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Posted on Mon Aug 9th, 2021 @ 6:40am by 1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker & Petty Officer 3rd Class Pim

1,063 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: [Backpost]

1st Lieutenant Dahlia Acker knew many things. She knew that Marines made do. She knew that there was no job too large or small for a Marine. She knew that sometimes, her job was mostly administration. She knew all this, but when she had realized that their combat PaDDs were outdated with the decryption software and that she couldn't hook up to the ship's computer on them, there was a moment where she wanted to hit something.

And that was how she ended up carrying the bag of the combat PaDDs down the corridor and to the Intelligence office. She wasn't unfamiliar with the Intelligence department. As a Marine, you always had some Intel person briefing you. And well...she could have made a joke about the oxymoron of any organization and intelligence, but she was frankly a bit too tired for it. She walked into the office, the doors opening before her and she looked around for a moment. She saw a woman, clocking her rank as a Petty Officer 3rd class, and walked over. "Excuse me," she said, a small smile on her lips. "1st Lieutenant Acker, I got some combat PaDDs with expired decryption software. Had hoped to be able to do it for me but I don't have the clearance...or skill."

The Bajoran hybrid just shook her head, what was the point of having security if they just let everyone in, hell intelligence was supposed to be the most secure part of the ship. Screw the bridge and engineering, this was what the enemy wanted. But, what really made it worse was it was a goddamn cocky as shit Marine, at least that's how she always viewed Marines and also security.

"Okay, and?" Pim looked at the Marine, "you know that Security could also do this, yes, it is not like we, ugh never mind I'll just get it done," Pim said knowing that full well that Security would somehow screw it up.

Acker looked at her for a moment, tilting her head slightly. "I find that when acquiring equipment...go to the ones with the best experience," she said and reached to take the PaDDs out. She was remaining calm about this NCO shooting her mouth off because she was annoyed at the situation. Adding her own negative emotions to this would create an explosive atmosphere she didn't need right now. She lined the PaDDs up nicely for the woman, her eyes going to her face for a moment before she sat down.

Pim quickly took the PaDDs and got them connected to several ODN modules, and then her fingers danced, almost disappearing with how fast they are moving. Tsk, tsk, tsk "...who manages your equipment, because whoever it is they should be court-martialed," Pim said simply.

"In the infinite wisdom of the SF Marine Corps, what is considered non-essential equipment is handled by the newest member of a team," Acker said as she looked at her. "These PaDDs are considered non-essential. This is fine if you see essential equipment as something you can shoot or throw at the enemy. Of course, I see them as a bit more important is me. I manage these."

The console beeped letting her know that the PaDDs were done, and she moved onto the next group, " why did it take you so long to get this done, especially if you find these as essential?"

Dahlia looked at her and chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow. "Because, Petty Officer, on the list of essential things that required my attention since my recent posting here, I had about twenty things before I got to this one. Marines make do."

"Whatever," Pim said, not sure why she said that, but she just moved on, knowing that a small little treat, well a treat for her was added to the PaDDs. Another beep was done letting her know that the second batch was done, just one more batch.

"You must be pretty excellent at what you get away with the attitude," Dahlia said lightly, but it was said in an almost kind way. She could tell this was an intelligent young woman who most likely was bored out of her eye sockets. If she had been a Marine, it would have been drilled out of her in basic or she would never have passed. Regular fleet? No, they kept talent, but the attitude long-term would be damaging to her career. Perhaps Intel was slacker, but that may be more the Chief Intel Officer's call...another ship with another officer may paint her career differently.

Pim just scoffed, "helps that intel is outside of ship command, hell out of Starfleet chain of command, hell same with the Marines, we are just guests on their ships," Pim said, "....and yes you damn right I am good at my job, if I am not people do indeed die," she added.

"Picked the right path then...that mouth would have gotten you in trouble in the Marines, no matter how good you are," Dahlia said with a chuckle, nodding weakly. "Have to admit I don't see myself as a guest. More like that cousin that shows up and then wrecks the wedding somehow. You're the other cousin who sneaks to the bar during a wedding ceremony because you already know the groom is cheating and the marriage will last about two weeks."

Pim didn't understand that one bit, but that didn't matter as the third and last batch was done, "next time come sooner or send someone useless to get these done," she said looking at the Marine, finding her different than most Marines she has dealt with.

Dahlia held her eyes before she nodded. "But if you want something done well, you seek out the best people for it," she said and stood, gathering the PaDDs. She paused before she met her eyes. "I didn't get your name, Petty Officer."

"Pim," she said simply tapping a few more buttons, and sending a somewhat filled-out report letting her superiors know what she just did.

"Thank you for the assist, Pim," Dahlia said and patted the desk before she took the bag and walked out, letting her continue her work.

Pim just waved her hands before turning and walking away, knowing that, well really hoping that security would escort her out.


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