled.

"Probably not, but the Risans get a lot of money from tourism because of stuff like this." She glanced down the corridor. "Might be a good idea to cover it up before too many people see it." She nodded toward his door. "Can I come in? I have an idea."

"After you." Elijah smiled as he motioned for her to go first, curious as to what her idea might be.

She went over to the replicator and got a small can of paint to match the door and a brush. She held them up. "It won't be the same as a new door, but this should make it harder to see until Ops can replace it." She smiled, waiting for his response.

“Didn’t strike me as an artist Grace.” He said smiling as he used her first name rather than her rank or position. “Better than nothing I guess.”

"Not such an artist, but I can handle a door." She grinned, liking that he used her first name. "I'll take care of it. I think I can talk my way out of trouble if anyone comes by." Her eyes met his for a moment. "I'll be back.

“Alright.” He smiled at her.

She wasn't that far away, but with him inside, she didn't have to worry about Elijah triggering the door to open. It took her less time than she thought to put two coats of paint on the door.

It did a good job of covering the symbol. You had to look closely at the door to even see it. She pulled out her PADD and pretended to read while she waited for the quick-drying paint to do its job.

She felt someone coming before she saw them and tapped the door chime for Elijah to let her in.

Hearing the chime he pressed it to allow her entry.

She hurried in, brushing against the door as it opened rather than get caught. It worked, but it left her with a smear of paint on her uniform. "Oh, dear. Not as dry as I would have liked."

She thought of her quarters. They were on the same deck, but as it was getting closer to shift time, there would be more people heading out. There was nothing for it but to change here. "Mind if I replicate another uniform?"

“Not at all.” He smiled at her as he took a moment to get out of her way. “Replicate away.”

"Thanks." She took off her uniform jacket and recycled it. Best way to get rid of a painted uniform. Then she replicated a new uniform and looked around for a place to change. She wanted to be careful so she didn't get paint on anything. It was easy with her jacket, but her pants would be a bit tricky.

Elijah looked at her. “Would you like a drink or anything?” He asked politely.

She chuckled. "Sure. Let me find a place to strip off my ruined uniform and we can have a drink."

Elijah nodded as he headed to the replicator to order some drinks for the two of them. It was thirsty work indeed.

She slipped into his bathroom to hang up her uniform so she could wrestle with getting her boots and pants off without getting paint all over. It was a...uniquely challenging task. But, eventually, she managed it, leaving the pants inside out to protect the room. Then she carefully dressed and ran her fingers through her hair. Satisfied, she took her old uniform pants and recyled them before rejoining Elijah.

“Better?” He asked smiling as she came to rejoin him after her need to change out of the paint stained uniform.

"Yes. Although the urge to roll across your carpet and call it art was tempting," she teased.

“We can sell to the Bolian Art and Cultural Administration,” Elijah said smiling at her.

She shook her head. "They don't accept body art if the artist is clothed," she replied. "And I'm not willing to do that, even for art."

Elijah let out a soft chuckle. “Alright noted.” He said before smiling at her.

She gave him a cheeky grin. "Does that mean you're considering selling art in the Bolian markets?"

"It's all part of saving for retirement isn't it? Sell some artwork to the Bolians, make some Latinum and then retire fairly well off." He smiled at her.

"Until they start asking for live performances." She laughed and set down her drink. "That reminds me. I've heard some scuttlebutt." She hesitated on how to bring this up. "The new Chief Engineer is fond of crawling through Jefferies Tubes. She's made a few comments about hearing people talk in their sleep. It might be a good idea to soundproof your bedroom. Just in case you talk in your sleep."

"Oh I've already had the privilege of meeting her between two decks." Elijah responded to her. "I will look at soundproofing my room though."

"Much better than having her knock on the wall and ask if you're okay," she teased. She wasn't sure how many of the rumors were true, but it was definitely better to be safe than sorry.

"Besides when they designed the Ambassador Class I don't think they anticipated engineers between decks looking for faults or mysteries."

"I don't think they expect that today, either." She picked up her glass and took another drink. "I must admit, I've never been on such an...eclectic crew before. It keeps things interesting. I like it." Mostly. It definitely kept her on her toes.

"I think its a good mixture." Elijah responded. "When i assumed command of the Ontario 18 months ago most of the crew were using it as a stepping stone."

"I think she's too good for that," Grace said loyally. "I'm glad you've been able to turn things around." She liked the feel of the ship. It was...elegant.

"An Ambassador Class isn't the most glamorous of assignments. But to me she is an elegant and classy alternative to your modern ships of the line." Elijah responded to her. "Ontario is one of the last of her kind."

"I agree." She was still trying to figure out the best way to balance her new role as XO, her budding relationship, and her desire not to cause anyone--more particularly Amanda--any grief. Being where it was just the two of them definitely helped. She could relax and just be herself here.

Her eyes met Elijah's for a long moment. "I'm not sure who decorated your door, but I have some ideas. Permission to deal with this? I don't want to cause anyone undue grief, and I don't want others to get ideas."

"Permission granted." He said smiling. "If you require the use of the plank or the gallows I'd recommend the Shuttle Bay or Cargo Bay 3."

"No. I have something else in mind." She kissed him, enjoying the opportunity to do so. "I should go. I have a few things to do before Alpha Shift."

He pulled her in close. "It can wait......"

She should go. There were several things she had to do, but she allowed herself to be persuaded. In spite of the graffiti, she was rather enjoying this new start to her day.

He looked at her as he caressed her face. "Did I ever tell you are beautiful?"

"And I believe you are biased," she teased. "I would love to stay, but we both have things to do and you, my dear Captain, are required on the bridge."

Elijah smiled as he reached around to hold Grace. "The ships not at red alert.....They can wait." He said before burying his face into her neck softly.

She stepped back. "Yes, but one of us needs to be there. And I do need to stop by science to check on a plant Lieutenant Bálor is working with. If I don't leave now, I won't get there before our shift starts." Everything else she'd planned for that morning would have to be done later. She kissed him briefly. "Besides, I have no intention of testing that fertility symbol. I'll see about getting the door replaced today."

"Alright, you win." He smiled at her. "See you on the Bridge." Elijah said softly.

She smiled back. "See you." She checked to be sure no one was in the corridor and slipped out of Elijah's quarters. If she hurried, she'd have time to grab something to eat in her office.

Elijah watched her go and he felt like his day had gotten better. She was stirring feelings in him like nobody before.


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Captain Elijah Michaels
Commanding Officer
USS Ontario


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