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Let's Get Down to Business

Posted on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 @ 12:31am by Lieutenant Robin Maxwell & 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker

1,772 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Marine CO's office
Timeline: Backpost , prior to departure.

1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker rang the chime and waited for a moment before she entered Major Maxwell's office. In her uniform, her hair tied back from her face and with no make-up on, she managed the spit and shine but of the uniform standard.

When she had first transferred she had been a bit daunted by her Major. He had a reputation, one that was quite fierce. She had just left the Sarasota due to personality clashes and another gung-ho CO would have made her wish she was back in basic. But she had learned early in her career that scuttlebutt was never quite right, so she had taken the time to evaluate her new CO with the calmness that had made her good at her job.

"Sir," she said, moving to at ease in front of his desk, watching him. They had scheduled this meeting to go reports so she was less formal than when she felt she had to set an example. "Want me to get the coffee?" It was something she never minded doing. It was efficient. Also, she was already standing.

Maxwell sat behing the desk with a neat pile of PADDs on the edge of his desk, the ones that obviously needed to be shared, as he look up to his Executive Officer. He gave a nod of the head.

" If it is no trouble one with four sugars and a touch of cream." HE answered with a calm demeanor. "There are son cussants that are still warm; I did not know your prefernce so I have plain and a strawberry filling by the coffee maker." He said casually. "Little something I picked up in France a couple of leaves ago, still warm as I do not replicate the good stuff." Glancing over to her. "Bit of a snob when comes to anything of the Corps nutritional chow."

She chuckled softly, giving a nod and moving to get the coffee. She was glad he had a coffee maker. Like him, she preferred non-replicated coffee. "Well Sir, I am partial to cooking so I suspect I am the same. Would rather make something than ask a computer..." she made the coffee, adding four sugars and a touch of cream and stirring it before she carried it over to him. She walked back and got herself a black coffee and then helped herself to a plain croissant. "Which flavour for you, Sir?"

"The chef that taught me favors strawberry crepes so I admit the strawberry is kind of my favorite. Thanks for the coffee..." He took a sip. "I'll supply the maker could you do the mixing, this is good, thanks" He smiled. "ALso good to know I am not as strange about replicated food."

She gave a small smile and picked up a strawberry one for him, putting it on a plate and carrying it over. "It's not like I really knew better, but spent some time on Earth. The estate grew its own food and I enjoyed it." She took a seat and smelled the coffee before taking a sip. It was strong, dark, with that little oil slick on top. The sort of coffee she loved.

"I like food; it is the real food that give a hint of the culture." HE chuckled. "Good to know we have something to discuss other than these performance evals?" He gesture to the reports. "I set these up for you to peruse while we go over the Mandatory reports." Looking up to her. "WHat do you think of the Company, first impression from your vantage?"

As if a switch had been flipped, Dahlia got into her professional head, meeting his eyes. "Generally solid," she said before she let out a breath. "However they can be better than that. They're good Marines but more drilling is needed to make them work as a cohesive unit."

"I can work with a good base foundation." Maxwell added. "The way to make any unit better; and integrate new recruits, is through drills." He scaned some of the data on his screen. "outside live combat of course, we all know live fore is the best test of Metal?"

She took a PADD and frowned slightly as she read it, clearly thinking about his question. "Stimulated combat situations, general drills..." she brought up the files they had. "What worked well for me previously is spending a little time dividing people into smaller groups, so that they can be focused on what they have not been excelling at. Not for long, a couple of weeks. Call it more intensive training. Then back to normal, Sir. For them at least."

"Lieutenant Acker, you are a genius." He complemented in a surprisingly casual tone then looked up. "Break them up into the individual fire teams and let's shake it up a bit and do some Company Competitions; Prizes like Winner gets the lighter duty and the not as successful get Kitchen or any of the less desirable duties until next engagement and a chance to redeem themselves?" He suggested. "Reward system of getting posh jobs and motivation for the others to improve and get better jobs next time?"

