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Black Dahlias

Posted on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 1:42am by Lieutenant Percival Bálor Ph.D & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruvloveii & Lieutenant Alec Wakefield

1,839 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain
Location: Chapel

The closed door and intimate conference in the briefing room earlier in the day between Commander Vetur, Yiv, Anahera, and himself had left Percy feeling conflicted. He appreciated Grace and looked up to her as a leader, especially during times like this when she sprung up and assumed command, but under her command things were not edenesque. Evil had come, crept in and taken two of his shipmates, two of his friends, and time was not on their side.

Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur was a remarkable leader, a true Starfleet officer. She had a presence that brought about loyalty and made everyone, even Percy respect her and do his best to make something of himself and to feel proud of the uniform he wore. They had come up with a plan and had various ideas that Grace Vetur was supportive of, and yet here Percy was in the Ship's Chapel yet again.

Though this time was different. This time he was not fighting tears of sadness or mourning the loss anyone. He was trying his damndest to prevent more loss, more destruction, and put a steak through the heart of the harbingers of death.

He had waited until the right opportunity, a calm before the storm. The chess board was set, he just needed all the right pieces and made tactical decisions on who not to bring into the fold. Zero was an obvious on man out.

Percy had 'paged' several officers to the chapel to meet him there, discreetly. It was the only way. It had to be. Sending messages directly to them via PADD. He sat on a pew awaiting their arrivals.

Anahera entered the chapel, somewhat relieved that some deity hadn't struck her down, for defiling its temple with her presence. Her father had been an Eastern Orthodox Christian, but she'd experienced too much to believe in any gods.

She sat on the pew next to Percy and waited for him to speak.

"Welcome to my sanctuary" the Chief Science Officer teased. "I invited some others. I wanted a place where we could talk in private, and the chapel doesn't get that much use these days."

"Religion tends to come and go in cycles, like most fashions." Anahera said.

Doctor Alec Wakefield looked around as he entered the chapel. He took in the simplicity of it, a small smile coming to him. He, like his brother, had gone between the religions of their parents. And as a result, ended up with none. Still, he kept his voice quiet as he saw the Chief Science Officer and Security Chief. "Ma'am, Lieutenant."

"Doctor," Percy replied with a slight nod. He had not had much interaction with the man yet, but was hopeful that he would be willing to hear Percy out.

It was just Yiv that they were waiting for. "First and foremost, I intend this to be off the record...just a group of shipmates spitballing a bit" he premised. "Secondly, I respect Commander Vetur, but I think we can all agree our backs are against the bulkhead, these pirates have our friends, and conventional niceties and orthodox tactics are not going to cut it."

Alec frowned as he heard what he was saying, taking a deeper breath. "I...may not be the right person for this gathering," he said as he met Percy's eyes. "Commander Vetur is following Starfleet protocol, the principles of which reflect what Starfleet and the Federation stands for. I know reality is a lot more grey, but I feel...uncomfortable about us meeting and talking about this without her." He knew this would not gain him friends; he was only on surface niceties with these people, no friendships developed, no knowledge of how they behaved or thought. And while Alec had seen the more murky sides of Starfleet through his career, the added risk of doing this without Commander Vetur felt dishonest. Says the man who did a lot of murky things to survive, his brain unhelpfully told him, making his jaw tighten slightly.

Stepping through the door, Yiv glanced about the chapel. He hadn't particularly used this room before. Mostly he found that it was geared to Terran religious worship, and truth be told he felt his Efrosian beliefs were better reflected in his quarters.

His eyes strayed over the little gathering Percy had orchestrated. Yiv arched an eyebrow. 'Odd place for a party, Percy.'

"And he hasn't even provided refreshments." Anahera said.

"Well, if things go wrong, I think it is safe to say roast pork will be served to Admiralty" Percy said in jest, but there was underlying honesty to that statement.

He focused on the Chief Medical Officer. "Doc, I wholeheartedly agree with Commander Vetur sticking by Starfleet, and I know this meeting may unnerve you. Heck, even I find it unsettling. I think we all can be honest that going behind Commander Vetur's back is not what we want to be doing."

Percy looked at Yiv. "That's the party. I don't love this, and yes, we one hundred percent should try Commander Vetur's way, but she's only willing to do so much...are we willing to do more than that if the need comes?"

