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Fair is foul, and foul is fair

Posted on Sat Feb 19th, 2022 @ 6:14am by Lieutenant Amanda Rose & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Stone

1,907 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Bandits of Black Rain

Siren had returned from her minor freak-out and talk with Amanda. She was freshly showered and changed. Her hair was curled, and she wore an ankle length a line sapphire blue dress.

Amanda made her way to Siren's quarters. She walked slowly and deliberately, making sure that she tried to convey confidence as strolled across the corridors. Not being completely comfortable with men, she dared not look to see if anyone was taking a peak at her. For the evening, Amanda had selected a cobalt, sleeveless, V-neck blue dress. The V-neck stretched equidistantly on Amanda's back and front, hinting at what lay below. The dress tapered at the waist, leading to a silver clip. From there, the fabric blossomed out with a chiffon overlay that opened asymmetrically in the front, making the dress look more elegant. It also hid Amanda's hips, thighs, and buttocks, which Amanda considered to be her less desirable portions of her body.

On her feet were cobalt blue spaghetti strapped two inched heels. As she walked down to corridor, her heels made a distinct click-clack as she moved. Around her shoulders was a laced black shawl, making her simultaneously look more demure and elegant. Her face was made up with hews of pink, but her lips were a rich red, emphasizing the fullness of them.

Upon arrival, Amanda rang the chime, wondering how Siren would look.

Siren called out "Enter!" yelling loudly as she was in the bathroom, staring at makeup as if it was a collection of insects.

Amanda walked in. Upon seeing the sapphire blue dress on Siren, Amanda called out with glee, "Look! We're practically twins!"

Siren turned to look. "Oh god, should I change?" She asked. "You look amazing." She told Amanda honestly. The counselor cleaned up very nicely.

"Change? Why would you do that? Your dress is amazing! And this is just awesome! We're like besties, like this!"

Siren looked thoroughly confused. "Besties?" Oh, it wasn't like she'd never heard the term before, just never in relation to herself. She had to admit she enjoyed Amanda's company, and 'friend' was probably very apt, but 'besties'? She shook herself out of it. "Help me." She changed the subject, indicating the makeup.

Amanda looked at Siren, a bit confused and then laughed. "Oh, that's right! You're not used to makeup, are you? Alright, what do you want to do with it? What do you think needs emphasizing or hiding?"

"I've worn makeup, but there is a difference between nice makeup to go to a play and I'm out to get laid makeup. I've only done the later." She thought about Amanda's question then. "That you don't really look like you are wearing makeup makeup, except the lips of course. No heavy countouring, or fake lashes or anything."

"Well, I had none of those things in mind. After all, as you say, we're not going for that kind of look. So, let's see what you have here...." Amanda started inspecting Siren's face. "Hm. Blonde hair.... Blue eyes.... I'd say that peach, pink, or coppers might do well for you. Maybe some brown eyeliner...."

Siren let Amanda make the decisions regarding makeup, and once done she looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't help but smile. She looked nice, if she did say so herself. "Wow. Thank You." She told Amanda. "Ready to go enjoy the bard?"

Amanda smiled over at Siren. "I'm glad you like it. You're quite an attractive woman, Siren. Heads will be turning." The counselor giggled. "I bet a fair share won't even recognize you. But yes, I'm ready. Are you?"

Siren chuckled. "Well, too bad for them. I have my lovely date." Siren teased. "I'm ready."

They made their way to the play. Siren was enraptured from the beginning. She may have been dressed for high society, but she sat with her elbows on her knees and leaned forward like a kid watching snuck Saturday morning cartoons.

Amanda spent as much time watching the play as she did Siren. At one point, she put her fingers across her face, stifling a giggle. Hoping that Siren would not catch her, she immediately directed her attention back at the stage, consciously trying not to look into her peripheral vision.

Siren looked quite put out at the intermission. It wasn't even like it was a real play and the actors needed a breather. It was a holo play. She sighed.
"Stupid intermission." She finally realized she was with company, and looked to Amanda. "Do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it!" Amanda gushed. "The company is quite good, as well." The Counselor debated telling Siren about her habit of sitting "unladylike" in her dress but for the moment let it pass. "And what's stupid about intermission? It allows people to stretch their legs, talk, get something to eat or drink, get refreshed...."

Siren just grunted. "I guess I could pee." and up she stood, wavering for a moment on the heels. She cursed the heels under her breath. "Do you want anything?" She offered politely. Amanda did have an ok point about refreshments after all.

Amanda giggled when Siren said she could pee. While Siren was uncouth, she was direct and honest. One day, Amanda was certain that she would assist the former marine in learning some social skills but tonight was not the night to discuss that. This was a fun night! The fact that Siren offered to get a refreshment was definitely a step in the correct direction. "You're going to powder your nose," Amanda responded. "I could get the refreshments if you're interested in anything."

