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First Contact with the First Officer (Part II)

Posted on Tue Sep 7th, 2021 @ 11:42am by Lieutenant Zero & Commander Grace Vetur

1,400 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Out of Time
Location: Vetur's Office


"Valid points. There is also not enough information to say that they aren't supposed to go back, that they don't belong in this timeline. We need all the information we can get. We'll probably have to consult Starfleet Command before making a final decision." If the Ontario had gone back in time, they could simply look in the historic records, but there was no way to say if sending the two ships back in time would fix or break history. "I would like all the information I can gather. Only then will we know if there is a decision to make or if they need help acclimatizing to their new home."


"Starfleet's records have already indicated that the Starfleet ship did not return at any point. One could also surmise, because they entered at the same time, the same could be said for the Romulan ship." Zero countered before stopping, as he felt, he would only be repeating his point. "Returning these ships is also a clear violation of the Temporal Prime Directive. A law that was set in motion for situations like this. Allowing these ships to remain and acclimate to the current era would not damage the timeline or go against the Temporal Prime Directive. Furthermore, there have been events in the past which show that events like this have resulted in the ship, or person, out of time remaining in that time they appeared in. Should the Commander and Captain order me to proceed with the orders to return the ships I will comply because duty dictates that I must. However, my reservations will be noted in a log and forwarded to Starfleet Command. I hope, if this is the case, the Command staff understand I do not do this to cause considerable conflict. As an officer who has been educated by the Academy to adhere to this directive, upon this type of situation, I do not see why the violation of this directive is warranted. Duty dictates that I report this violation."

"If we decide to send them back, it will be with the approval of Starfleet Command, Lieutenant. There will be no need for you to advise them of our actions. And if we do send them back, it will be because there is concern that they should go back. We do not have enough information at this time to know which course of action is the right one. And we're not going to make a blind decision," she said. She understood his concern, even if she was more open to possibilities. "Your opinion is duly noted. If you are strongly against any research into sending them back, you are welcome to recuse yourself without prejudice. Nothing has been decided and nothing will be decided until we have more information and can consult Starfleet Command. At the same time, no one is being ordered to do anything. Nor will they."

Zero nodded his head slightly. "I understand your decision to allow me to remove myself; however, if you order me to participate your chances will increase. Given the Borg's shared knowledge of temporal mechanics, and Lieutenant Bálor's comment on his biological brain is unable to compute necessary calculations at an efficient speed, my assistance would be a considerable function in returning them to their timeline. Your efforts will increase with my knowledge."

"Another valid point. I did not consider that. Then again, you only recently joined the ship." She paused. "How's this for a compromise. I will not order you to send them back, if that is what the data recommends and what Starfleet Command approves. But I will ask you to help with the calculations. If it's not possible, we'll know the calculations are sound."

Zero nodded his head in agreement. He was willing to go with the compromise, however his concern was still on how time could shift drastically without warning. Borg, oddly enough, had experience in such things and because this knowledge was distributed throughout the collective, he had access to it. He also understood how this incident presented conflict and their response to it was not clearly defined. "I will comply."

"Thank you," she said. "And I will take the temporal science into account with any decision."

"I am not accustomed to sharing my opinions with others." He paused slightly before adding. "I am used to following the Collective." Zero seemed to hesitated a bit before continuing. "I mean the orders from my superiors. My knowledge that I have accumulated as a Borg and during my time in the Academy. Being my own person, making my own choices, is still something new to me. I must remember to take that into consideration."

"Yes, that would take some adjustment," Grace said. "If you ever feel I'm pushing too hard, let me know. I'd like to help you adjust, if I can." She had a great deal of respect for what Zero had come through and wanted him to succeed on the Ontario.

Zero sat there for a moment, as if processing the response, tilting his head slightly to her. As he shifted his head back to an upright position he replied softly. "It is my intention, and duty, to serve to the best of my abilities. On several occasions it will be the deliberation of the Command staff to determine the best outcome. However, I will endeavor to add my voice when a situation calls for my perspective or if my opinion is requested. As a former Borg, I am used to exceeding my limitations and adapting to new situations. As an individual..." He seemed to paused slightly, as if trying to find the words, before continuing. "I have not... found my way. I am often asked 'what is your species' but I cannot reply with an answer. I do not have that information. Starfleet Medical, as well as the Vulcan Science Directorate, has no data to use as reference. So... I struggle... when told to do what comes naturally because... what comes naturally.... is Borg."

"That's true. Medical should be able to tell you what species you are, but they won't be able to tell you where you come from." She looked at him for a moment and nodded. "Your opinion, based on your Borg experience, will be welcome. As a former Borg, I think you will be a valuable addition to this crew, Lieutenant. Is there anything I can do to help you settle in?"

"My requirements are minimal. Most of my time is spent working or regenerating." Zero replied firmly, nodding a bit, as he remained focused on Grace. "It's why I was able to get the most done during my time at the Academy and onboard the Merlin."

"Very good. Get your routine checkups and meet the personnel in your department," she said. His file and his demeanor showed that he would be an excellent officer. She looked forward to working with him. "You should hear from Lieutenant Bálor before long, if you haven't already. We need information to give to Starfleet Command so they can help us decide on the best course of action with the two ships. Your input will be appreciated."

Zero seemed confused. Given what he knew of Starfleet's history with temporal events, as well as the creation of the Temporal Prime Directive, he saw no reason why Starfleet Command would consider otherwise. However, the Executive Officer, was adamant on hearing every option before proceeding. That assured him that she would always attempt to get as much information as needed in order to make the best possible outcome. "I will comply." Zero replied as he stood up, placing his glove hands back behind him, before nodding his head towards her. "Am I to conclude that this meeting has ended or will we be diverting into more personal dialogue?"

"No, we're done here." She stood and smiled. "If there's anything you or your department need, please let me know."

"As soon as I examine my department, and its personnel, I will notify you if there are any changes that are required." Zero said as he nodded his head again. "I am pleased with the results of this encounter. Please enjoy the rest of your day."

"Thank you." She nodded back in agreement. "I have enjoyed this encounter as well."


Lieutenant Zero
Chief Operations Officer


Lieutenant Commander Grace Vetur
Executive Officer


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