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Magenta Intervention

Posted on Fri Aug 6th, 2021 @ 6:55am by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Petty Officer 2nd Class Evangeline St. Clair

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Ontario | Deck 09 | Security Chief's Office

Petty Officer Evangeline St. Clair tugged on her form-fitting security uniform and fidgetted with her hair as she walked down the corridor of deck nine of the starship Ontario, stopping just shy of the armory's doorway. You can do this she thought to herself. Just speak to them like you would any other day, layout your request, put the puzzle together, and smile she added. Her shipmates were all still new to her, but the woman who was listed on the manifest as Petty Officer 2nd Class Evangeline St. Clair went by 'Evie' to those who had gotten to know her. At this point that list was slim.

It was a two birds with one stone sort of request although, given the people she was meeting aboard the USS Ontario, it was beginning to look like several birds with one large boulder, and she was woman enough to throw it. She had sent the initial request to transfer departments to her current department head, the Chief Tactical Officer / Security Chief of the Ontario, Lieutenant Commander Chernova.

However, making such a request early on had undoubtedly sparked the necessitating bringing the Executive Officer of the Ontario, Lieutenant Commander Vetur in as well. As Executive Officer, Grace oversaw a lot of personnel matters aboard the starship, and a young enlisted member of the starship's security department requesting to be reassigned aboard the starship this early on was probably mildly concerning. Evie had her reasons, and she was more than willing to discuss them with either or both women.

Evie took a deep breath in and softly exhaled. Smile she reminded herself. She smiled to her left, to her right, and looked straight forward as she proceeded to walk towards the Security Chief's office where Lieutenant Commanders Chernova and Vetur were to be meeting her.

Grace was coming down the corridor from the other direction, having been detained once again by science.

She noticed the other woman and nodded. "Hello, Petty Officer."

Evie gave a polite nod that seemed to border on Southern hospitality and just shy of a formal salute. Nevertheless, her body tensed up just a bit. "Ma'am," Evie said addressing Grace. "Pardon my saying, Commander, but y'all look like you've been in science puttin' up with Lieutenant Bálor's hootenanny of shenanigans."

The first officer wondered how the young Petty Officer could tell. "You know him, then?"

Anahera heard the voices outside and came out to see what was going on. "Welcome Ma'am, Petty Officer, if you like to join me in my office." She said.

Grace inclined her head. "Thank you."

She indicated that the Petty Officer should precede her. "After you."

Evie proceeded through and took a seat. "Dennis the menace reincarnated? Qui, I have had the splendid mispleasure of Lieutenant Bálor. He's part of the reason you both are seeing me today."

"Please explain," Grace said, wondering what other trouble Doctor Bálor was up to.

Anahera remained silent, anxious to hear Evie's answer to Grace's question.

"Commanders....ladies," Evie said softly with a smile directed at them both. "Ontario has some problem players for lack of a better term. No offense Commander Vetur, you are doing a fine job, but this starship is too large for either of you to keep order with Lieutenant Bálor aboard, and need I say it? The Captain. Did I hear right that he was pressing to lead one of those away teams?" Evie shook her head.

"He will not be leading an away team," Grace replied quietly. "There are regulations that should be followed. As to Lieutenant Bálor, I cannot disagree with you." She glanced at the engineer, beginning to piece together what this might be about. "I take it you wish a transfer?"

Evie nodded "I do, but not off the ship," she immediately said to dispel those thoughts. "Lieutenant Bálor has a list of request a sector long, and Security has better things to do frankly. The Captain needs a swift kick in the ass about rules and regulations. I'm your girl."

She looked at them hesitantly, but pushed it through. "Captain doesn't have a Yeoman right now. I can do the duties and then some."

"That...would be up to the Captain." Grace glanced at Chernova. "I can take care of inter-departmental transfers, but I don't think it includes Yeoman."

"Oh I'm sure I could win him over on the idea," Evie replied. "Though if he tries to suggest a skirt variant of the uniform, he's going to have his beverage orders messed up constantly."

"I think the Captain could use your help." Anahera said. "So, I grant my half of the transfer." She added. "Also he knows better that to try that crap. He knows how bad I can make life for him, if he does." She said with an evil smile.

Evie looked at Anahera and then at Grace. "Probably not the best thing to say in front of the First Officer, ma'am," she said to the Security Chief. "There's about a dozen regulations I could cite in that regard, but that's neither here nor there. I honestly think I'd be good for the position."

"It seems appropriate for this ship, though," Grace said. She'd already cited regulations to the Captain, and Percy was pushing as many buttons as he could find. "If the Captain is okay with it, I have no objections. And I absolutely refuse to allow you to wear a skirted uniform." She smiled. "Does that help?" Besides, if Elijah asked his Yeoman to wear a skirt, she'd have something to say about it.

Evie cracked her knuckles. "Sounds like I have some boys to take care of," she said gleefully. "If you both support this decision then I will take it to the Captain" she added. Evie liked the thought of that as well as the thought of putting an end to Lieutenant Balor's unnecessary and ridiculous requests.

"Just stay within regulations," Grace cautioned.

Evie was taken aback for moment. "Ma'am, I'm with Starfleet. We always stay within regulations whenever possible. Coloring outside the lines isn't in my nature."

"Good. There is little enough of that around here," Grace replied. Sometimes she wondered why so many rule benders came to be on the Ontario. She was mostly a stay-within-the-lines person. But even she had danced on the line a time or two. Maybe it was something in the air.

"I stay within the regs. Well mostly." Anahera said. "I follow the spirit of the law, if not the letter."

"On this ship, that's the high ground," Grace replied with a half smile. "But it's good to know we are mostly on the same page." She nodded to Evie. "Good luck."

Anahera nodded in agreement and smiled.

"Well then," Evie said with a look of amusement. "If you two will excuse me, It seems like I have a Captain to convince."


Petty Officer Second Class Evangeline St. Clair
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario


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