"Ok, then I'll take a club soda." Sirens said. It wasn't a whiskey, which sounded really good, but it was something. She managed to squeeze through the aisle, and once on the path, she was more steady on her heels, and made a bee line for the bathroom.

Amanda headed to the bar and squeezed herself in for an order. She got the club soda for Siren and a Shirley Temple for herself. Siren would likely be amused by Amanda choosing a froo froo alcohol free drink, but Amanda did not care. She was having a great time. Given Siren's posture, she was, as well. At the very least, she was engaged. Amanda headed to the seats and placed the club soda on the floor, under Siren's seat, just waiting for her to arrive. You would think there would be cup holders in the seats in the 24th century, Amanda mused to herself.

Siren returned, and smiled. "Thanks." She had immediately noticed the drink. Stashing it under the seat was an ancient trick any concert or play goer knew. Siren was just an engaged, if not more so, during the 2nd half. She quoted large sections silently, only her lips moving. At the end she just sat. Letting the 'crowd' exit. "That was great. They picked a great rendition for the holo show."

"How many times have you read or watched this play?" Amanda asked amused.

Siren looked slightly embarrassed. "More than I care to admit to. If I could act at all I'd have whored myself out for a part in Much Ado about nothing or Macbeth."

Amanda laughed heartily. She could not have possibly imagined that Siren had this much interest in the arts. They had more in common than she had ever dared believe. Despite Siren's rough exterior, there was a romantic somewhere in there. "Oh, come on! You cannot tell me that you have no ability to 'play pretend.'"

"Not like that." Siren pointed at the now empty stage. She let out a soft sigh. "I wish." She smiled at Amanda. "But just getting to watch it was great. It's been a long time since I've seen it. Thank you for coming with me, you're a good friend." She said the last word a tad hesitantly, as if not completely sure about it.

Amanda was about to reassure Siren that with a little practice that she too could do what the actors did. However, she was awestruck with Siren actually called her a friend. She smiled widely and said, "You are too, Siren. I mean, you suffered through romcom holos with me when I was down. I know that's not your thing."

Siren snorted "Don't remind me. You still owe me for that by the way." She smiled though, showing she was teasing. "I feel like I still want to do something." She then commented. "What about the lounge? We can have non alcoholic froo froo drinks and theoretically discuss which of the guys in the lounge we'd kiss marry or fuck."

Worriedly, Amanda asked, "That's not going to be too much of a temptation for you?"

"Not if you're there." Siren smiled. "Unless you don't want to go to the lounge and not drink. I'd understand."

"Oh, please! I'm more concerned about you. Synthohol is standard and you have seen me drink more real alcohol than pretty much anyone." Amanda started to blush from embarrassment. "Normally, I'd just gorge on ice cream and chocolate."

"I can gorge on chocolate ice cream. That actually sounds really good. I'm not changing either. Well, except for one thing." Siren toed off her heels and just left them in the holodeck.

"Siren!" Amanda said as she retrieved the heels. "You really should not just do that!"

"Why not?" Siren asked, honestly not seeing the issue.

"Even if your shoes are not comfortable for you, you should not be leaving them for someone else to pick them up. Besides, it is more appropriate to walk to wherever in them, in this case the lounge, and then let them slide off. You're meant to be seen in them!"

"Fineeeeeeeeee" Siren drawled out, but clearly it was for show. She picked up the heels. "It's not like I'll be on the prowl anyway, but they do make my ass look good."

Amanda giggled at that. "Nothing can make my ass look good. You're lucky." Conspiratorially she whispered in Siren's ear, "Now my legs.... There, I have a chance."

Siren chuckled. She didn't make a habit of staring at women's legs, but she had noticed Amanda's previously. "I wish mine were longer, so I didn't have to wear such tall heels. You do have nice legs." She commented, while fumbling back into the heels. "I believe the lounge awaits!"

"I'm not tall, but I make do with what I have," Amanda replied with a tonal shrug. "And yes, the lounge awaits!" Amanda replied happily as she continued to carry Siren's shoes with her.

After a short ride on the turbolift, the women continued down a corridor to the lounge. There was a great deal of activity and no available tables were immediately visible. Animated conversation was heard throughout the room. Some people could be seen playing games. The stars were visible from the viewport. "Huh!" Amanda told nobody in particular. "It is fairly busy. It is good to see the crew out and about." She then turned to Siren, "Shall we see if there's somewhere available?"

Siren looked over to a table with a group of security officers and smiled. "Oh, I think we should head over there." She motioned slyly.

"OK," Amanda answered and followed, wondering why Siren was particularly interested in that area.

The night was still young(ish) who knew what the two could get up to.


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