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The plan, such as it is.

Posted on Tue Sep 14th, 2021 @ 7:31am by Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone & Lieutenant Amanda Rose

2,740 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Out of Time

The day had started off great. Too great. She'd managed to get her hair into a respectable pony tail. She wanted to kiss Varik! She had a lovely bagel with cream cheese and a decadent iced mocha for breakfast, and practically strutted to the bridge for her shift.

Well, all good things had to come to an end. This ship really was like a grade school. Siren sighed as she read over the incident report from Gamma Shift. The Ensign in charge of the helm had gotten into a verbal scuffle that had almost come to blows with the Ensign at the comms station.

Siren put her notes in, then left the report for after shift. She managed to get a lot of LCARS practice in, and even remembered to change the settings back to standard before she signed off the station to the Beta shift. She debated sending a Petty Officer to drop off the report, but decided she should handle it before going back to her quarters for the evening. She made her way to Amanda's office, not even sure if the woman would still be there. It was about 15 minutes past shift by the time she sounded Amanda's chime.

Amanda had just waved goodbye to a female science ensign. She heaved a heavy sigh of pleasure, having lost herself in her work. Not thinking about Percy or Yiv had done a world of good. Of course, it was Siren's advice that she had taken. She had "sucked it up," and had removed herself, at least most of the time, from the situation. Seeing Siren coming towards her, she waved animatedly. "Look who has come around! So good to see you again, Siren!"

"Good evening." Siren couldn't help but smile. Amanda's enthusiasm was a bit infectious. "I just came to drop off a report for you. It's nothing that can't until tomorrow though." She offered the PaDD.

"No, no! Please!" Amanda said holding her hand out. "Come on into my office while I shut things down. Then we can go to the lounge...."

"No, that's ok. I was just on my way home." Siren tried to sidestep the invitation.

Amanda laughed prettily. "Oh, come on, now, Siren! I'm not bringing you into my office for a session. I'll just get the report, look at it, and then we'll head off!"

Siren sighed. Shit, she wasn't going to get out of this. She'd just have to suck it up. "Ok. fine." She stepped into Amanda's office.

"Please! I'm not that bad, am I? Although, I have to admit that I haven't seen you lately. I've been in the lounge all week, hoping to see you and doing a great deal of people watching, but you haven't been there." She started looking at the PADD absentmindedly as she talked.

"No, you're fine. Really. I've just been busy. Studying and decorating and stuff. How have you been?" Siren asked.

"Decorating?" Amanda asked skeptically.

"What? I can manage more than one heavy bag and one speed bag." She said, mock offended.

Amanda raised her eyebrows, waiting for Siren to stop hiding whatever it was from her.

"What?!" Siren snapped out with a little huff. She hadn't done anything, and she was getting the stink eye from Amanda of all people?

"You're hiding something from me," Amanda replied, as if it was obvious. "I'm waiting for you to tell me the truth. You're not a decorator." She smiled at Siren and said, "Remember, I've been to your place."

Siren was about to retort, but yeah. One phallic plastic cactus and an otter painting, was hardly decorating. "Look, it's nothing. I just haven't wanted to go to the lounge." She didn't think she'd get away with an explanation that vague, so added. "It's personal ok, but nothing's wrong."

"It's nothing?" Amanda asked with a laugh. "That's text book for something serious is going on." After finishing her reading of the PADD, she tsked at it, knowing her workload got a little larger. "And adding that nothing's wrong and it is personal means that you have made some major life decision." She shook her head, eyes sparkling. "I'm your friend, Siren. What's going on?"

Siren couldn't help but roll her eyes, but it came out more playful than exasperated. Amanda reminded her of O'Shea a bit, well only she was female. But her previous CMO/Counselor had the same way of cutting through the bullshit. "Alright, you annoying pest." But she gave Amanda a smile. "But not here. You can come over and insult my decorating."

"IF you insist. Based on your attitude, though, I'm guessing we're not watching another RomCom." Amanda gave Siren an amused smile, not being bothered at all about being called a pest.

Siren groaned. "Never again. And don't try to put this back on me. You're the insistent one." She griped, but was already leading Amanda back to her place. When they walked in she pointed towards the wall to their right. "See decorating." The painting of an otter was now hung on the wall, and sitting in a rather obscene pot was a fake cactus.

Looking at the pot, which obviously looked like a man's testicles, Amanda raised her eyebrows. "I'm quite sure that Freud would have something to say about that."