"Where is the line drawn, if not by what Starfleet stands for?" Alec said, frowning as he looked down, his arms crossed. He was thinking. "How far beyond that are you willing to go, if the need comes?" he looked up, first at Percy, then at Yiv, and then at Anahera.

Percy volunteered to be the first. "For me personally? I'd do what it takes to get our shipmates back from these pirates, but I won't kill these pirates if I do not have to. Disable their ship, sure. Leave them stranded somewhere...maybe. I just know they aren't going to abide by Starfleet tactics, and I'm not sure that our doing so is going to get Amanda or Haruna back safely."

"I lived for a long time outside the Federation. I lived by my own rules. Percy let me tell you there are some things you can't just say 'sorry' and be forgiven for and mutiny is one of them." Anahera said. "And that is something you're sailing pretty close to, my friend. I want Amanda and Haruna back too, but I warn you, if you disobey the Captain's orders or attempt something without her permission, I'd be forced to have you arrested. Do I make myself clear?"

'No-one is talking mutinies or breaking Starfleet General Orders here,' Yiv interjected gently. 'Percy is right, however, Vetur isn't willing to bend from procedure, and that might just cost two crewmembers their lives.' He tugged at his beard as he thought, 'our method of searching for the pirates is inefficient and time-consuming. We do need to speed it up, and find a creative solution.'

"But anything we do without the Vetur's knowledge, that goes against her orders, is disobedience," Alec said before he sighed, rubbing his forehead. He could feel the headache brewing. "But we can do a brainstorm and then bring it to her attention. If it bends the rules within acceptable limits, maybe she will consider it. That is my line." He lowered his hand, watching them. "No matter how we feel about the missing crewmembers, we have to run any idea by the Commanding Officer. If not we might as well have no order and no rank." And he felt a lot of empathy for those missing...being someone's prisoner was not a fun exercise in survival.

Yiv frowned, 'haven't you signed the Hippocratic oath?' he inquired, 'does that not specify 'either help, or do no harm to the patient'? I charge that by not exploring every option we would be doing active harm to our crewmembers.' He turned to the group. 'If we do so incur Vetur's wrath with our little venture, I'll be the one to take the punishment. I am the senior ranking officer and First Officer after all.'

"I took the oath. I am also a member of Starfleet, and with that comes another one. While at times at odds with each other, in this case I don't think so. Nothing we discuss should be kept from the Commanding Officer. If it is a good idea and will help, then why keep it a secret unless it is that you don't trust Vetur to take it under consideration. If it is something more...mutinous, we are risking the lives of everyone on the ship," Alec said, frowning before he shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't think I should be here. I won't tell, since nothing has been discussed. But I can't give you what you want." He stood and headed out of the Chapel.

Percy held his breath and the immediate response that he had. The Tellarite side of him loved a good argument, but if the Doctor wanted nothing to do with this than so be it. "I'll hold you personally responsible for the blood of Amanda or Haruna should we fail to save them" spat Percy as the Chief Medical Officer left the chapel.

He then put his sights on Anahera. "Mutiny is not what I'm going for, Commander Chernova," Percy stated crisply. "I want a plan b, c, d, whatever damn letter it takes that we bring our people back safely and don't end up facing a court martial. This is my cross the bear. Whatever any of you come up with even if you are ashamed to present it to Commander Vetur, things you wouldn't mention in the meeting with her, I'll do it. I'll bring it to her, and if I have to face punishment for it so be it."

Percy smiled at Yiv. He appreciated the support. "Commander Vetur is Acting Captain right now. No offense to either of you, but I don't see anyone meeting with her in private, calling her out on being stubborn or set in her ways, nor do I hear voicing alternatives that are outside her comfort zone. She needs a First Officer right now. It should not have to be me."

"I have an idea ." Anahera said. "What if we send in someone undercover to look for the pirates?" She said. "We might get more data if were not in Starfleet uniform."

"Commander Vetur won't love that like idea, but that's the sort of thinking we may need to look at, Anahera" said Percy. "I think it is out of the box."

Percy was content with the idea. It was cunning enough to appeal to him and risky enough to excite him. Now, he'd just have to find a convincing way to run it by Grace without getting rejected. If that were possible.


Lieutenant Percival Bálor
Chief Science Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Alec Wakefield MD
Chief Mefical Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Yivliph Ra-Gruloveii
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Ontario

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Security Chief
USS Ontario


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