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The bug goo makes me happy

Posted on Mon Sep 20th, 2021 @ 6:04am by Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone & Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova

1,219 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: USS Ontario - Deck 6 -Holodeck 2.

Siren was standing in the holodeck which was simulating the bridge of the Ontario. She had the holodeck produce an asteroid field and was currently flying the Ontario through it. She had been at it for awhile, and was finally beginning to really get a feel for the controls. Yes, there wasn't the fine control she was used to in a fighter; but then that was rather the point. "Alright miss, another go." She spoke to the holographic LCARS and started the simulation again.

Anahera wearing snow fatigues, with a phaser-rifle over her shoulder, arrived at Holodeck 2 for her booked section to find it already in use.

"Computer, who is currently using Holodeck 2?" She asked.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Elizabeth Stone is currently using Holodeck 2." The computer voice replied.

"Computer open a comm. channel to Holodeck 2" She ordered.

"Channel open." The computer voice replied.

"Lieutenant Stone, this is Lieutenant Commander Chernova, Your holodeck time is up and you are currently eating into mine. Please exit your program and open the holodeck doors." She said.

Siren almost hit an asteroid at the interruption. She internally cursed at herself. She knew better than that, she was out of practice. She exited the program. "Yes ma'am." Siren quickly headed towards the door, and opened them.

Anahera entered. "Good afternoon, Lieutenant, may I ask which program so engrossed you, that you went over time?" She asked. "Or don't I want to know?

"Helm training ma'am. I apologize for cutting into your time. I will set an alarm in the future." She stated a bit formally, and almost in a marine bark. It was the Chief of Security after all.

"At ease, Lieutenant, this isn't a parade ground. With a bark like that, I take it you're a former Marine." Anahera said.

"Yes m'am. I was the Wing Commander on the USS Gemini until fairly recently." Siren relaxed her tone. "It looks like you are about to have some fun. I'd have kicked me out too."

"I was going to take part in a Snow Combat exercise, do you want to join me?" Anahera said. "I could have the Computer replicate the gear for you." She offered.

"Sure." Siren smiled. Shooting stuff sounded like a wonderful idea. "What are we combating?"

"Krylins, smart, crafty, and vicious fur covered insectoids originally from the frozen moon of Garthum." Anahera said. "In this exercise they've captured a Federation Research Expedition. We get to save the day."

"A fur covered insectoid?" Siren couldn't help but voice the question. How did one get fur on an exoskeleton? "Sounds fun though." They headed back into the holodeck and Siren called up the appropriate gear and a wrist brace. She pulled off her uniform jacket and replaced it with a parka and settled into the rest of her gear. Then she armed herself with a Marine assault rifle. "HUUU AHH" She grinned.

"Theory is that the Krylins were genetically engineered, by a technologically advanced race to act as soldiers, like the Founders with the Jem'Hadar, and the Krylins turned on their creators."

Watching has Stone put on the brace, she said. "Lieutenant, we appear to share an injury. I had my right wrist crushed by an experimental security cyborg."

Siren had frozen at the mention of Jem'Hadar. It took her a good two seconds to shake it off. "I'm sorry to hear that. Did it heal well?"

"No the bone was almost powdered, its been replaced with a metallo-plastic implant." Anahera replied. Noticing the other woman's reaction at the Jem'Hadar, she didn't pry further, she just said. "I've never fought the Jem'Hadar, I was other wise engaged during the Dominion War, and I haven't encountered them since."

Siren had only briefly considered an implant. Yes, the chances of success were normally high, but with her history of drug use O'Shea had recommended against it. If it failed, she'd lose the function she did have. Which was good, and still improving, though would never get her back in a bird. Anahera didn't look old enough to have been involved in the Dominion war, but Siren didn't press. "Well, let's shoot some bugs!" She quickly changed the subject.

"Let's." Anahera agreed. "Computer load program Chernova-1-3-Gamma." She ordered.

Suddenly the black and yellow pattern, changed into a frozen tundra with few trees.

Anahera checked her readings. "The Research Camp is approximately 2 klicks North of here, so keep your eyes pealed for hostiles."

'Let the game commence' thought Siren. They trudged on. It felt like a marine training mission really, and Siren was right at home. She was never a sniper, but she was more than adequate with a rifle. Watching bug goo explode was quite therapeutic. She let Anahera lead, both out of the woman's seniority and familiarity with the program.

Anahera led the way through the bleak environment. The silence was unnerving, except for the occasional breeze. After a while they came across a strange spot in the snow and the Security Chief put up her hand to stop.

Siren immediately stopped. She looked around, only moving her eyes, and listened.

Slowly picking up some snow, from beside her, she rolled it into a ball and threw it at the strange spot.

Immediately a thrash of tendrils burst forth from the hole. Finding no prey, they returned to their hiding place.

"That was a Dendrin, a genetically altered carnivorous plant. The Krylins use them as sentries." Anahera explained.

Siren was impressed. Giant tendrils of death made for a pretty good sentry.

They moved on, and by the end of their little game, Siren was moderately beat up, covered in bug goo, and wearing a huge grin. She took a chance to look over Anahera. The safeties wouldn't let anything too bad happen, but she still checked on her teammate.

Anahera shared Siren's smile, her own clothing and hair stained with bug goo. There was a Krylin at her feet. It moved. She fired and they were once again splatted with goo.

"Good work, Lieutenant. It was good to have someone 'real' to fight alongside, the holographic teammates only have a limited AI program." Anahera said.

"That was fun." Siren agreed. "Let me know if you ever need another training partner, I'd be happy to tag along."

"I'll keep that in mind, Lieutenant." Anahera said. "So, fighting makes me hungry, want to grab a bite to eat?" She asked.

"Oh." Siren was surprised by the offer. She wouldn't mind talking with Anahera. They both had experience in similar fields, and the woman had a ton of experience. She didn't want to go to the lounge though, and just inviting her over seemed like it might come across wrong. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm just going to head to my quarters."

Anahera was a little disappointed by Siren's response, she'd wanted to learn more about the younger woman. Keeping her feelings to herself she said. "Okay, raincheck?"

"Yes. Definitely." Siren smiled. "Thanks for the fun." It was a shame the bug goo would disappear as soon as the program ended. Siren would rather proudly strut that around the ship if given the opportunity.

"You're welcome." Anahera said returning Siren's smile.

Lieutenant Commander Anahera Chernova
Chief Security Officer
USS Ontario

LtJG Elizabeth 'Siren' Stone
Flight Control Officer
USS Ontario


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