Siren chuckled. "I would love to discuss it with him." She quipped. "Make yourself comfortable." Siren offered, though she veered off towards the replicator. "I have no idea what to do for dinner, you pick."

"Oh, gosh.... Dinner...." Amanda thought aloud. "Ice cream, most likely is not the best idea for an entre," the Counselor told Siren with a giggle. "Oh, fudge! I don't know. How about something Middle Eastern? It is usually yummy and healthy." Switching back to the topic of psychology, she said, "Now, if you want to talk to Freud, there's a great holoprogram that I could set you up with...."

Siren decided some kebabs some biryani and a mixed green salad would do nicely, so she ordered up enough for the both of them. She brought it over to the coffee table. "I was kidding about Freud." She pointed over to the cactus. "Sometimes a phallic cactus is just a phallic cactus, I do have a sense of humor you know."

"I do know that. However, one questions the reason one would have a phallic cactus." She gave a skeptical look over her food that she was now forking into her mouth.

"Well if you don't like it you are welcome to leave." Siren said matter of factly. She started forking in her own food with a pleased hum.

"You're really hiding something from me, Siren," Amanda observed with an amused grin. "Despite being pleasant and having me over, there's clearly something that's on your mind. Do I need to find a penny for you?" She started munching on a bit more of her salad wondering what was going on and trying to analyze what felt different about Siren.

"No, but you could start by not insulting me in my own quarters. If you don't like my taste in decorating, then I recommend you not decorate YOUR place in the same manner." Siren snapped, but that seemed to get it out of her system.
She put her food down, not even half finished, then turned herself sideways
on the couch. She held a hand up in a 'hold on' gesture. She needed to just spit it out, and arguing over a stupid cactus was getting neither of them anywhere. "I had a talk with my last ship's CMO. He had to play double duty and be counselor as well, so he helped me with the aftermath of my wrist injury. Back then he suggested what he called a personal cleanse. Six months, no booze, no men. A kind of time to find yourself thing, or whatever. "I decided try it ok. That's all. I don't want to go to the lounge because I'll just be tempted to do exactly that, booze and men."

Amanda was wondering why Siren thought that Amanda was insulting her. She reviewed her own comments and decided that perhaps her last one could have been taking critically by Siren. "I'm sorry that you misunderstood my comments for insults. I would not ever try to insult you, Siren. Please accept my apologies." Now I know that she's sensitive and a bit insecure as to herself.

However, what was more stunning was Siren's revelation. "Six months with no booze or men? Wow, Siren! That's a heck of a commitment!" She paused dramatically and looked Siren directly S into Siren's eyes, beamed a smile and said, "I'm proud of you!"

Siren raised a brow. "Don't worry about it. Apology accepted." She waved it off, but was clearly pleased. I just wanted to do it alone. I didn't want...well that." She pointed at Amanda's grinning face. But couldn't help but add. "You don't think it's silly?

"I don't," Amanda replied seriously. "In fact, perhaps I should do the same thing. After all, I seem to make nothing but bad choices...." She sucked in her upper lip and bit down on her inner lower lip. "There's always more chances of success when you have support...."

"Yeah I know. I've been told I'm stubborn though." She grinned. "When I broke things off with my fiancé, that's when O'Shea, the CMO and counselor, suggested the idea. But I kind of went the opposite direction." You want to make it a pact? I won't let you even make goo goo eyes at any male."

"I do not make goo goo eyes!" Amanda protested.

Siren just burst out laughing. "I didn't say you did, I said I wouldn't let you." She chirped back innocently.

"Bah!" Amanda scoffed. "Since when did you learn to become a counselor? Besides, I heard enough of that from a certain half-Tellarite who shalt not be named."

"Sorry." Siren looked nothing like contrite though. "But anyway, that was it. No booze, no men. I need to find a new hobby now."

"What did you like to do before men and booze?" Amanda asked curiously, wondering if she could help Siren find something she enjoyed.

"Nothing I can do now. But, Acker and I are going to start a book club." She chuckled. "I have to get through the Iliad now." She looked at Amanda. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"The Iliad? Oh, my!" Amanda exclaimed. "That's not light reading there. And why do you say that you cannot do the things that you did prior to men and booze?"

Siren sighed. "Don't laugh, or I'll hit you." She wasn't necessarily embarrassed about her hobby, but she didn't like being teased about it. "I used to knit. I was actually pretty good. It was relaxing. It was the one thing I learned from my mother that wasn't horrid. I can't do it anymore and that sucks, but I will find something else." She stated stubbornly.