She gave a small nod, meeting his eyes. "Yes Sir. I also suggest extra training for those that are not as successful. Most Marines are competitive, I would like the chance to work out the weaknesses we spot. Besides, I could always use the extra exercise, Sir," she added the last with a small smile before she let out a breath. "I suggest one team leader per team, we then do after action and lessons learned with them. We may see some potential from those we wouldn't expect it from. Leadership skills are not always each to teach so if we see a natural I suggest we focus on them. The First Sergeant can advice."

"Let's go with that plan." Maxwell took a sip of his coffee. "You can play the Good Officer in all this, I am the Command Officer so the Bad Guy for the most part." He raised his mug. "I gift you the favorable role since it was your idea."

She raised an eyebrow before she gave a small nod. "Yes Sir. I...sort of see myself as a bridge anyway," she said quietly and sipped her own coffee. "I reinforce what you order, but handle it a little bit more...informal if needed. Unless you have arguments within the ranks, then I suggest we pull up the grooming standard and make someone the bad guy for them to hate. Worked in basic, works now. But we will make do."

"If they are not up to Grooming Standards we can assure they will be soon after." Maxwell grinned. "The smaller team exercises will also help with getthing the Marines used to working together and as we grow the teams this will help build more cohesive unit I think?"

"Yes Sir," she nodded and gently tore off a piece of croissaint, popping it into her mouth. Flaky, buttery and melty. It was delicious and she smiled to herself, washing it down with the strong coffee. A prefect combination. "Hell, give them some of this as a perk and they'll be happy."

"I do not think Cookie in the Galley would give me his kitchen long enough for that." Maxwell chuckled. "But the top ranking fore team might get the treat after the first tests?"

"Sounds perfect, Sir," she said and nodded, meeting his eyes as she considered it. "Showing appreciation for hard work with a good reward. And spark some competition spirit in these Marines."

They will soon find out I do not have 'Idle' Marines." Giving a sly grin. "Keeping them busy keeps them out of trouble."

"Until trouble finds them. Despite everything, not all 'Fleeters are happy with Marines living with them. Some see us as...less intelligent, the bullies of Starfleet," Dahlia said, serious as she met his eyes. "I think we should do our best to keep them...balanced, Sir. Clever wolves, not beaten dogs. With your permission, I'd also like to see what they all want with their careers. Help them achieve their personal goals if they have the aptitude for it."

"That is our job as Command Chain." Maxwell sat back in his chair a bit. "We are the leaders that help bring the Marines along to their best potential. If we do our jobs correctly we will have a rotating door of experienced Marines going out and raw recruits coming to learn their potential."

"Yes Sir," Dahlia gave a nod of acknowledgment, taking a deeper breath. "I will start that as soon as possible. Could always improve my mentoring skills anyway, they're not...rusty, as much as honed with a different kind of Marine unit in mind."

Sitting back in his chair with a sly grin, picked up his coffee and look her in the eyes.

"Do tell." He offered her the floor.

She met his eyes, holding them for a long moment. "Force Recon Marines are a different breed, as you may know. While everyone has specializations, they are expected to fulfil most roles. Sergeants have more leeway, plans are scrapped last minute and they only have the training to rely on. Small units become...a bit looser with some of the standards. I am used to squaring up to Marines who haven't seen an officer for months and need a stern reminder...but equally, nurture that independent thinking. Just because the ROE changes with two seconds I still expect them to follow their gut. You understand this more than most, Sir."

"Plans change with the first contact with the operation." Maxwell said with a chuckle. "SO I am all for planning every contingency then replanning by the operational parameters and objectives." He nod. It will be interesting how we instill this into our Command." It was a statement, not a question.

She nodded, considering it for a moment. "I have a lot to learn, Sir," she said openly, not ashamed of it, but knowing her skillset. "I look forward to taking the lessons from you, Captain."

"I will strive to pass along some of the definition of Wisdom, 'use other people's experiance and learning for your benefiet." Maxwell reply and grinned slightly. No trianing is strictly one sided."

"We'll see, Sir," Dahlia said almost playfully, nodding for a moment as she considered it all. "We have a lot of work to do, but I believe we will end up with a fine team."
"Time will tell. Maxwell added. "But there is potential if we train them right."



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