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The Reckoning

Posted on Wed May 17th, 2023 @ 4:45pm by Commander Grace Vetur & Lieutenant Zero

1,112 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Briefing Room


When Grace had a few minutes, she sent a message to Lieutenant Zero, asking him to come to her Ready Room as soon as it was convenient. With Elijah still in sickbay, she was beginning to consider this her office.

Zero's eyes opened as he stood up in his alcove. He took a moment to look around his bedroom before stepping off and walked toward the door. He had anticipated this encounter since the incident onboard the shuttle. A part of his brain anticipated this interaction with the Captain much sooner, but now that it was initiated, there was no way to divert it. As he made his way out of his Quarters he could only come up with possible outcomes to this meeting.

The doors to the Ready Room opened as Zero walked in. He came to a stop, in front of the Captain's desk, and immediately placed his arms behind his back. "Reporting as ordered, Captain." He said quickly and with a slightly cold tone.

"Please take a seat and tell me your version of what happened on the shuttle."

Zero removed his hands from behind his back and sat down, sitting up straight, as he nodded his head. "Of course, Captain." He said firmly before he began. "While onboard the shuttle, my console, was hit with a surge and I was knocked to the floor and rendered unconscious. During that time, the decision was made by one of those officers onboard to revive me by means of my Borg Implant. The attempt was made by the Chief of Security Lieutenant Commander Chernova. Her attempt, however, trigger my Borg Consciousness to emerge which fought back and attempted to assimilate her. My primary consciousness was soon reinstated and prevented the assimilation. Those are the series of events from my perspective." He paused for a moment before asking. "Do you require more detail? I can provide it for you if you request, Captain."

Grace couldn't help smiling at that. "No. Your explanation is sufficient. How long did it take for you to regain control?"

"Upon detection of the Borg Consciousness, my Borg system began to implement a safety protocol to pull it back and to allow for my consciousness to take control." Zero replied quickly, pausing a bit, before adding. "I have begun to rework those safeties in order to initiate quicker to ensure this does not reoccur. I am afraid the error was mine in not establishing a faster algorithm. I am now prepared for my reprimand."

"Your reaction was instinctive and you stopped as soon as you were able. I cannot fault you for that. That you are working on improving the algorithm is commendable. I see no need to affix reprimand." She smiled again. "I simply wanted to hear your side."

"May I speak openly, Captain?" Zero asked.

"Of course." She was curious to know what he wanted to say. Especially as she found no fault in what he'd done--or almost done.

"I believe it is necessary to advise you that the Borg Consciousness remains there despite my attempts to remove it. It is a remnant of the Borg programing that is attempting to rejoin the Collective. A primary directive all Borg share should they ever be disconnected for any reason." Zero said firmly. "An Officer once referred to it as my... Evil Personality. The... Hyde to my Jekyll. The literary reference was lost on me until I assimilated the knowledge from the facilities library. I then found it... applicable. Like the Doctor, in the fiction, I am also plagued with a part of myself that will do bad things should it emerge. While I did not create it though chemical means, I am responsible for its behavior, because it is part of my being. While I cannot say I am afraid of it... I do not want it to harm anyone on board the ship or anyone..." He seemed to paused, surprisingly hesitant to say something else, before finally ending the sentence. "Or anyone I have formed a bond with. Do you have a means for me to solve this issue that does not involve self-termination?"

"Self-termination is not an option," she stated firmly. "I thought you could be disconnected from the hive, but would still be at risk if they chose to reclaim you?"

Zero nodded slightly. "That is accurate. The Liberated Borg are at risk of being reclaimed. Either from be re-assimilated or their implants being reactivated. However, due to further knowledge of the Borg and their assimilated technology, the doctors who liberated me from the Collective and made me an individual knew how to prevent my reactivation. My Borg Implants, including my communications node, have been neutralized. What remains are the bits and pieces of the programs and instructions that the Borg utilized to keep a drone sufficient on the Collective. That remnant often attempts to direct me to return. As well as persuading me to assimilate others to add to the Collective upon my return. I am capable of resisting those commands when I am conscious. In moment's where I am not, the probability of its emergence increases."

She nodded. "That makes sense. I still feel that the chance of this recurring is slim. Especially as Commander Chernova is now aware of your response. I doubt this will happen again. As long as you take what precautions you can, I'm satisfied that we won't need to have this conversation again."

She paused, then changed the subject. She had a feeling that Zero would continue to argue the point if she let him. "What I can use your help with is finding a way to get Amanda Rose and Haruna Mizuhara back on board. I believe we can locate a tachyon trail, but once we reach them, we'll need a way to find the ship and then get a transporter lock on our two missing people and beam them aboard. I know that shields will be down while the cloak is active. I do not want to get into a fight until we have backup, so getting them and getting out is our goal. That's where I believe your expertise will come in handy. I'd like you to formulate a plan for when we reach the pirates."

When he looked like he was going to again argue that he couldn't be trusted she raised a hand. "Consider this your atonement. Prove to me you're trustworthy by helping us get Amanda and Haruna back." She stood, indicating the conversation was over. "You're dismissed."


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer

Commander Commander Grace Vetur
Acting CO


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