"Why would I laugh?" Amanda asked seriously. "I have met Klingons, well, a half Klingon, who liked to knit. Then again, that half Klingon had the same reaction as you. It is a good hobby. So why can't you do it anymore? Needles and yarn can be replicated."

"Fine wrist control cannot. Look, can we let it drop. I told you want you wanted to know, and I don't want to talk about knitting anymore."

"If you're having problems with your wrists, the doctor could probably help you with that," Amanda responded helpfully. If Siren was going to complain that Amanda was still talking about knitting, Amanda could simply respond that she was not, she was talking about physical health. A pleasant but smug smile crept along Amanda's face.

"She is, she's been very helpful actually. I can get my hair into a semi-decent ponytail now. I was about to get a pixie cut, so I'm very happy I didn't have to try and rock that look." She chuckled.

Amanda wrinkled her nose. "I bet it would have been more popular with the marines. But, personally, I have always felt that a woman should be more feminine. Call me old fashioned on that. But, longer hair on women is something that I personally like." She flung her hands in the air and crossed them several times. "That came out wrong! I'm not gay or bi, though there's nothing wrong with that. I just meant that I think.... Oh, God! I'm just digging deeper."

Siren just burst into giggles. "I should warn you, no men or women for 6 months." She said between giggles. "Plus I can't picture you with a strap on." She just dissolved into further giggles.

"Oh, ha ha!" Amanda replied, her face turning nearly as red as her hair. "Also, I don't recall actually agreeing to do this with you but if it makes things easier for you...." She pulled a strand of her hair and put it in her mouth, sucking on it, worriedly.

"What?!" Siren looked suddenly apprehensive. "Do what with me?"

"Swearing off men. I mean, I did suggest, perhaps, but...."

"Oh." Siren let out a breath of relief. That could have been very awkward quickly. "I wasn't serious. I wanted to do this on my own anyway. If I epic fail, at least I'll only have myself to blame."

"You're not going to fail! I have faith in you!" Amanda cheered. "Besides, you've made it a week already. The first week is the hardest. And, I'll help! I mean, we could do all sorts of things that don't involve either, right?"

"We?" Siren asked. She wasn't quite sure she liked that idea. "What kinds of things?" She asked speculatively though.

"Not RomComs, apparently, but there are other holos. And then there are plays, musicals, dancing.... Well, that might not be good for you, as I said, you kind of need a partner of the opposite sex, but hey, you could learn on the holodeck with me! Holomen don't interest you, do they?"

Siren looked disgusted. "No, of course not!" Then she paused before addressing the other options listed. "I do not want to watch a musical or dance. Shakespeare was kinda a bad ass though. I haven't seen Macbeth is a long time. What do you think?"

Squealing gleefully, Amanda concurred. "That would be wonderful!"

"Yeah? We can do it up right with popcorn and goobers and soda, and dress up. The boys will wish they could be with us, but we'll just raise our noses at them." Siren was actually a bit excited. She hadn't really done something like that....well she couldn't actually remember.

"Oooh! I like that idea! And then Yiv can see how he messed up," she said definitively. "Do you want help picking out your outfit or makeup?"

Siren was about to decline out of habit. She was a grown ass woman and knew how to dress herself. But then she actually thought about it. She knew how to dress up to get a man. She had no idea how to dress up for a 'girls night' "That might be a good idea. What does one wear to watch a murder play?"

"Well," Amanda started thoughtfully, putting a finger to her lips. "I would normally dress in something rather elegant, though a gown might be a bit too much. A fancy dress, something that you might wear to church but with a little more flair, perhaps? Some comfortable heels and definitely a wrap or sweater. Because the actors may sweat in costumes, it often can get cold in the audience."

Siren made a face at the mention of church, but she got the general idea."We'll figure something out. I'll see if I can get the holodeck for tomorrow night?" Siren asked.

"Sounds great!" Amanda replied excitedly! "I can't wait! This will be a great night out!"

Amanda's enthusiasm was infectious. Siren smiled. "So, should I come over a bit before and you can make sure I don't look like a circus clown?"

"I doubt that you would look like that," Amanda replied with a giggle, trying to imagine Siren in makeup. "Should I arrive, something like a half hour early?"

"Oh, sure." Siren had expected to meet at Amanda's, considering the reception her decorating had received. But it would be easier to get ready in her own quarters. "Tomorrow then."

"Tomorrow," Amanda readily agreed.


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