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Team Engineering

Posted on Sat Jul 3rd, 2021 @ 12:25pm by Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara & Ensign Allen Ricky & Warrant Officer Arin Merkara

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Lonesome Road
Location: Engineering

Haruna was not a morning person. In fact she was far from a morning person as one could get. She entered Engineering with a large mug of steaming coffee in her hand. There was a department meeting scheduled for first thing.

"Alright people" she called as she made her way to the warp core. She hopped up onto the rail. "Let's get this meeting started" she half announced half yawned. It was their first meeting as a department.

"So, who's who?" She asked simply.

"I'm Ricky, Ensign Allen Ricky." Allen said taking a step forward. "I am looking forward to working with all of you."

"Warrant Officer Arin Merkara. Propulsion specialist extraordinaire. If anything is a question, lean on each other for information and advice. No one is an island of knowledge. Having come up from the ranks, knowing your job and working hard means more to me than anything." She paused slightly. "This will be the first starship I have ever served on, but I have been on teams that have done dozens of refits over the years, including this gallant lass a couple of years ago."

"Awesome" Haruna said as she jumped up, balancing on the rail so she was higher than everyone else. "Well then. I'm Lieutenant Haruna Mizuhara. You can call me Chief or Haruna. Down here we're all engineers and one big team. Use your ranks near those bridge officers and keep things relaxed down here, but no slacking!" She announced. "Now, throw me some reports of how the old girl is today?"

"The 2.0 meter diameter gamma ray telescope. It is misaligned by 1.3 degrees while still functional the readings are not as clear as they could be. Other than that the sensor systems are in fine shape." Allen said.

Arin spoke up. "One of the backup reactors had a recalcitrant deuterium injector. It's been replaced, the parts are on my workbench for it's repair. The pump in the deuterium tank failed. That's been replaced and the pump will be repaired or replicated after the injector assembly." Arin offered.

"Impulse engine running at 94%. Warp drive 93% but considering the length of trip and speed, well within tolerances. Reaction control thrusters all check out. she added.

"Speaking or replicators, the indusial replicators are running at between 96 and 98 percent efficiency. The food replicators are at 94 and 96 percent efficiency. Taking a look at a related system waste is going to need the solid particle separators cleaned out within the next 150 hours." Ricky added.

"Not it." Arin added seriously. "I just climbed out of deuterium tank. Even empty that bloody thing was still below NEGATIVE 100 Celsius."

"I Know it is not the most glamorous job on this or any ship but it needs to be done. Those solid particles need to be manual moved over the the particle processors so they can be turned into the organic suspension used by the food replicators." Allen replied.

Arin tried to remain neutral. Inwardly she becoming irate. "Then delegate that to a crewman, organize a detail. Still not it." She folded her arms in front of her, hoping the wet behind the ears Ensign got the idea.

"Of course." Ricky said. "I will do that as soon as we are done here."

Arin felt somewhat regretful. Addressing Allen in a calm tone she offered, "You have to realize I was doing these jobs when you were in finishing middle school. Starships coming in for refits are never going to be in immaculate shape. I've done every dirty job a thousand times over. Waste extraction, replicator separation, and the two that are already a part of my specialty, scrubbing plasma conduits and exhaust manifold cleaning."

Then her tone became more matter of fact. "So if we wants to start sharing duties, consider the exchange someone would be getting." A mischievous smile crossed her face. "So delegate. You have rank and we have crewmembers assigned to Engineering. While there are times when we all have to roll up our sleeves and dig in, but doesn't mean we always have to do everything alone. I hope that helps."

"I think I can see what you are saying." Ricky replied. "I will get another chance to work on those separators. After all there is a telescope that needs alignment."

Arin said, "THAT I would be happy to help you with should you need assistance" She flashed a bright smile at Ensign Allen.

"Sure, it will be fun. I would never turn down a helping hand." Ricky said.

"Well, if you two can handle that, it would be great" Haruna piped up.

Arin made a phhht noise. "Should be easy. Is there anything else Boss?"

"Not unless someone brings me another problem, oh wait" she pulled a PADD from inside her uniform and tapped on it. The actual device was physically dirty as if it had been dropped in grease or some sort of coolant. "According to the bridge, there's still problems with a few of those fancy consoles they're so fond of. Anyone want to give me a hand in fixing those? Apparently the ship doesn't 'fire right' according to the tactical dude"

Turning to Ensign Allen, Arin said, "If you want to start on the replicator sorting, I'll help the Lieutenant here fix whatever the space cannoneers broke, and meet you at telescope?"

"That sounds like a plan." Ricky said. "I will see you then."

"Lets crack on then!" Haruna announced fist pumping the air. "Rock and roll people!"

Taking that as a dismissal Ricky headed to the door ready to get to work.


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