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Posted on Sun Aug 8th, 2021 @ 5:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova & Petty Officer 3rd Class Pim & Chief Petty Officer Celeste Summerby & Petty Officer 3rd Class T'Rala H'Zelar

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Ontario - Bar
Timeline: Days prior to 'Orions'

T'Rala sat alone at a table nursing a glass of brandy. She was recalling how she got here as she slowly swirled the liquid in her glass. She hated the taste, but having it in her hand was somehow reassuring.

Pim sighed slightly as she walked into the bar, they weren't like the bars she went to on Earth, she preferred dive bars, over this, whatever this was as this was not a bar. At least in a dive she could find a dark corner and play with her new toy, but here there was no place like that. So she finally took a seat at the bar and pulled out just a normal-looking PaDD as she pulled up some reports.

As she sat here, T'Rala had been approached by some male fleets probably thinking she was exotic, and having heard the rumors about Orion Slavegirls. and wanting to try their luck. The Marine uniform and her death glare usually made them rethink their course of action. Then there were those, like the tall, muscular human that didn't take 'no' for an answer.

She stood up from her chair and again told him she wasn't interested. He made an impolite comment about her and reach out to touch her. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard before letting go. This angered him and screaming a stream of curses, he tried to slap her across the face. She avoided him and grabbed his wrist again and hip rolled him onto a nearby table, where he lay on his back. T'Rala then took a knife and a corkscrew from another table and used them to pin his ears to the table. This done, she sat down and continued her reminiscing.

Watching the ruckus, now this was more like the places she enjoyed going to. Sipping her drink as she turned back to reading reports that she should not have.

The bar manager called Security and they arrived shortly led by Lieutenant Celeste Summerby.

While two Security crewmen dealt with the defeated crewman, Summerby approached H'Zelar. "Corporal, please stand, I need you to accompany me." She said.

The Corporal rose. "Lieutenant, the Crewman attacked me, I was merely defending myself."

"And that may be how you sort out problems in the Corps, but this is a Starfleet vessel and you will conduct yourself in accordance with the regs, is that understood?"

"Yes, sir," T'Rala replied.

Pim listened but stayed where she was sitting but closing her PADD, as she kept the names that were said in her mind for later, obviously to do some digging later.

Summer approached Pim. "Chief Petty Officer, can you tell me what you saw?"

{Is she blind, or does she just not know the enlisted ranks?} Pim thought, "don't know who you are talking to but there are no chief petty officers in the bar," Pim said slamming her drink back before standing, "so now if you'll excuse me, actually it doesn't really matter," Pim said sounding a bit annoyed at being talked to as she made her attempt to leave.

"Petty Officer, stop, I apologize for getting your rank wrong, but I need to know what your saw involving the Corporal and the Crewman," Summerby said.

"I didn't see anything, I came in and took a seat, ordered a drink, and looked at PaDD, I didn't see anything," Pim said sounding now truly annoyed.

Summerby mirrored her annoyance. "Why are you protecting her, is she a confederate of yours?" She asked.

"That's it, we are done here," Pim said shaking her head, as she slid off the stool, and just left, leaving the security officer alone in the bar.

Summerby fumed.

Tag - Go ahead, title and post


Lieutenant Celeste Summerby
Acting Assistant Security Chief
USS Ontario

Corporal T'Rala H'Zelar
USS Ontario

Petty Officer 3rd Class Pim
Encryption Specialist
USS Ontario


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